Don't Leave Me

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Weeks had passed and Tom wasn't doing any better. He would puke often, have no appetite, have a high fever, constant mood swings, and would be extra clingy. It didn't annoy Tord, he just wanted Tom to be okay.

They were currently in the forest, Tom laying next to the lake, while Tord has his snout in the water. "I think I'm pregnant," Tom mumbled, flicking his ears. Tord coughed violently, the water dripping everywhere. "P-pregnant?!" He managed to say.

Tom shrugged, "I've been having awful stomach cramps, constant fever, mood swings, and so on. I think I'm pregnant," he whined. Tord was so startled, "u-uh...I really doubt that! you want to uh go to the medics?" He stuttered.

Tom rolled his eyes, "no, I totally don't want to check if I really am pregnant. Of course I do, stupid!" He snarled. Tord jumped, "okay okay! Don't need to get so mad," he mumbled. The Omega only raised his head up, walking towards the base. "Wait, right now?" Tord asked.

Tom huffed, glaring at Tord, "Toooord," Tom threatened. The Alpha shook his head, "right, no stupid questions," he mumbled. They quickly made their way back to the base, turning back into their human forms and walking towards the clinic.


Tom sat on the medic bed, closing his eyes tightly as his stomach cramped up again. Tord comfortably patted Tom's back, "the nurse will be back soon," he said. The Omega had done his test, -blood drawn- and now was waiting for his results with his lover. "What if I'm not pregnant? What if I'm dying?" Tom whispered, panic rising in his chest.

Tord ruffled Tom's hair, "trust me, if you were dying, the nurse would of been back by now," he chuckled. Tom only shrugged slightly, leaning against Tord. A soft knock was heard, the nurse coming in. It was Marine again. "Um...Red Leader? May I talk to you, please?" She asked, avoiding Tom's gaze.

Tord seemed confused, but nodded, "uh, sure. I'll be back," he quickly kissed Tom's head and followed Marine. She quietly shut the door and leaned against the wall, sighing. "What's wrong?" Tord asked, worried about his mate. Marine cleared her throat, "well, Luna's pregnant. But..." her voice trailed off slightly.

The Alpha raised an eyebrow, "but?" He questioned, wanting her to continue. "Well, has the Luna complained about any vision problems?" She asked. Tord nodded slightly, "a bit, but not a lot," he answered. Marine looked at the floor, sighing, "we detected a fatal cancer in his blood stream, Tord," she whispered, using his name.

Tord took a step back, "wh-what?..." he whispered. Marine quickly shot her head back up, "but, we detected it at an early stage! The thing is...we could do surgery and save Tom's life, but that could terminate the pregnancy. Or we could let Tom give birth and watch the cancer destroy him..." she looked down, "I-I'm so sorry," she whispered, tears escaping her eyes.

Marine quickly left, leaving the confused and anxious Alpha alone. Tord went back into the room, not letting Tom speak, before he wrapping his arms tightly around his mate.

"jeg er så lei meg..." (Im so sorry...)

"Jeg ødelegger alt," (I ruin everything,)

"Du kommer til å dø på grunn av meg..." (your going to die because of me...)

"jeg elsker deg så mye..." (I love you so much...)

"ikke forlat meg..." (don't leave me)

Tom was so confused, what was happening? "Tord? Tord what's wrong? Please tell me," he whimpered. Yet, his mate still kept whispering these words, hugging him tightly. Tom began shaking, he didn't like it when Tord cried.

It always meant something was wrong.


Oslo padded along the swamp, looking at the bright sun. Frogs croaked and mosquitoes swarmed around her ears, "Aztec, how much longer until we get out of this swamp?" She whined, lifting a paw up and squishing it back on the mud. 'Squelch' went the mud between her claws.

Aztec looked behind himself, "not too much farther Oslo. We're almost outta of here," he informed. She sighed, feeling a tongue run over her ear. "Don't worry, I'll clean the mud off your fur," Zackery mumbled. Oslo giggled, "thanks Berry, but I can manage," she laughed. Zackery grumbled slightly, Oslo was the only one allowed to call him Berry.

Milly sniffed a frog, smiling, "hey Jupiter. Come lick this thing," she challenged. Jupiter skipped to her, wagging her tail, "haha okay!" She laughed, sticking her tongue out. Aztec looked behind himself, widening his eyes, "JUPITER DON'T YOU DARE-" too late!

Jupiter ran her tongue across the frog, pulling her head back in disgust, "ew! Gross!" She gagged. Aztec trotted up to her, "Jupiter! I told you not to lick that thing! Now your going to feel sick and funny," he groaned. And Jupiter was already feeling the affects.

"Ughhhh....I feel like puking. Aztec? Why do you look so funny?!" She giggled, falling on her back, before groaning as the urge to vomit filled her. This was going to be a loooong walk with these pups.

A very long walk.

Like I said, sensitive chapters about cancer and loosing loved ones. I can't spoil anything, but I'm going to try my best to make the mood happy sometimes.
Also I used google translator for Norwegian part so sorry if it doesn't make sense qwq

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