Black Box & Broken Ice

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Tord opened the drawers, moving his clothes around, "where is it, where is it?!" He whispered loudly. He closed that drawer, opening the next one down and moving clothes around again. "No I can't lose it!" He growled, closing that drawer.

"Tord?" Tom was standing at the doorway, "what are you doing?" He asked. Tord quickly stood up, stuffing the clothes in as he slammed it shut, "Tom! Uh I was just uh...putting laundry away," he lied. Tom tilted his head, "but our maid hasn't done laundry yet?" He pointed out, confused. "Uh..." Tord looked at his watch, "well won't you look at the time! I have a meeting, love you!" He put on his blue overcoat and kissed Tom's cheek, quickly running down the stairs and out the mansion.

Tom slowly walked down the stairs and into the living room, confused. The maid was already there, wiping down the furniture. She was a sweet, young lady with long brown hair and green eyes, her name was Maddy. "Hello Thomas," she greeted, "any stomach pain?" She asked. Tom shook his head, "not today," he answered. His stomach had grown quite a bit, already four months had passed. In March he would do the surgery for the cancer and on May, they would remove the dead baby...

Tom shook his head quickly, he didn't want to think about that.

She picked up a decorative flower pot off a stand and wiped away the dust, setting it back down on the marble stand. "I saw Alpha leave in a hurry, whats up with him?" She asked. Tom shrugged, sitting down on the grey couch, "I dunno. He was looking for something in our room but when I walked in, he left for a meeting," he said. Maddy let out a hum as a response, walking to the kitchen.

"Thomas, are you okay with me cleaning your guys room?" She asked, getting more cleaning supplies. "Yeah that's fine!" He said, turning on the tv. Maddy walked up the stairs, making sure the carpet was neat as she walked up. It was a pleasure to clean the Alpha's and Luna's mansion since she was used to cleaning normal rooms.

Maddy entered the room, a shiny object under the black drawers caught her attention. She slowly got on her knees, pulling the object out and holding it. Maddy got back up, taking this time to study the object. It was a black box, gold outlining the sides in a beautiful way. She opened it slowly, gasping. Maddy quickly slammed the tiny box shut, putting it in her apron. 'I'll definitely give that to Red Leader later!'


Tord sighed, slamming his office door shut and sliding down in his chair. "I'm getting too old for this," he mumbled, staring at the stack of papers. Tord was 29 now, and in his mind, he was apparently old. He didn't think being leader involved so much paper work, it was annoying. Tord looked at the framed picture on his desk, a slight crack on it. It was the one Courtney had thrown, but Tord fixed it.

Speaking of Courtney, Tord had given her a piece of his mind and banished her from the Red Army. That meant she was no longer a member and if found inside the territory, she would be killed on the spot. Sweet revenge was always fun.

His chest sometimes would hurt from the scars, they still haven't healed fully. Tord was just glad Tom stopped them before they made three full ones, he probably would have passed out. After Tord fully explained himself, Paul felt terrible and apologized so many times. Of course, Tord didn't care anyways and took the apology with ease. He didn't want to start drama after all.

'Hope fully I find it soon,' he thought, grabbing his pen.


Oslo huffed, rolling her eyes, "I say we should go on the ice, it can hold our weight!" She growled. Zackery flicked her ears a bit, snorting, "it can hold your weight because you're skinny, but it can't hold the rest of ours," he pointed out. Oslo bared her teeth, "don't talk about my weight, jackass," she snarled. Aztec pushed Oslo over, "Watch your language!" He warned.

Jupiter sighed, "Oslo, please don't argue. We can just go around the lake," Jupiter whined. Zackery smirked, "yeah, listen to your girlfriend Oslo," he joked. "She's not my girlfriend!" Oslo shouted, jumping on Zackery and biting his neck. "ENOUGH!" Aztec yelled, pulling Oslo off. She huffed, fixing her fur, "I'm going on the ice, anyone joining me?" She said.

Milly avoided her gaze, Jupiter only shrugged, Zackery was snickering, and Aztec was rolling his eyes in annoyance. Oslo felt a bit hurt, but shook it off, "whatever," she growled, walking towards the lake. The broken tree that used to be over the lake that Aztec took was washed away, but ice grew over the lake from the cold. Oslo has suggested walking over the ice because walking along the lake to find stronger ice would take days.

Aztec sighed, "Oslo, get over here right now," he commanded. But Oslo kept going, setting a paw on the slippery ice. Zackery laughed slightly, "for an Omega, she sure likes to pretend she's in charge," he laughed. Milly giggled slightly, but Jupiter was too anxious to laugh. She was afraid the ice would break and Oslo would fall underneath.

Oslo began slowly walking over it, extending her claws to get a good grip. She could see under the ice a strong current, a shiver running up her spine. Oslo began walking, the lake was quite wide, so it would take her a few minutes to reach the other side. In a blink of an eye, Oslo felt her body getting pulled quickly to the ground. All she heard was someone screaming her name before water filled her nose as she helplessly cried.

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