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Beautiful title, right?

It was now 12 P.M and and pack meeting was called in the auditorium. Tom was confused, but followed everyone else. A sign in the entrance had read the following, 'please walk in as your Caine form. Thank you,' Tom was even more confused but followed the orders and walked in as his black wolf.

Since he was the Luna, Tom would have to sit in the front of the room on the stadium. Bad news was that Tord was already there, sitting on the large throne to fit a wolf his size. Another throne was next to him, able to fit Tom's fluffy butt.

The Omega growled lightly, but trotted up the marble stairs and gently sat on the throne, moving as far as he could get away from Tord. Tom looked next to himself, seeing another smaller throne. It was for Oslo, but she was gone, so it would be for the next baby. Tom took this time to study everyone, flicking his ears up to listen to a few conversations. Everyone seemed nervous and frightened, a few words like 'Straff Arr' was being passed.

'What's happening?' Tom wondered. Everyone also kept peeking their heads up at the two mates, whispering a few things. Tom rolled his eyes, looking for someone he could ask what was happening. He saw Pat, quickly barking the wolf's name, "Pat, come here please," Tom ordered.

The brown wolf quickly trotted up to Tom, "yes Luna?" He asked. "What's going on? I wasn't aware of a pack meeting today," Tom whispered, making sure Tord couldn't hear him. Pat flicked his gaze at Tord, before back at Tom, "Straff Arr," he answered plainly. The Omega raised an eyebrow, "what's that?" He asked.

Pat cleared his throat slightly, "Penalty Scars for criminals. You only get them if you do a horrible crime in the base like abuse of any sort, molest, rape, murder, cheating," he stretched out cheating. Cheating counted as a crime in the base because once you choose a mate, you keep them for life. Tom widened his purple eyes, all this because Tord "kissed" another girl? "do-do they hurt?" He asked quietly. Pat shrugged, "I'm assuming they do, you'll see how painful they look. You get three long ones on your chest that are permanent for life. Usually the Alpha gives them out to the criminal, but..." Tom quickly caught on.

"Tord's getting them, isn't he?" He whispered.

Pat nodded, " he'll be the first Alpha in years who has gotten them. I have to go now, it'll
start soon," and he quickly left to find Paul. Tom sat straight up again, fiddling with his paws nervously. He noticed that all the chairs were gone and a small clearing in the middle of the auditorium was left untouched. That's where Tord would get his scars.

Tom glanced at Tord slightly, looking at the robotic arm. His sharp, metal claws clicked against his throne quietly. A sign indicating he was nervous. Tom looked away, yawning and licking his jaw anxiously. 'Tch, why am I so nervous for him? He deserves those scars, he's a cheater,' Tom growled to himself. Yet, a feeling of guilt filled his chest.

Pat came back, Paul right behind him. He cleared his throat, "quiet! Ex-Alpha is here!" Pat barked, sitting down next to the top of the stairs. Paul walked to the front of the stage, sitting down. Paul became Alpha when Tord's father was banished for being a cruel and unfair Alpha. Paul held the position until Tord was old enough to become the next Alpha. "I'm sure all of you, or most of you, know what's going on," Paul said, flicking his tail at Tord.

A small murmured traveled through the pack, before calming down. Paul shuffled his paws, "today, a certain someone will receive Straff Arr, or Penalty Scars for short," he growled, glaring behind himself at Tord. The Alpha only kept his head down, seeming to whisper something to himself. Tom wanted to comfort him, but held his ground and continued hearing the speech.

Paul flicked his tail at four guards, "bring him to the clearing," he ordered. Tord snarled at the approaching guards, letting his good eye turn a crimson red. The guards walked him down the stairs and towards the clearing, stepping back as the Alpha gave warning signs he would attack.

Paul growled at Tord, "stop it, now," he ordered. Tord lashed his tail angrily, "I told you I wasn't cheating on Tom," he snarled. Tom had made his way to the clearing, standing a few feet away from the two. Other wolves surrounded them, murmured things to each other. Paul rolled his good eye, pushing Tord down quickly, "you know you were, now shut up before I give you five scars," he hissed.

Tord kicked and thrashed, trying to free himself, "let go of me! I told you I wasn't cheating, we did nothing! I swear!" His angry snarls soon turned into frightened whimpers. Paul flicked his ear and then tail at Pat, who quickly got ahold of Tord's snout and held it shut. Tord whimpered, trying to free his mouth. Other guards held down his hind legs and arms down, making sure the Alpha wouldn't kick and push.

Paul extending his claws, placing them on his son's chest. Tom bit his tongue, he needed to stop this, now. He closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling, 'you know what you must do Tom, so do it. It's the only way to save Tord,' a soft voice whispered in his head.

Tom gulped, he didn't want to do this, but he had to.

Haha cliffhanger
My internet finally works! Hahah I have so many chapters to upload because I was bored and couldn't watch YouTube!

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