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Another time skip to make this story going. It's May now.




The small heartbeat rang around the child's womb, the water making it a more smoothing sound. She felt so tired...everything ached her small body. "Your okay," someone whispered. The child was used to the voice, it always spoked to her when she was scared. She closed her eyes, why did everything hurt so badly? "Please don't give up. They'll get you out soon, please just stay," they whispered.

But the child couldn't, she felt her mother's body tense up again, another contraction passing. She whined softly, a dark shadow consuming her vision. "No baby, no baby please. Please stay there, you'll be out soon," the voice whispered. But it was already too late, the child felt her body relax as all the darkness took over her vision.




"Her...her heartbeat stopped. I'm so sorry Luna and Alpha," Marine whispered, wiping a tear away. She wasn't strong enough to deal with this type of pain, let alone tell the parents. Tom sat back up, holding his stomach, "n-no...but she was so close. She-she was so close," he began sobbing, not caring about the contractions his body was feeling. It was only his body's way of telling him he wanted the baby out now.

Tord hugged Tom tightly, they were so close to meeting their baby, and she had passed before they could. Tom dug his face into Tord's shoulder, for so long, he thought he would finally be able to meet their baby. They've even picked out a name for her. Amaryllis (am-er-ill-us) Dawn Lawsen. Tord tried his best to hold back his tears, but he simply couldn't, and also began crying into Tom's shoulder.

Marine grabbed a shot to put on Tom's arm for surgery, knocking on the door for other nurses to enter. Two other ones entered, noticing the grievance in the air and kept their heads down. Marine cleared her throat, gently grabbing Tom's arm, "Alpha, you have to exit the room now. I promise I'll try everything I can to get her back," she whispered, still looking down.

Tord kissed Tom's head, meeting Tom's gaze, "don't worry, I-I know they'll get her back," he comforted, slowly turning around and walking out of the room. Once he exited, he sat down and put his face in his hands, still sobbing. How could he let this happen? He knew they couldn't bring her back. 'I'm such a terrible father. I shouldn't even have kids.'

Paul and Pat walked up to Tord, they were waiting in the waiting room and felt something wrong so they came to check on the two. They sat down next to their son and hugged him, notvexpecting him to talk.


Ringo flapped her wings helplessly, looking at the small pup on the ground. Amaryllis. If she woke up, that meant she was gone for good, unable to go back into her body. Ringo looked around, tears streaming down her face. Sora came up to Ringo, panicked, "we can't do anything Ringo, I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Ringo wrapped her wing around the pup, "but, I know I can make it. I can make it to the sanctuary where she'll heal quickly. Please Sora, I can-" Sora cut Ringo off, "no Ringo. You aren't going, your wings will break and you'll dissolve into nothing. I don't want to loose you," Sora growled. Ringo looked at the pup, and back at Sora. But this pup could save the world, and Ringo needed to bring her back to life.

"I'm sorry Sora. I'm going to take her," Ringo growled, holding the pup in her mouth by the scruff. It whined quietly, before settling back down. Sora flared her wings, "Ringo no!" but Ringo already extended her wings and quickly dove forward. A timer showed on top of the pup. Two minutes before she'll wake up, and then she couldn't be brought back. It takes three minutes to at least get there, so Ringo would have to go full speed.

She flapped her wings against the wind, shielding the pup with her paws. She was so tiny...itty bitty. Yet held so much power. Ringo dove under a cloud, diving towards the ground and back up, riding with the current to get to the sanctuary faster. 'I can't let this pup die. Please stay with me,' she whispered in her head, feeling her tears dry up. A minute had passed, one more minute to get there.

Ringo flapped harder, seeing the sanctuary in her view. Only a few more wingbeats...

Something crashed into her, making Ringo almost drop the pup. She looked at her attacker, 'Sora?!' She hissed in her head. "Get off!" Ringo hissed through the pup's fur, rolling onto her back to lower her speed. Sora bit down on Ringo's wing, "Let the pup go! I can't loose you!" she wailed against the wind.

Ringo winced from the pain, but looked at the pup, the timer ticking faster. 30 more seconds. "Sora let me go!" She screamed, thrashing around. But the wolf still wouldn't let go. Ringo inhaled sharply, "This is MY destiny!" She shouted, throwing her back legs against Sora's stomach and forcing her off. She rolled back onto the current, the sanctuary was so close! She flapped harder, looking at the timer. 20.

Ringo was so close to entering the atmosphere where her wings would start breaking and her body would dissolve. 15 seconds. Sora flapped next to Ringo. The cat widened her eyes, watching Sora fly closer. She looked back at the timer. 10. "Sora! No please!" Ringo wailed, closing her eyes. She wouldn't make it.

She was so close...

Ringo felt something push her, opening her eyes slowly. Sora was on the outside of the atmosphere, flapping helplessly as tears streamed down her snout. She had pushed Ringo in. Because it was Ringo's destiny...

Tears began streaming down Ringo's face as pain traveled up her body. She felt her feathers tear off her body.


She flapped harder, seeing the wooden structure with flowers around it in her view.


The pup began squirming, fluttering her eyes. 'I-I won't make it..'


Ringo rolled over, unable to fly anymore. She looked up, seeing her feathers fly upwards from the strong wind.


She held the pup close to her, falling down on her back and towards the structure.


Ringo crashed through the wood, slamming into the rocks at the bottom of the building, hissing in pain.


She dropped the pup down to the ground softly, watching Amaryllis flutter her silver eyes open.


Ringo smiled weakly, she made it. She saved her. Amaryllis looked at Ringo, before giving her a toothless smile. The pup laid back down, closing her eyes as butterfly's stuck to the pup's fur, covering her completely. They flew away, one by one, leaving nothing where they were just standing.

Ringo sighed shakily, everything ached terribly. Blood pooled out of her body, probably from the impact and her torn wings. 'I did it though. I saved her,' Ringo slowly rolled onto her back, lifting a paw up to look at it. It began dissolving, leaving nothing in its trace. 'What's going to happen to me? Where will I go now?' The questions didn't last long though as everything turned black.


If this was sad, then I'm sorry. I'll write some Beverley and Lucas stuff next chapter to cheer some people up uwu

Let me explain this chapter more, okay? So the baby isn't in the garden of healing because she was suppose to die, but Ringo risked her life to take her to the sanctuary where she would live but she has limited time to get there. The reason why Ringo dissolved is because she's giving her life to the pup, so she can live. That's why Sora didn't want her to do it, because she loved Ringo like a daughter. Clear it up a bit? Okay good if you need more explaining just ask.

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