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Tom leaned against Tord, Oslo in his lap. They were in the forest, but this time in their human forms. Tord was against a tree, an arm wrapped around his mate, as Tom leaned against him. Oslo got off of Tom's lap, reaching out for a flower.

Oslo was a beautiful girl. She had long hair, the same color as Tord's, with two pointy horns. Her eyes were a mixture of silver and black, both of those two colors made a beautiful pattern in her eye. She had rosy cheeks and shared more features with Tom than Tord. Oslo was said to be an Omega, so that was something to look forward too when she's a teen. Poor Oslo, got to go through heats...

She picked up the yellow flower, "mommy," she said, her voice soft. Oslo had a similar accent to Tord, no one knew how she developed it. "Yes Oslo?" He answered. "This is for you," a small purr rumbled in the back of her throat. Tom took the flower, smiling, "why, thank you. It's so pretty, just like you," he laughed. Oslo smiled, her tooth gap showing.

She went to her dad, sitting down next to him. She picked at the grass, "daddy, can we go play in the lake?" She asked, giving her dad puppy eyes. Tord shrugged, "sure, I don't see why not," he smiled.


Tord pawed they water gently, making sure it wasn't too cold. He lifted his paw back up, dripping water. Tom came next to his mate, flicking his black tail, "is it cold?" He asked. Tord nodded his head, "its freezing-" but was cut off as Tom jumped on him, pushing the Alpha into the freezing water.

Tord gasped, getting up. His fur was drenched. Oslo began laughing hard, her black paws scratching the air. She was all brown but with a black underbelly, chest, and paws and two purple horns like Tom. Tom laughed too, watching as his mate got out of the water, growling slightly to himself.

Tom trotted up to Tord, laughing, "look at you! Ahaha!" He laughed. Tord rolled his eyes, shaking his fur as hard as he could. Tom gasp, trying to get back, but he was drenched! Tord started laughing, "look at you now! Haha!" He laughed. Oslo came up to her parents, giggling along.

Tom shook his fur, but he didn't have as much water droplets. Oslo only got a small sprinkle of water, which she very much enjoyed. Oslo walked up to the lake, dipping her paw in it. She jumped back, a shiver traveled up her spike, "cold!" She yelped. Tord walked next to her, licking her brown head, "sorry Princess, we can't swim today," he said. Oslo lowered her ears, "awww okay," she whimpered.

Tom came up to her, "why don't we practice hunting today?" He suggested. Tord nodded, "yeah, that'll be a good idea," Tord agreed. Oslo wagged her tail, "mmm okay!" She barked. She began zigzagging through the trees, yipping loudly. Tom and Tord jogged after her, watching their daughter trip over a rock before getting back up.


Tom sat down, grabbing the stick again. "Okay, let's try this again," he sighed. "Oslo, pretend this stick is a squirrel, okay?" He said. Oslo stood up, tilting her head, "but it isn't?" She questioned. Tom rolled his eyes, "just pretend it is," he murmured. Oslo nodded, lowering her ears as she crouched down, wagging her tail.

Tord came up behind her, holding her tail down, "you'll blow the leaves and scare the pret away if you swing your tail like that," he chuckled. Oslo nodded, making her tail stiff. She watched as her mother moved the stick gently, watching Oslo's moves. Slowly, she stuck out a paw, bearing her teeth slightly to be ready to sink her teeth into the "squirrel".

As fast as she could, she pounced, aiming right for the stick. But as fast as she moved, Tom moved the stick twice as fast. Oslo fell with a 'thud' on the hard ground, landing on her stomach and chin. She whimpered slightly, sitting up and shaking her head, "that's not fair!" She whined softly.

Tord licked her head, "hunting is very difficult. How about you watch me and your mother hunt?" He suggested. Oslo perked up, smiling, "okay!" She barked. Tom nodded, flicking his black ears up, "you must be quiet," he hissed silently. Oslo nodded eagerly, wagging her tail.

Tord began trotting over to the denser part of the forest, his mate and daughter following after him.


Oslo sat on a rock, as flat as she could be. She watched her dad keep an eye on a squirrel, her mother on the opposite way in case it ran away.

Slowly, Tord set a paw out, his stomach low to the ground. Tom perked his ears up, watching Tord. Quickly, Tord pounced. The squirrel began chirping loudly, making its way up a tree. Tom pounced out, but was stopped as Tord bumped into him. The Alpha fell on top of the the Omega, his paws on either side of Tom's head as Tom's back leg was right on Tord's crotch.

Tom tried getting up, but he ended up kicking Tord in an area where an Alpha would not like getting kicked. He jumped back, cussing loudly as his lower area began burning. Tom burst out laughing, watching Tord jump around in pain. "HAHA! Are you okay!?" Tom managed to laugh out. Tord let out a snarl, "FUCK NO!" He shouted.

Oslo stood next to her mommy, "mom? What does 'fuck' mean?" She asked, tilting her head. Tord instantly clamped his mouth shut, turning red underneath his pelt. Tom dropped his jaw, they had completely forgotten Oslo was there. Tom cleared his throat, fiddling with his paws, "it's a bad word and Mariel will come for you if you say it again!" He tried to scowl but laughter began bursting through him again.

Oslo jumped up, "oh! Oh! Oh! Tell me the story of the Linthen fight!" She pleaded. Tord nodded, glad to be off the conversation of his crotch, "well, alrighty," he chuckled.

"So there I was, your mother being held down by strings...." Tord continued, walking next to his mate and daughter.

Sorry it took a while! I was busy and I wasn't sure how to start the first chapter off.

Her Revenge {TordTom}Where stories live. Discover now