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Oslo wandering the dark forest, a shiver running up her spine. She wanted to go with her parents, but Edd told her to stay out of their room until tomorrow. She could wait. Maybe.

Haha sike, Oslo escaped the base through a small hole she dug more and came out to the forest. Edd and Matt were busy anyways with training since 7 and won't be done til 9. It was dark already, giving Oslo goosebumps.

She yawned, her white teeth glistening. Crickets were chirping as flies landed on her ears. Oslo flicked a black-tipped ear, her mixed eyes scanning her surroundings. Small hooves we're heard, Oslo jumped. She looked behind a bush, a deer was nibbling on some leaves. It's horns had four points, which meant it was four years old.

Oslo wagged slightly, walking towards the creature, "hi!" She barked happily. The deer jumped, getting ready to run, until he saw the pup. She clearly couldn't take down a deer his size. He snorted slightly, going back to eating the leaves. Oslo shrugged, walking away again.

She continued on the path, tiredness taking control of her. Oslo shook her head again, drool slipping out of her mouth. She was so tired! Oslo walked to the lake, sitting down as she wrapped her tail around her paws. She stared at the water, closing her eyes. As she leaned forward, she jolted awake, scurrying away from the water. "I need to get hoooome," she whined.

Oslo began walking back towards the base, tripping. "Where is home again?" She mumbled out loud, trembling as the cold slipped under her fur. "This way, right?" She questioned herself out loud, taking a left. "No, no I didn't go past that rock. Wait, did I?" She murmured again. She was lost. 'No no no, I can do this!' Oslo encouraged herself.

She went back towards the direction of the lake. The thing was, she was completely lost in the dense forest. A small whimper escaped her lips as she huddled under a rock, curling into a tight ball. She closed her eyes tightly, trembling and shaking in fear. Tiredness was replaced by frustration and anxiety.

"Oslo?!" Someone yelled. Oslo lifted her head up, faintly hearing her name. 'It's just my imagination,' she snarled in her head, closing her eyes. "Oslo!!" It called again. She raised her head, flicking her ears up. Oslo crawled out of the rock as she heard the voice get closer, now hearing two pair of paws. "Mama?" She cried out, trembling.

Tom crashed through the bushes, panting heavily. "Oslo!" He whimpered, wrapping his black tail around her small body. She sighed, snuggling close to her mother's chest fur. Tord pushed the rest of the bushes away, standing next to his mate and daughter. "I thought I lost you..." the Omega whispered, licking Oslo's head.

Tord snarled loudly, pulling his lip back to expose his sharp teeth, "What were you thinking?! Running out of the base this time of night? The whole base was in chaos looking for you! How stupid can you be?!" He snarled, his good eye glistened a dark shade of red.

Oslo whimpered, hiding under Tom. Her dad never yelled at her like this, what did she exactly do that triggered him so badly? What hurt more was the word stupid. Tom tensed up, snarling at his mate as his body was lowered to the ground to hide Oslo, "Tord!" He growled.

Tord glared at Tom, "What?" He hissed between clenched teeth. Tom only gulped, his Omega instincts kicking in. Oslo whimpered behind Tom, trembling in fear. Tord snarled again before walking away, dragging his tail. Tom slowly got up, licking Oslo gently, "shh don't worry, okay?" He whispered. Oslo whined softly, nodding.

Tom led Oslo to a different route through the forest to avoid Tord. Anger boiled through him, 'what gave him the right to talk like that to her?! She's still a pup, she doesn't even know better!' Tom snarled in his head. 'Maybe he just doesn't want to loose her like he lost his mother. Still doesn't give him the right to call her idiot!' Tom kept arguing in his head until they arrived at the base. 'Hmph! Even after the, well what I thought was good, sex!'


Tom and Oslo stayed in the forest for a bit, just so they wouldn't have to see Tord. He laid down, resting his head on his paws, expecting Oslo to be running around. She just stayed next to Tom, quietly fiddling with her claws. Guilt filled Tom, he brought Oslo closer with his tail until she was pressed firmly against his stomach. He began singing softly, his voice soothing his daughter.

Oslo closed her eyes, a child her age should never be introduced to such word. Tom finished his song, closing it up with a small hum. "Your father loves you, you know that right?" He whispered, licking her neck fur. Oslo nodded, not talking. "He lost his mother, Oslo," he sighed. Oslo perked her ears up, still keeping her head on her paws. "He was just scared that you would be gone forever, darling. Sometimes when people are sad, angry words escape their mouths," Tom whispered.

Oslo licked her jaw, "I didn't mean to make him mad, mommy. I was just bored, mom. You understand, right?" She whined softly. Tom smiled softly, "my baby," he chuckled, touching her nose with his own, "of course I do." He whispered. Oslo smiled, wagging her tail.

"But I think we should get some revenge, huh?" Tom purred. Oslo tilted her head, "like how?" She asked. Tom shrugged, "well for me, I can ignore him for talking such a way to me. And for you, just stay next to me and only me. He'll soon learn how his words can affect the ones around him," Tom chuckled slightly. Oslo wagged her tail harder, "I can do that!" She barked.

Slow updates ahaaa :)))
Sorry it was bad

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