(I Couldn't Think of A Title)

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Tom jumped on Tord, biting his mates neck as he pushed him to the ground. Tord laughed, rolling over as Tom fell to the ground. The Alpha quickly got on the Omega and kept him pinned, counting to five. "Haha! I won again!" He barked, flicking his tail.

Tom groaned, getting off the ground, "not fair! Your stronger than me! You have muscles, all I have is fluff," he grumbled. Tord licked Tom's ear, "but I like your fluff, it makes you look thick~" he purred. Tom rolled his eyes, "very funny," he growled.

The two mates had gotten over Oslo's death quickly, knowing she would have loved them to thrive instead of grief over her. They had made a grave for her, even though they never found her body. (Huh I wonder why). They talked their problems through and we're back to how it used to be, Tom being the sweet mate, and Tord being the little horny fuck he always was-

Tom still didn't have a Heat yet, mostly because his body was still trying to get back on his regular schedule. Tord on the other hand, already had his Ruts, but Tom liked it when he suffered so he never helped Tord.

It was now September, two months had passed since the meeting with Aztec. If Oslo was "alive", she would have been nine.

Tom laid by the lake, yawning. He closed his eyes, taking in all the scents. Small bugs buzzed around his ears, making Tom constantly having to flick his ears.

A rush of warmth traveled up his spine. At first, Tom thought Tord had laid on him, but when he looked up, Tord wasn't on him. He shrugged it off, closing his eyes again. Another rush of warmth rushed up his spine, this time stronger, making him bite his tongue to hold back a pleasurable sound. A feeling of heat traveled up his body as he began panting heavily, thoughts of Tord raced through his mind.

Tom remembered the feeling. He was on heat. 'Oh no...oh no no no,' Tom moaned in his head. After years, his cycle finally came. The heated Omega looked up, Tord had left to hunt, leaving him alone. The thoughts of Tord rushed through Tom's mind, he finally let the small moans escape his mouth.

Tom sighed, buckling his hips slightly to position himself better up. That sent a wave of pleasure instantly up his spine, giving him goosebumps as he moaned loudly. Tom instantly clamped his mouth shut, embarrassed.

He dropped his hips again, realizing that the other position clearly wouldn't work and cause him to moan. When he dropped his hips, another sweet moan escaped his mouth, louder than the other one. Tom was panting heavily, drooling all over the ground. 'This is so embarrassing! I can't even move without moaning to the whole forest!'

Tom noticed the new position he was in. He was more in the cat stretch, his hips up in the air as his upper half was on the ground. 'Oh no! Don't do it Tom don't do it!' Too late, Tom couldn't hold in another moan as little fantasies of Tord doing "you know what" took over his mind. "F-fuck," Tom growled, a bit of a moan in there also.

"Well well well~" a Norwegian accent laughed. Tom blushed furiously, quickly lying down, another soft moan escaping. "T-Tord! I can explain!" Tom stuttered quickly. Tord chuckled, "I see you we're putting on a show. A good one in fact~" he purred. Tom hid his face in embarrassment, in his paws, mumbling.

Tord trotted up to Tom, licking the Omega'a head, "don't worry Tom. Unlike you, I won't let you suffer," he chuckled. The heated Omega only whined softly, "just d-don't go s-so hard..." he whimpered. Tord lifted Tom up with his snout, "we'll see love, we'll see," he purred.


"OSLO MOVE!" Zackery snarled, pushing her aside. Oslo fell to the ground, scraping her paws. "Wait! Berry!" She yelled, getting up quickly. Zackery was pushed to the ground, the other wolf unlocking his jaws to the full length. Luckily, Milly was quick as she pushed the werewolf off.

So what were the pups exactly doing? Well, instead of waiting for the pups to be 12, (Zackery only being eleven, Milly ten, Jupiter and Oslo being nine) the Linthens had decided that the pups were strong enough to fight. They were currently fighting a werewolf that was larger than the pups but wasn't an adult yet.

Milly bit the front claws, holding it, as Zackery came over and held it's snout shut, cutting off its airway. "Jupiter! Hold it's neck!" Zackery ordered through his mouthful. Jupiter jumped, "wh-What?..." she whined. She didn't want to kill it! Oslo jumped over Jupiter, holding the wolf's front claws to prevent it from scratching, "now Jupiter!" She hissed.

Jupiter gulped, placing her teeth over its neck and closing her eyes, biting as hard as she could. Slowly, the creature stopped thrashing, dying off rather quickly. Oslo thought it was because it was so skinny and had no energy for the four pups. Jupiter instantly let go, trembling. She just killed a wolf. She killed someone. "Oh no," she whispered.

Oslo touched noses with Jupiter, "don't worry Jupiter. It wasn't your fault, we needed to live," she comforted. "Yeah," Milly whispered. Zackery licked the blood off Jupiter's chin, "next time I'll do it for you," he murmured. But Jupiter couldn't shake off the feeling of killing someone.

And the feeling that she knew she would have to do it again.

should I make a smut chapter?
I'll take your opinion. Now run along children, your next chapter of TordTom is in the oven. It'll be ready soon. UwU

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