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Tom shook violently, "wh-what so you want from me?!" He whispered loudly, anxiety building up. Aztec snorted, "listen, I have important information-" quickly, Tom rolled over and stood up, baring his teeth. Aztec tilted his head, "I don't want to fight, Thomas. Let's just talk," he said in a low voice.

Tom snarled, bringing his body to the ground, "get away from me!" He hissed, lashing his tail. Aztec took a step back, "okay okay. Please listen to me," he growled.

Tom nodded slowly, before darting away, crashing through the forest. Aztec sighed, "I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice," Aztec growled. He chased after Tom, keeping a steady pace behind the black wolf.

The Omega whined loudly, feeling his body being slammed against the ground again. He kicked and nipped, trying to get Aztec off. "Stay still or I'll make you pass out!" Aztec hissed. Tom didn't listen of course, and began yelling for help, "help! Someone help!" He screamed.

Aztec leaned forward, "EEK HELP!" Tom squeaked, trembling in fear. Aztec held Tom's neck in his jaw, biting down to cut off his oxygen. The wolf whimpered and cried in pain, kicking and scratching as Aztec shook him to make Tom stop breathing for a bit. Stars lathered Tom's vision as he slowly closed his eyes, unable to breath anymore.

Suddenly, he gasped, able to breath again. He was dropped to the ground, gasping and panting heavily. He heard Aztec growl loudly, seeing the wolf stumble back and shake his head. Blood oozed out of a wound on his nose. At first, Tom thought he had managed to scratch him, but then a figure stood in front of Tom, snarling and growling.

Tom regained his vision again, able to identity what was going on. 'Tord?...' he whispered in his head, seeing a brown figure stand defensively in front of him. Tord ran forward again, grabbing Aztec's throat, and forcing him to the ground. It hit Tom like a train, Tord did care. He still loved Tom, but everyone suffers in their own way. An aching feeling hit Tom's heart, Tord was scared to see Oslo dead, that's why he gave up.

Aztec kicked Tord hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of the Alpha. Tord gasped, letting go as he coughed furiously to gain his breath back. Aztec took this time and brought Tord to the ground, knocking the breath out of him again. Tord went limp, tricking Aztec he gave up. Aztec loosening his grip, but Tord slipped away.

Quickly, he pushed Aztec back down, placing his claw right over the nerve on the giant wolves neck. Aztec stayed still, being pinned to the ground. If he moved, Tord would kill him on the spot. " me..." Aztec panted, glaring at Tord. Tord only drew his lip back and snarled again, adding pressure to the nerve. Aztec whimpered slightly, "please! I-I know where Oslo is!" He blurted out.

Tord stiffened, sheathing his claws again. Voices filled his head, all he could hear was a buzzing and Oslo's laugh as his vision blurred again. 'Oslo's dead, Oslo's dead, Oslo's dead,' the words traveled quickly in his mind. He refused to believe she's alive, 'they want you to suffer, they want you to see her dead body. They don't care, Oslo's dead and you know it,' Tord unsheathed his claws again, adding pressure again.

Aztec gasped, but Tom was quick and pushed Tord off of Aztec, "Oslo's alive!?" Tom shouted. Aztec nodded, getting up, "she hasn't given up," he mumbled. Tom was wagging so hard and fast, "my baby is alive! Tord, can you believe-" but Tord was looking at his paws, digging his claws into the dirt. Tom looked at Aztec, "I'll be back," he whispered.

Tom wrapped his tail around Tord's shoulder, leading him away and onto the path. Tom cleared his throat, "about what I said earlier...I didn't mean it. You know, I was just a bit... worried," Tom murmured. Tord snorted, "you believe him, don't you?" He growled. Tom jumped, not expecting a respond, but he didn't question it. "W-well, this is the only evidence we have that she's alive Tord. What if she really is out there?" He pointed out.

Tord rolled his eye, "he only said that because I was about to kill him," he growled. Tom blinked a few times, "but...but what if he's telling the truth?" Tom wailed. "Then believe him. After all, I apparently make everything about myself, don't I?" He snarled, "but don't blame me if he kills you. At least I tried," Tord whispered the last part, pain seared his eye.

Tom opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. 'Tord is right...he wouldn't have attacked me if he just wanted to tell me Oslo was alive. No matter how hard I try, Oslo will always be dead...' Tom began shaking, tears falling out his eyes. "I-I just th-thought he was honest. I-I just want Oslo b-back," he whimpered.

Tord softened his gaze, before shaking his head, "she's dead. Either go follow him or actually be the mate I thought you were," he mumbled, walking away. Tom watched after Tord, and back at the direction where Aztec was. He stood up, struggling which way to go.





He followed after Tord, crying as the urge to follow Aztec was strong, but he knew Tord was right.

Alpha's are always right.


Aztec sighed, hearing everything. 'I'm sorry Oslo. I tried but they gave up. I'm so sorry,' he began walking away, having to take another year to go back to the Linthen's and tell Oslo everything.

Ack I have headache help
I should also mention that Aztec and Tord are the same height, Aztec just has 100% wolf blood running through him and Tord has 50% so Aztec is a bit stronger

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