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Tom blinked a few times. Something was covering his eyes, preventing him from seeing. His vision was black and extremely blurry. All he could hear was the faint sound of a heart monitor. Tom put his hand on his stomach, sighing, until a feeling of realization hit him.

'My no no.'

He had gotten his surgery today, he killed his own baby today. He heard the heart monitor increase, beeping faster and faster. How badly Tom wanted his dogs right now to comfort him. Tord had let him get a dog, but Tom fell in love with two of them. A Great Dane and a Pomeranian.

Both dogs had turned into therapy dogs for Tom, at first for just detecting when he would have pain from his cancer, but now both dogs were there for his mental therapy. The Great Dane was grey, darker spots of grey scattered around his thin fur. He had brown eyes and two halfway bent ears. The Pomeranian was a light Carmel color with a lighter shade on her chest. She also had brown, almost black, eyes and really fluffy fur. Lucas was the name of the Dane, after Tord's middle name, and Beverly of the Pomeranian.

Tom sat up, hearing the heart monitor increase, 'I can't see! Why can't I see? No no no!' He set a hand on his face, feeling something wrapped around his eyes. 'And my baby! No! Why did I do the stupid surgery?!' Anxiety held his chest, making it difficult to breath. Everything sounded fuzzy and his head hurt terribly.

Beep beep

Beep beep

Beep beep

A knock startled him, slowly easing his heart beat slightly. He still sat up, but he couldn't see, so he just put his hand on his face to fiddle slightly with whatever was covering his face. "Thomas Thompson? You awake?" A lady asked. Tom looked towards the direction of the voice, deciding to flick out his two black ears to at least use his hearing.

She shut the door and walked to him, "lay back down, okay? Your shaking since your so weak," she laughed slightly. Tom didn't even realize his shaking, but hesitantly laid down. "There you go. It's been a few hours since we injected the drugs into your stream. I'm going to test her heartbeat, okay?" She said softly, holding Tom's hand to stop his shaking. "I-I don't want to hear it," he whispered, his chest closing again.

The nurse ran her fingers through his hair gently, "remember Luna, it's a possibly the baby is alive. She's a strong girl, I know it," she comforted. Before the surgery, the mates were able to see the baby's gender, and she was in fact a girl. Tom felt his shirt get lifted up, and cold gel spread against his sort of big stomach. "You ready?" She asked, holding the ultrasound thing. Tom couldn't see, but he nodded hesitantly, holding her hand tighter.


She was...alive? The nurse quickly took it off, breathing quite quickly, "she's alive still, but her heartbeat is slow," she whispered. Tom felt something wet soak the bandages and trail down his cheeks, he was crying. The nurse reassuringly squeezed Tom's hand and let go, "don't worry Luna, it'll all be okay. She'll have a painless death," she whispered softly, her voice cracking.

Tom sat up, bringing his knees up and hugging himself, "I killed her. I'm such a terrible mother," he sobbed quietly, clenching his the blue shirt he was wearing with black shorts. The nurse patted Tom's head, "no you aren't, honey. You did the right thing, we need you here," she comforted. Tom only cried harder, feeling an panic attack run over him. If only his therapy dogs were here. The nurse wiped his tears away with her palm, "I'll bring Tord in, alright? He has the dogs," she said, quickly walking out.

Tom was left with his thoughts, calming down a bit. 'It should've been me who died, not her. I deserve to die, not her,' he thought, digging his nails into his skin. He heard the door open, but he didn't even bother flicking his ear as a greeting. "Arf arf!" Beverly yapped, clawing the medical bed. Lucas panted happily next to Tom, licking the Omega's face. Lucas was huge already, up to Tom's waist, so he could reach anywhere.

Tom kept his face in his knees, his hands on his stomach. Beverly whined softly, wanting to be next to her mama. Tom felt a hand on his shoulder, "how you feeling?" Tord asked. The Omega shrugged his mate's hand off, "she's dying. Her heart is so slow..." he whispered, shaking again. Tord hugged Tom, kissing his head, "don't cry Tom, she's okay. She'll be okay, you know that. Ringo and my mom will care for her, you know that. She's okay," he whispered next to his mates ear, lifting Beverly up to lay in Tom's lap.

Beverly licked her momma's cheek, wagging her tail. She laid down on Tom's lap, putting her paws on his chest and licking his face. Lucas wagged his tail, resting his head on Tom's shoulder once Tord stopped hugging him. "It's still my fault. She's going to die because of me," he sobbed, grabbing Beverly and crying into her fur. She grumbled lightly since she did just finish cleaning her fur, but sighed softly and licked Tom's tears.

Tord held Tom's hand, "please stop crying, love. Maybe she won't, maybe she just has a slow heartbeat right now. Please calm down, I promise everything will be alright," Tord whined slightly, worried for his mate. Lucas perked his ears up and set one paw on Tom's leg, warning him of another Anxiety Attack. Beverly pawed Tom's chest when he tried bringing his knees back up, making him sit straight to control his breathing. Tom only kept crying harder, hugging little Beverly, "I-I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't be allowed to have kids. It's all my fault, why did I do the stupid surgery? Why did I agree?" he whispered, letting Lucas lick his face as he breathed quickly.

Tord wrapped his arms around Tom again, sitting on the bed and bringing his mate to his laps, careful not to pull any needles out of the Omega's arms. "Let's so some exercises to distract your mind, okay?" Tord whispered, holding Tom's hand. The Omega nodded slightly, still holding Beverly and letting Lucas lick him. Tord began squeezing Tom's hand, the Omega remember the exercise. He would have to squeeze Tord's hand back and fourth. Tom squeezed it slowly back, waiting for Tord to squeeze his hand back.

'She'll leave you just like Oslo, all because of how selfish you are. She's dying in your stomach, and you're over here crying as her heart goes down. All because of how selfish you are. Soon enough, Tord will leave you for being such a terrible mother. It will happen.'

Tord squeezed Tom's hand.

'What if? Think about those questions. You have to think about those what if questions. What if she's waiting for you to save her? What if...'


God, I'll finish tomorrow. All my friends hate each other and are making me the center of all of it, spilling all their problems on me and if I tell them to stop, they say "oh fine I'll let it eat me away, sorry for wasting your time 😭" and it hurts so much and I'm forced to consume all of it.

I'm so sick of it.

Check my latest Instagram post, it's important.


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