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Tom sat outside near the lake, watching the fish shimmer. The days had passed, and Oslo was still missing. Everyone had assumed the worst and that Oslo was dead.

The days were hard to get pass. Tom couldn't breath without knowing Oslo couldn't take in a breath anymore. He couldn't take a step without knowing Oslo couldn't walk anymore. He couldn't eat without knowing Oslo couldn't eat anymore.

He didn't have the energy to look at Tord anymore without being reminded of Oslo's eyes. Oslo's hair. Her small freckles.

Just...everything hurt.

Tom hugged himself tightly, he missed his baby so so so much. What hurt the most was that it was Oslo's birthday today. June 5th. And she wasn't there to celebrate her birthday.

Tom sighed, hearing paw steps approach. Tord stepped over a bush and flicked his brown ears, looking at Tom. Deep down, Tord was struggling so much. When his mother died, he had experienced the worst grievance he thought he would ever experience. But now that Oslo was gone, it was worse. Way way way worse.

He wouldn't speak. A solider would call his name, he wouldn't answer. His dads would ask him if he was okay, he wouldn't answer. He was secretly starving himself, punishing himself for not taking care of Oslo. If he did something stupid, he would hurt himself. He would do things his body couldn't handle, like running in the forest until his paws bled and he couldn't breath anymore. He would dig holes until his claws screamed in pain and tears would fill his eyes. He would swim in the freezing cold water until his fur was frozen.

All because Oslo was gone, and they would never see her again.

Tom avoided Tord's gaze, staring at his shoes. He heard Tord slowly walk away, his tail dragging. Tom sighed, he missed how him and Tord loved each other deeply. How Tord would cuddle and kiss Tom endlessly. How Tord would give Tom's gifts and be there. And now, it was all gone.

The tears slowly began falling. One by one and onto the ground. 'I can't do anything right. I failed at being the mother I was suppose to be. Maybe I should just die,' he whimpered in his head. Tom turned into his wolf, collapsing next to the lake. He began sobbing, shaking and trembling. He closed his purple eyes, his horns glowing weakly in the dawn.

Slowly, something wrapped around his shivering body. Tom didn't bother looking up as it began licking his head. He just cried more, pushing his body against the figure. Tom's sobs slowly quieted down into small whimpers and sniffs. The Omega looked up, noticing Tord had laid next to Tom as he cried.

Tord kept looking forward, flicking his ears occasionally. Tom sighed, a few tears escaping his eyes again. He pushed his head against Tord's fluffy chest, "I-I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," Tom whispered. Tord stiffened up, shifting his paws. Still quiet.

Tom whined softly, "I'm a failure," he whimpered. Tord still stayed quiet, flexing his claws. "I feel like she's out there, waiting for us. But I know that isn't true, right?" Tom said, knowing Tord wouldn't respond. "I lost everything I loved," Tom whispered, pretty much talking to himself.

Tord exhaled softly, 'I'm sorry Tom, please I'm trying, but I can't deal with this pain,' he wished to say. Tom got up slowly, "I'll be leaving now. I know I'm just wasting your time," he sighed. 'Please stay. I'm sorry Tom. I do love you, I miss you so much, just stay here...' But Tom was already gone.


"LET GO OFF ME!" Cried Oslo, kicking her back legs. "Stay still mutt!" The scientist yelled, grabbing her snout and holding it shut. Oslo cried harder, feeling the needles stick into her body and a metal thing wrap around her neck. The scientist couldn't hear or understand how much pain Oslo was in.

"MMMMMMPH!" She screamed, but all the scientist could hear was innocent pup whimpers. "Almost done," he sighed, taking the needles out. Oslo collapsed, her small body trembling in excruciating pain.

All werewolf pups were tested and had to have on collars to prevent them from turning into their human forms. Why such painful tests? No one knew why. Only Zackery and Oslo got these test since they were the only werewolf pups. Both having to wear horrible collars to prevent them from turning into humans and escaping. They beeped all night and rubbed their fur off their neck slowly.

Everything was blurry as Oslo felt herself being lifted up again. Her body trembling in pain. pain. In a few minutes, she was back at the cells. The scientist forcefully threw her in, not caring at all. They had moved Oslo with the other pups to save room. It was the only good thing the men had done.

Aztec lifted his head up, sighing as he saw the pup tremble in her cage. 'I wish I could have saved you,' he rested his head back down on his paws. He was suppose to guard the pups from escaping, but he was still chained down so he didn't have a chance at helping them escape either.

Jupiter slowly came up to Oslo, Milly and Zackery following. "Oh you poor poor thing," Milly whimpered, licking Oslo's head. She shivered, curling into a ball, as Milly licked her head. Jupiter sighed, she was loosing her friends one by one. Oslo looked up, "h-how's S-Snare?" She stuttered, shaking in pain.

Jupiter shrugged, looking over at the corner of the cage. Snare had gotten sick. Terribly sick. Normal wolf pups were also tested, but with human sicknesses to see if they have a similar inmune system like werewolves. Jupiter and a Milly survived the new virus they got, but Snare was doing terrible. He coughed again, violently, before letting out a shaky sigh.

Aztec flicked his ears down, 'please don't give up. I know your parents will come. Just hang in there.'

Why do I feel like my chapters suck? Do they? Maybe because I'm sick and my brain ain't working right.

Her Revenge {TordTom}Where stories live. Discover now