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Angelica lifted Oslo up, "Zackery, Oslo, come with me quickly. Aztec, take care of those two, okay?" She whispered, holding Oslo and grabbing Zackery's collar. Angelica exited the cells and walked towards the bathrooms, holding a bag.

She opened the bathroom and put Oslo in a stall, Zackery in another. Angelica kneeled down and quickly unlocked the metal collar on Zackery's neck, earning a pleasurable mumble from the male pup after freeing his raw neck. She did the same with Oslo, "okay, both of you change quickly. You remember how to turn into humans, right?" She whispered.

Both pups nodded, Angelica shutting the stall. She waited a few minutes, before hearing the stall unlock. Angelica gasped, looking at the two kids. Zackery came out first, he was wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans. His blackish-brownish hair seemed to be comb by his hand to the side a bit. His yellow eyes were beautiful, matching well with him. Angelica also bought the pups -kids!- Some converses. Zackery's were black checkered. For being starved, abused, and hurt, he still looked very attractive and well muscled.

Oslo came out next, holding her ribs  in pain. She had long, Carmel hair that reached down to her waist. Two horns like her father sat neatly on her head. Her mixed eyes held some fear yet excitement. Angelica had bought her black leggings, a oversized purple hoodie, and white converses. Along with Zackery, for being starved and everything, Oslo still held shape. She was quite slim, but managed to have her curves. Zackery looked at Oslo, a faint blush over his cheeks.

Angelica shook her head, smiling. "Oh you guys look so handsome and beautiful! Come here Oslo," she said. Oslo walked towards Angelica, turning around. Angelica grabbed Oslo's hair, brushing it slightly with her fingers to get the knots out, and put it in a high ponytail. "Okay, now lets go. We don't have much time," Angelica whispered, holding their hands and leading them where Aztec was.

Jupiter and Milly widened their eyes once they saw the two, clearly dazed. "Aztec, lets go!" Angelica ordered, watching the wolf hold the other two girls by their scruffs. Aztec was much larger than them, taller than a human, so he could easily hold two wolves that were the size of a full grown dog in his mouth.

Angelica led them through a hallway, adrenaline running through her body. Suddenly, she pushed a door open and a whole bunch of smells hit Oslo's nose. 'Freedom!' She cried in her head, smiling. Angelica grabbed Oslo's hand and Zackery's, running quickly down to a path, away from the building. Aztec followed, dropping the pups to the ground. Milly and Jupiter barked happily, running in circles and jumping.

Angelica giggled, putting a finger up to her lips, "shhhh! We don't want anyone to hear us," she whispered. Milly and Jupiter nodded, sitting down patiently. Angelica turned to Oslo, tears filling in her eyes, "oh look at you. Your so beautiful," she whispered. Oslo blushed lightly, holding Angelica's hand that was on Oslo's cheek.

Angelica began crying, tears spilling out of her eyes as she hugged Oslo tightly, "I-I'm so sorry, Oslo. I'm terribly sorry, I-I wish I could have helped you. But n-now your free, Oslo! Look at you, your so beautiful," she sobbed, looking at Oslo's eyes. The nine year old smiled, tears trickling out of her eyes, "th-thank you," she whispered, her voice cracking slightly.

Angelica turned to Zackery and hugged him tightly, "and look at you, you handsome prince! Oh your so beautiful. How old are you, ten? Eleven?" She asked, wiping her tears away. Zackery blushed lightly, not used to compliments, "eleven," he mumbled, a small smile on his face. Angelica beamed happily, "you'll grow into a fine man. Along with those two, Jupiter and Milly, right?" She asked, getting on her knees.

Milly and Jupiter wagged, walking up to Angelica and licking her face. "Awww! You girls are so affectionate!" She giggled. Angelica stood up, cupping Aztec's face in her hands, "Aztec. Oh Aztec. Please, take care of these kids. I know you'll be an amazing father," she whispered, closing her eyes and kissing his nose. Aztec blushed under his pelt, lowering his ears as he nodded.

Angelica straightened up, smiling, "now go on. Go be free," she whispered. Oslo tilted her head, "Angelica, join us," she whispered. The woman widened her eyes, before shaking her head, "oh Oslo. I would, but I have family that lives here in Sweden. You live in Norway, I don't. But don't worry, once you get a phone," she whispered, taking a piece of paper out of her pocket, "then my number will always be available," she answered.

Oslo held the paper in her hand, putting it in her pocket. Oslo smiled, hugging Angelica again, "thank you. You were like a mother to me," she purred. Angelica grabbed Oslo's hand, "and you were the daughter I never had to me," she giggled. "Now go Oslo," she whispered.

Oslo smiled one last time, turning into her wolf with Zackery. Angelica watched after them as Aztec led them deeper into the forest. "Good luck," she sighed.


"Aztec, how long until we get to Oslo?" Asked Jupiter. Aztec snickered, "like Angelica said, we are in Sweden. I'll take almost a year to get there since we are going by paws. Don't worry though," he informed. Milly sighed, "that'll take ages!" She growled. Oslo giggled, "I can't wait to get there!" She purred.

Aztec looked at Oslo, "you aren't afraid to see your parents?" He asked. Oslo shook her head, "nope! I can't wait to meet them!" She purred, an evil smile on her face.

Aztec laughed slightly, "okay, whose hungry?" He asked. Everyone barked their own me's, running around Aztec. He laughed, "okay, I'll hunt something. Have you guys ever had raw meat?" He asked. Oslo nodded, so did Zackery. Milly and Jupiter shook their heads, "well get ready, it's good!" Oslo giggled

Yaaaay Oslo's free! Look at this little bean running around now! UwU

Her Revenge {TordTom}Where stories live. Discover now