Lies and Explaining

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Ringo padded towards Sora, keeping her head low. Sora flicked her ear ups, twisting her necklace around her claw. Ringo used her wings as a shield from the waterfall as she jumped into the cave, shaking them dry.

She sighed, sitting down as she kept her wings close to her side. Sora titled her head, looking around for Oslo and waiting for Ringo to talk. "So? Where's Oslo?" She asked. Ringo let out a shaky sigh, "she doesn't believe anymore," she blurted out, closing her eyes tightly. Sora flared her wings, "what?" She asked.

Ringo winced, "I lied to you, Sora. Oslo gave up a long time ago, but I wanted you to think I was doing good. Oh I messed up, I couldn't convince her to come over with me. I'm sorry," Ringo wailed, trembling. Sora flapped her wings angrily, before calming down. She inhaled softly, closing her eyes.

"That's...that's all right Ringo," she sighed. Ringo opened her eyes, flicking her wings, "are you mad?" She asked, lowering her head in shame. Sora shrugged, extending her wings as she stood up and turned around to look at the decorative crystal wolf in the center of the cave, "no, I'm not. I just wish you told me, Ringo. You do realize how serious the problem is, right?" She said sternly.

Ringo nodded weakly. Sora shook her wings, a few feathers falling to the ground, "we can find another way to fix this. Somehow," Sora murmured. Ringo perked her head up, a thought coming into her mind, "or maybe, we don't come up with a solution," she said. Sora widened her eyes, "What?!" She growled.

Ringo quickly opened her wings in defense, "What I mean is that we just wait. We wait for what happens. This is life we're talking about, Mrs. Lawsen, it isn't fair. So, we should just wait and see what happens. Please, trust me Sora," Ringo bowed.

Who would've known such wise words could have came out of a cat?


Tom flicked his ears up, twitching his nose for any scents. Paul came up to Tom, bumping the wolf's stomach, "hey, what's wrong with you lately?" The Ex-Alpha asked. Tom jumped slightly, blinking a few times as he lowered his ears, "nothing." He simply said. Pat sniffed Tom's fur, "you smell a lot different. Are you okay?" He asked.

Tom snarled lightly, "don't touch me. I'm fine." He whispered. Pat softened his gaze, "you're getting skinny too. What's going on, Luna?" He questioned. Tom looked away, trotting. 'Should I tell them? They are family...but they might tell everyone. They'll force me to do surgery. I don't want to kill my baby. Or maybe...they'll understand.'

Tom took in a shaky breath, "you know I'm pregnant, right?" He asked. Paul and Pat nodded, "Tord told us, but he was holding something else back," Paul informed. Tom lifted a small pebble off the ground with his claws, "yeah. Um...I...I have cancer," he mumbled, barley above a whisper.

Pat lowered his ears, "o-oh...oh dear," he whispered. Paul gently wrapped his tail around Tom's, "but can't you do surgery?" He asked. Tom bit his tongue, "that's what I'm afraid of. There's two options. One, I can do the surgery and get my eyes fixed and drug my blood stream, but...that could kill my baby," he whimpered softly.

Pat dug his claws into the dirt, "what's the other option?" He said rather quickly. Tom shrugged, "I don't do the surgery and let my baby live while the cancer destroys me and I die," he said calmly. Paul and Pat looked at each other, fear and sadness filling their eyes, "so which one did you choose?" Paul asked.

Tom sighed, "the second option..."

"Your going to give birth and then leave us? Leave Tord alone with a baby?" Paul asked, a light snarl in his voice. "I'm not killing my baby. Not after Oslo," Tom growled. Pat gently patted Tom's back with his tail, "I think that's the best option too, Tom. We understand," he whispered.

Paul snarled, "I don't! The baby isn't even alive, Tom! Just do the surgery, you can't leave my son alone like that. You don't know how much it'll affect him," he growled. Tom flicked his ears up, his mother instincts kicking in, "my baby is alive!" He snarled, extending his claws. Paul widened his eye, he's never heard Tom get this angry before. He snarled lightly, "you won't just kill you self Tom, you'll end up killing Tord. He'll do anything to be with his mate," he flicked his tail and walked away.

Pat sighed, "don't take nothing too personal Tom, he's just a bit upset. We all like you here, but please think this through," and with that, quickly left and chased after his love.

Tom watched after the dark brown wolf, lowering his head once he went away. 'You won't just kill your self, you'll kill Tord too.'


Oslo shook her head, hoping she was out of that walking dream she had. 'Must've been something I ate,' she thought. Aztec grabbed Oslo's scruff from behind, making her yelp, "there you are. I was looking all over for you, did you get lost?" He asked. Oslo growled, feeling like a puppy, "let go of my scuff!" She mumbled.

Aztec dropped her on the ground once they were with the other pups, "now let's go. We have a long journey ahead of us," he informed as the pups trotted after him.

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