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Tom tripped over the chair, quickly getting his balance back. Tord held him close to his side, "you okay?" He asked. Tom nodded, holding his head, "my vision is getting worse. I also have a throbbing headache," he mumbled. Tord bit his lip, desperately wanting to bring the subject of surgery again, but Tom wouldn't do it.

The surgery would only involve surgery for Tom's eyes and new blood into his stream, along with a drug to kill the reproducing cancer cells. It was risky since Tom would need to do the surgery at 7 months, meaning that if the drug went to the baby's stream, it could kill it. The surgeons would need to remove the dead child at 9 months though, so during those 2 months, Tom could have time to heal.

It was just something Tom didn't want to see. He didn't want to see his baby dead. Not after Oslo, never.

Tom was also getting quite slim. You could really see the affect of cancer on him. He couldn't eat anything without puking it up, his fever would prevent him from getting hungry, and he was also very tired. The Omega was kept on some type of shake that tasted horrible, but contained all the nutrients the baby and him needed to survive. It was the only thing that didn't make him puke.

All the medications that he was suppose to be on was dangerous to the baby, so Tom just had to fake it til he made it. He would wear his blue hoodie now instead of his uniform to not concern any of the soldiers why he was so slim. Just nine months. He could wait.

But could Tord?

**2 Weeks** (October)

Oslo jumped over a log, wresting Milly to the ground. She let out a playful snarl and nipped the black pup's skin, squealing and giggling. Milly kicked Oslo off, jumping onto the pup and giggling. "Alright you two, get up," Aztec grumbled.

Oslo pushed Milly off, shaking her fur. Milly chased after Aztec, "come on Oslo!" She called out. "I'll be there soon!" Oslo called back. Oslo sat down for a minute, catching her breath. It was always fun to wrestle with the other pups!

A small white feather gently fell from a tree, landing on Oslo's nose. She sneezed, watching the feather ride the wind and fall on the ground smoothly. She pawed it gently, watching as another feather fell from the branch, landing on her. A small shuffle was heard as a handful of feathers slowly gliding down, landing around Oslo.

Oslo lifted her head up, catching a glimpse of transparent grey jump branch to branch quickly. "Hey!" She called out, chasing after it. "Hold up! Who are you?" Oslo barked, running faster. The thing kept going, spreading what seemed to be wings and dashing into the dense leaves.

Oslo crashed through a bush, realizing she was in a clearing. She shook herself, turning around to go back, until a thump behind her distracted her. Oslo turned around, alarm filled her once she saw who was there. Some type of cat with transparent grey fur stood in front of her, she had green eyes, and white wings. At first, Oslo thought it was Mariel, until it started to speak.

The cat bowed gently, folding her wings, "pleasure to meet you, Red Leader's daughter," she purred. Oslo raised an eyebrow, flicking her tail, "uh...hi," she murmured. Not the best princess greeting she could come up with. "Who are you?" Oslo said, trying to sound commanding.

The cat chuckled softly, smiling, "hasn't your mother told stories about me?" She asked. Oslo shuffled her paws, "I don't remember," she answered. The cat nodded, extending her wings, "well, let the greetings be mine. I'm Ringo, your guardian angel at your service," she bowed again.

Oslo was so confused, "is this a dream?" She mumbled. Ringo shook her head, a sad expression on her face, "I wish it was. I come to warn you about a danger I cannot control. Your mother chose a fatal decision, and I need your help," she whispered. Oslo jumped, narrowing her eyes slowly, "what? How exactly is my mom in danger?" She asked.

Ringo closed her eyes, "that, I cannot say unless needed to. I need you to come with me so you can convince your mother to choose-" Oslo snarled loudly, "no! Im not going! My parents didn't bother to look for me, I'm not going to help them," she hissed. Ringo jumped, fluttering her wings, "b-but it's urgent! Please come with me!" She pleaded.

Oslo flicked her tail, turning away, "this is just a vision. None of this is real, my parents forgot about me," she mumbled. Ringo quickly glided towards Oslo, using her wings to block Oslo from moving any further, "no no no! No they didn't, I-I promise. As your guardian angel, I command you to come with me now!" Ringo begged, but Oslo rolled her eyes.

Oslo took a step forward, "and what would happen if I don't go? Huh?" She sassed. Ringo kept her snout shut, she couldn't say. Oslo had to believe that her mother was in danger, or Ringo couldn't be able to take Oslo to the garden and then quickly to Norway. Oslo smirked, "exactly. I appreciate you being my guardian angel, or whatever, but I stopped believing in those fairy tales long time ago. This is just a dream, of course it is," she laughed.

Ringo felt Oslo push her wing out of the way as Oslo walked away. "No...oh no," Ringo whispered, closing her eyes and being transported back to the garden. She messed up, she messed up terribly. Her only hope was that Oslo gets to Norway before the nine months were over.

And heaven forbids, does she believe.

Ok so Im going to explain a bit:

So Ringo visits Oslo in a vision (not a dream) and warns Oslo about danger and she needs her to come with her. Oslo doesn't believe and thinks she is in a dream and doesn't believe in fairy tale stories so Ringo can't force Oslo to come with her because then she couldn't connect her mind with Oslo's and take her to the garden and then Norway. So that is why Ringo can't force Oslo and she messed up :/

Instagram! 3maroon.macarons3

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