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A long, distance howl was heard. Heavy paw steps crashed through the forest in the night. The Alpha pushed his Omega to the side, their pup following. Months to years had passed without a single case of poachers, and now, it was their first case in years. How they found their base was past the Alpha's knowledge, he just needed to keep his family safe.

The pup shook her brown fur, opening her mouth to protest, "Mommy, Daddy! You can't leave me here!" She whimpered. Weeks had already passed, and the pup would be five in three days. The Alpha shook his head, "Oslo, please. It's for your own safety," he whispered. Oslo shook her head, "Mommy, please!" She whined, glancing at her mom.

Tom sighed, "My poor baby," he whispered, running his tongue over Oslo's ear. "Please. Please listen to us. We'll be back, I promise," he whispered. Tom glanced at Tord, seeing his mate dig his claws into the dirt. Memories were passing through his mind about his own incident about his mother.

Oslo whined softly, "promise?" She whispered. Tom bit his lip, scraping his paw against the ground. "I promise." Was the only words he were able to choke out. Tord flicked his ears up as another howl was heard, along with gunshots. He shoved Oslo into the bush, "stay here. Mommy and Daddy will be back," he mumbled. Oslo whimpered one last time before nodding, hiding her fur against the bush.

Tord and Tom quickly ran back towards the base. Anxiety filled the two about their pup. She'll stay safe, Tom and Tord knew it. Of course she will..


Mariel growled under her breath, 'dumb mutt. He failed my mission about taking that fucking pup!' She hissed in her head, jumping over another log. 'Seriously?! Does a beautiful cat like me have to do everything?' Mariel clawed her way up a tree, balancing on a branch. She jumped tree to tree, following the scent of the pup. Mariel had told her parents to send a patrol of poachers to distract the wolves as she dealt with Oslo.

Mariel glanced down into the clearing, narrowing her eyes to try and catch a glimpse of brown or black. A small rustle was heard in the bush, making Mariel flick her ears up. She smiled, 'good good,' she purred.

Quickly, she jumped down elegantly. Her paws barely making a sound. Mariel cleared her throat, a paw on her chest, sitting down and curling her tail around her legs, "ooh Oslooo~" she called in a high pitch voice. The rustling stopped, an eerie silence fell over the forest. The only sound was gunshots and distance growling or snarls.

Mariel hissed slightly, "Oslooo~ come out or I'll go and get you!" She snarled. A small whimper was heard the pup slowly poked her head out, trembling. "W-who are you?" She whispered. Mariel laughed lowly, "I'm Mariel. The best of the best. The one and only," she laughed.

Oslo widened her eyes, "MO-" she was about to scream mommy, but Mariel jumped on her, slamming Oslo to the ground. "MOMMY!" She screamed. Oslo kicked and clawed, trying her best to keep Mariel off of her, but Mariel has experience. She extended her claws, her blue eyes meeting the mixed ones, "sweet dreams," Mariel whispered. Everything went black for Oslo.


Tord panted heavily, the blood slowly oozing out of his neck gash. He had scraped himself against barbed wire the poachers had placed. But it was over. Finally.

Tom trotted over to his mate, also panting. He had fewer wounds. Tom licked Tord's gash gently, "thank god your okay," he purred. Tord only chuckled a response. They lost only seven wolves, now that may seem a lot, but for a base full of thousands of wolves, that was a record. "We better go find Oslo," Tom suggested. Tord nodded, walking up to the medics.

She looked at Tord, flicking her blonde ears. Courtney. "Hi," she murmured. Tord flicked his tail in response, "Tom and I will be going to find Oslo. Make sure all wolves get the care they need," he ordered. Courtney sucked her breath in slightly, rolling her eyes as she nodded. Slowly, Courtney had lost feelings for Tord.

Tord nodded at Tom, who was already trotting up the direction of where Oslo was.


The two mates continued up the path. Tom laughed slightly as Tord nudged his stomach. He lifted his snout up, a scent hitting his nose. Tord also lifted his head up, tasting the air. "Oh no," he whispered.

Tom reeled up onto his hind legs, similar to a horse, "OSLO!!!" He screamed. The scent of blood was strong in the air. Quickly, Tom darted forward, Tord following him. The Omega crashed through the clearing where they left Oslo.

"No...." he whispered.

His paws collapsed under him, forcing him to the ground. Tord entered the clearing, seeing his mate on the ground. He looked forward, gasping.

A puddle of blood sat in the clearing, glistening it's crimson red color. A mixture of brown, black, and white fur laid around it.

And Oslo was nowhere to be seen.

Her Revenge {TordTom}Where stories live. Discover now