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This was a bit weird to write but idc lmao

Tom whined softly as Tord sat him on the bed. The heated Omega whined again, wrapping his arms around Tord's neck and pressing his lips against his mates. Tord gently kissed Tom, putting his hand on Tom's thigh and traveling it up to the Omega's waist.

Tord bit Tom's bottom lip, entering his Omega's mouth. Tom wiggled his hips slightly, soft moans escaping his lips. Tord let his tongue explore Tom's mouth, claiming everything once again. He separated the kiss, letting Tom catch his breath.

Tord began kissing Tom's chin and slowly down to his neck. The brit jumped when Tord gently bit his sweet spot, making him moan quietly. Tord traveled his hands up Tom's hips, sending goosebumps up the Omega's spine.

Tord began bitting Tom's neck, starting to leave fresh hickeys. Tom couldn't hold back his moans, beginning to let them out. "Oh~ T-Tord~" he moaned, panting heavily. Tord traveled down to Tom's collarbone, leaving more hickeys. The Omega bit his lip, feeling the heat travel up his spine again.

Tord sat down on the bed and brought Tom to his lap, continuing the kiss. Tom had his thighs on either side of Tord. He began to roll his hips, earning a moan from Tord. He separated the kiss and gently bit down on his Alpha's neck. He left his own markings on his mate, purring gently.

Tom pushed his hips down gently, moaning as he felt Tord harden under him. "F-fuck~" Tord growled, beginning to pant a bit. Tom was quickly pushed back down to the bed, his hands pinned above his head. "Be gentle," Tom whispered, still panting. Tord kissed Tom's cheek, "of course."

I can't finish the smut I lost my motivation. Sorry. Maybe another time.


Tom blinked awake, realizing it was morning already. He sighed, closing his eyes again. He realized he had his lover's hoodie on and luckily his shorts. He remembered that he slipped on his clothes again before falling asleep. So did Tord.

Pain shot up his spine as he moved. Tom winced, 'Goddammit Tord,' he whined. Tord tried being gentle, but after not having sex for so long, Tom had to readjust and everything. 'At least I'm not on Heat anymore...'

He felt an arm wrap around his waist, pulling him closer. Tom purred gently, snuggling closer to Tord's chest. He had on a grey shirt and his jeans. Tord rubbed Tom's back gently, laughing slightly, "it's been a while since we've done that," he pointed out. Tom rolled his eyes, a small smile on his lips, "I wonder why," he joked.

Tord sat up, ruffling Tom's messy hair. Tom growled slightly, sticking his tongue out, as he also sat up. Tord stood up and grabbed his uniform from the closet, along with other clothes, "im gonna shower. I'll be out soon," he told Tom as he locked the bathroom door.

Tom slowly got off the bed, wincing at the pain. His body ached with every step, but he was kind of used to it. Tom looked out the window, sighing. 'I wonder what Oslo is doing right now. She's probably playing with Ringo and Tord's mom.'


Well, Oslo definitely wasn't playing with Ringo or Sora. She was actually being carried back to her cage by Angelica, they hadn't done her test. Strange. "Oh no...oh no no no," Angelica whispered, her voice sounding like she was about to cry. Oslo sat down, meeting bars. She barked, wanting Angelica to look at her.

Angelica was looking at the ground, talking to herself in Spanish, "oh no. I messed up, oh baby, I messed up. They'll kill you because Rico told Mr. Linthen that he knew you were a werewolf. They'll kill you because they don't want anyone else to find out, baby. This is bad, oh no no," she sobbed. Oslo whined softly, pushing her nose in between the bars, 'don't cry!' She whined.

Zackery came up to Oslo, along with Jupiter and Milly. "What's going on?" Asked Milly. Oslo explained everything about the lady, but she didn't know what Angelica was saying in Spanish. Zackery flicked his ears up, "I know a bit of Spanish. My grandma was Mexican," he pointed out.

He put his ears up on full alert, listening to everything. Oslo, Milly, and Jupiter stood by anxiously. Aztec was currently training again, so he wouldn't be here.

Angelica continued sobbing, whispering in Spanish. Zackery lowered his ears, his eyes shown fear. Oslo stood up, "Zackery, whats wrong? What's happening?" She whined. Zackery looked at Oslo, "something about killing you, Oslo...they know your a werewolf now. They'll kill you." He whispered.

Oslo took a step back, whimpering. After all these years, wanting death, she was all of a sudden afraid of it. "We need to get out of here!" Milly snarled, standing on her hind legs and barking to Angelica. "Please! Let us out!"

The door opened as Aztec was being dragged in again. Angelica gasped, quickly standing up and wiping her tears away. She kept her head low and scurried away from the pups, leaving. Oslo whined loudly, "wait! No please! Please come back! I don't want to die!" She screamed.

Jupiter pulled Oslo back, calming her down. "Shhh Oslo, they won't kill you. We won't let them," she whispered. Zackery nodded, "nothing will get in between our friendship," he snarled. Milly got back down, running over to Aztec once he was chained and told him everything.

Aztec widened his eyes, unable to speak. Slowly, a snarl escaped his lips, 'They can break me down in the worst way possible. They can stab me with all the needles they have. They can chain me to poles and lock me up. They can starve me to death.

But nothing gets in the way of my family.'

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