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Days had passed since Tord and Tom's little incident together. Tom was perfectly fine, a little stiff, but fine for a few days. Until, he started getting awful stomach cramps and a high fever. Tord thought he started a heat again, but Tom wasn't horny at all. He was just terribly sick.

They were laying in bed, obviously watching spongebob because he's a fucKING GOD. And the funny child cartoon seemed to make Tom's stomach cramps less painful. Tom was on Tord, his head on his mates chest as his hips were on Tord's lap, his thighs on either side of his mate.

Tord felt Tom tense up, whimpering softly. He guessed either Tom was having another cramp or the Omega was genuinely concerned about Spongebob and Patrick being chased by a giant fly. He hoped it was the second option because he absolutely hated it when his mate was in pain.

Tom hid his face in Tord's chest, holding his stomach tightly. He groaned in pain, Tord wrapping his arms around Tom. The Omega slowly relaxed again, "I don't feel good," Tom mumbled. Tord sat Tom down next to him, in case the Omega felt like vomiting, "like how? Do you feel sick? Or feeling like puking?" Tord asked.

Tom didn't answer, he brought his knees up to his face and groaned in pain again. He was wearing Tord's blue overcoat, his grey ASDF shirt, and black tight shorts. "Everything hurts," he moaned. Tord got off the bed, looking at his phone to see the time, "Tom I have to go now and train the higher ranked soldiers. I'll be back soon, okay?" He said, kissing his mates head.

Tom whined, "wh-what?" He whispered, "your going to leave me? B-but I don't want to be alone!" He whimpered. He held onto Tord's overcoat tighter, wrapping it closer around his body. Tord sighed, "but this is important love. I'll be back-" Tord was cut off as Tom hugged him tightly, whimpering, "please don't leave. I don't feel good. I want you to stay. Please stay. Please please please Tord. I don't want to be alone," he begged, not letting go of Tord.

The Alpha sighed, how could he say no? "Oh...fine," he mumbled. Tom purred gently, getting on Tord again when Tord laid back down. The Norwegian chuckled softly, ruffling Tom's hair, "you don't give up, do you?" He joked. The brit purred more, "you love me though," he smiled.


Oslo coughed again, blood dripping out of her mouth. Mr. Linthen kicked her roughly again, making her cry in pain. At least, she tried to cry. All that came out was a gurgle as blood spilled out her mouth again. Mr. Linthen straightened up, "we'll finish tomorrow. Let's go," he said to Mrs. Linthen. She nodded, snapping to a soldier to take Oslo back to her cage.

The soldier grabbed a leash and wrapped it around Oslo's neck, dragging her back to the cells. Oslo cried and whimpered, pain traveled up her ribs and up her throat. She was thrown roughly into the cage, more blood spilling out. He left, feeling no pity to Oslo.

Jupiter gasped, "Oslo! Oh no!" She screamed, laying next to her. Aztec pressed his fur against the bars, wanting to get close to his 'daughter'. "Oslo, come here," he whispered gently, watching Oslo lift her head up. She slowly limped over to him, collapsing next to the bars, pressing her fur against his. She coughed violently, blood seeping out of her mouth again.

Aztec pushed his snout between the bars and licked her fur gently, calming Oslo down. She whined, panting heavily. "Hurts," she wheezed, closing her eyes. Zackery came up to Oslo, laying down and cleaning her fur. No one would be surprised if Oslo had broken ribs, they wouldn't treat them anyways.

"I leave," she whispered, tears trickling out of her eyes. Aztec whined softly, "I do too. I do too," he mumbled.


It was nighttime, and Oslo still hadn't gone to bed. She lifted her head up, hearing high heels click the floor quickly. She slowly got off the pile and walked to the bars. Angelica. Oslo whined softly, laying down. Angelica quickly ran up to the cage, tears streaming out of her eyes, "oh mi bebé. Shhh, don't worry. Mama will get you out," she whispered.

Oslo saw Angelica fumble in her lab coat, pulling out a key. Oslo thought it was time for more abuse, and quickly lowered her head. Angelica opened the door, whistling softly. Oslo realized she was calling out to the other three. Jupiter, Zackery, and Milly lifted their heads up, slowly walking over to Angelica. "Oh my babies, please come here. Hurry, quickly amors," she whispered.

The pups quickly came over, not questioning anything. Aztec woke up, tilting his head. Angelica pulled the pups out of the cage and slowly shut the door again. "Please don't run away, okay?" She whispered, pulling another key out. Oslo was so confused, what was happening?

Angelica walked towards Aztec, kneeling down and working on the chains. Soon, Aztec was free, able to roam around again. Oslo then knew what was happening....

Angelica was going to let them free. Because she knew something terrible would happen soon.

Oooh we got some more good plot ;)
This was kind of hard to write since I didn't like when Oslo was getting abused qwq

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