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Tom walked next to Tord, tears still falling down his snout. Tord glanced over at Tom, guilt filling his chest. He gently nudged Tom's shoulder, "don't cry," he murmured. The Omega shrugged Tord off, "like you care," he hissed slightly.

Tord raised his ears up, confused, "Tom, don't be like that. You know I love you," he said. Tom looked down, watching his claws click, "no you don't," he mumbled. "Why don't you think I do?" Tord asked. Tom sighed, "you stopped talking to me for three years until now. You haven't said "I love you" in those years. You never bothered to check up on me. told me Oslo was dead," he whispered the last part.

Tord lowered his ears, "I...I didn't know how to tell you, love," he mumbled. "I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you, I promise," Tord said. Tom shrugged, "it's alright Tord. Let's not talk about it anymore," he sighed. The Alpha nodded, licking Tom's head.

The path was filled with silence, but Tom was used to it. You get used to it after no one talked to you for three years. 'Oslo, oh I'm so sorry...'


Oslo laid by the cage. She would lay there for days, not bothering to eat or move. The scientist would take her, test her, throw her back in, and she wouldn't even flinch or cry anymore. Jupiter would lay next to Oslo, their pelts touching, and comfort her, but Jupiter was sleeping right now. They had given her another virus again to test her immune system and it made her terribly sick.

Milly came up to Oslo, she had gotten a different test, and easily lived it. Milly sighed, "Oslo, it's almost been a week. Your getting so thin," she whined. Oslo didn't move, she just stared at the wall ahead of her. Milly sat down, "maybe your parents are trying, really. I didn't mean what I said, sometimes anger gets the best of us," she apologized:

Oslo didn't move, she just blinked slowly and sighed. "Maybe they really gave up. I bet they did, I knew they never loved me. I wouldn't be surprised if they were working on baby number two," she whispered. Milly ran her tongue over Oslo's ear, "oh Oslo...don't think like that, I bet they are still trying-" Milly was cut off, "for three years!?" Oslo snarled.

Milly clamped her mouth shut, shuffling her paws. Oslo sighed again, "I'm sorry Milly. I didn't mean to snarl at you," she apologized. Milly shrugged, "that's okay," she answered.

The caged open as the scientists threw Zackery in. All the pups were already large, the size of a full grown husky. Two scientist would have to carry them when done testing and throw them in, giving them anesthesia to prevent the pups from biting them.

Zackery was passed out, his breathing ruff and shallow. A white figure tiptoed over to the pups, smiling, "oh mutts~" she purred. Mariel. Mariel would often visit, sneering the pups for being caged in. "Guess what I got?" She purred. Oslo rolled her eyes, knowing Mariel would answer herself. "That's right! The key~" she laughed, showing it off to the pups.

Milly bared her teeth, "leave us alone. No one cares," She snarled. Mariel clicked her tongue, "that is no way to talk to a princess," she scoffed. Oslo lifted her head up, "then leave before we show you how we "handle" a princess. Trust me, you won't like it," she growled.

Mariel drew her head back, giving Oslo a disgusted look, "and I don't wanna stay around to find out!" She hissed, walking away. Oslo mumbled under her breath, sighing as she laid her head back down. She closed her eyes, hoping to get a nap in before her next test.


Oslo whined softly, slowly waking up. A soft breeze fell over her as the sun shined in her eyes. 'Where am I?' She mumbled, opening her eyes. She was next to a pond, a waterfall gently dripped into the water, a giant blossom tree shedding its pink flowers and onto the pond too. Dense trees surrounded her, birds chirping and calling out to her.

Visions began taking place in her sight. She saw her parents, both wresting on the ground, laughing. Oslo sat down, anger surged through her. Was this happening right now? Her parents happily playing as she was stuck? Oslo looked up, noticing a red heart in the sky. It leaked blossom flowers gently onto the couple.

Oslo snarled lightly, watching her father lick Tom's black ears, and nipping the smaller male until he squealed with laughter. 'They don't care about you. They forgot you. They don't love you.' She sank her claws into the dirt, huffing angrily.

Suddenly, everything went dark in a flash. It wasn't sunny anymore, but it was nighttime. The moon dimming lightly in the clearing. Oslo shook her head, startled. 'Whats going on?' She questioned herself.

Oslo saw her parents snarl at each other, seeming to argue. She perked her ears up, trying to hear what they were saying, but it was muffled. Oslo looked up, seeing the heart. She gasped, moving back. It was a dark red, all cracked, as black ink slipped out of it and onto the ground.

All of a sudden, the vision changed. It was now Tom, leaning over the lake. Oslo trembled in fear, unsure what was happening.

"Oh Oslo...I'm so sorry," he whispered. Suddenly, a gush of wind pushed Oslo down. She tried getting up, watching her mother dissolve away in the black ink from the heart. "MOM! MOM DONT LEAVE ME!"

"D-don't leave me!" Oslo screamed. She gasped, noticing she was back at the cage. Oslo trembled in fear, "it was just a nightmare.." she whispered. She curled up in a tight ball, the nightmare still fresh in her mind.

Haha my school is canceled for weeks til further notices :)
My prayers go out to the ones who have relatives (or if you are) suffering from this virus! Get well soon!

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