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Hi :)

Oslo was instantly dragged against the current, bubbles streaming out of her mouth and nose. She tried pushing her body up, but the ice prevented Oslo from getting up and getting oxygen. She tried to scream, but all came out was a stream of bubbles.

Her body was dragged against the rocks, scraping her skin and fur off. Oslo felt water rush into her lungs, burning her nose and throat raw. Her body was growing weak, letting the current drag her away. 'This is the end,' she thought, closing her eyes. 'I didn't even get to meet my parents,' she whispered as her vision began growing black.

A shadow fell over her, at first tricking Oslo that she had passed out, until another burst of bubbles surrounded her. Something grabbed her scruff and roughly pulled her out, dropping her onto thicker ice. Oslo coughed violently, water sputtering out of her mouth. Everything ached and her nose and lungs stung terribly. Someone was talking, but everything still sounded underwater. Oslo let darkness consume her, letting out a shaky sigh.


"Will she be okay?!" Jupiter asked. Aztec quickly laid Oslo down, panicked, "I-I don't know. The water is freezing her body and she was under their for almost three minutes," he explained. Zackery quickly ran up to them, widening his yellow eyes at Oslo. Aztec snarled at him, "why did you tease her? You know she would do anything to prove anyone wrong!" He shouted.

Zackery whined softly, lowering himself to the ground, "w-well since she's an Omega, I-I thought she would listen-" Aztec cut him off, "she's not an Omega, Zackery! She's an Alpha, that's why she acts like a leader!" He pointed out. Zackery opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, so he just kept quiet.

Milly was laying over Oslo to provide some body heat as Jupiter ran her tongue over Oslo's head. Aztec put a paw on her chest, starting a rhythm of chest compressions. More water spilled out of Oslo's mouth as she coughed, some trickling out of her nose. Once no more water came, Aztec put his ear against her chest, listening for a heartbeat. 'Thank goodness,' he sighed in relief, hearing a small steady heartbeat.

He sat down, "she's fine," Aztec said, licking Oslo's head. Jupiter sighed in relief, curling around Oslo to keep her warm, "she's so cold," Jupiter said sadly. Milly huffed, "of course she is, she was just under freezing water and was getting dragged," she grumbled. Jupiter growled lightly, "thank you Captain Obvious." Aztec groaned, "you guys need to get along. Why have you all been fighting so much? Why aren't you sticking together like when you were in the cages?" He questioned.

Zackery rolled his eyes, "because we depended on each other then, but now we are free and don't need each other," he mumbled. Aztec lifted an eyebrow, "how do you know you won't be mates with one of these girls? You'll need them then, don't you?" He pointed out. Zackery blushed a bit, "I'm not going to date any of these cat-brains!" He growled. Milly snorted, "you liked Oslo before," she laughed. Zackery groaned, "used to, but after I found out she's an Alpha, I don't want her!" He growled.

Aztec flicked an ear, "an Alpha can still be a submissive," he mumbled, "she's just going to be a leader of her pack," he informed. Zackery shrugged, "she'll probably turn out a murder like her dad," he snarled. Aztec growled lightly, "don't judge her because of her father. He loves her and will raise her well," he snarled. Milly tilted her head, "why are you defending that man? He almost killed you!" She exclaimed.

Zackery nodded, "yeah. How do you know Oslo won't turn out the same?" He asked. Aztec lowered his ears a bit, pulling his lip back, "I pinned his Omega down and it look liked I was about to kill him," he growled, "he had a reason to kill me if he wanted to, but he didn't," he answered. Zackery huffed, "that still doesn't prove Oslo won't kill for enjoyment like that dumb mutt," he whispered. Aztec pushed his snout against Zackery's chest, "will you like to say that to his face?" He growled.

Zackery took a step back, snarling, "maybe I will!" He shouted. Jupiter whined softly as she curled up next to Oslo, "guys, stop fightin-" Milly stood up, "yeah! I'll give him a piece of my mind for killing innocent people at war and forgetting about Oslo!" She shouted, resting her tail on Zackery's back. Jupiter sighed, "guys, that won't solve any-" Aztec snorted loudly, "you don't have a chance next to him. He could snap you in between his jaws like a stick, don't test his limits," he said lowly, glaring at the pups.

Zackery laughed slightly, "I wouldn't be surprised, he probably kills babies for fun. He probably would have killed Oslo if she wasn't stolen!" He snarled. Milly nodded along, "that's how all Alpha's are, that's how Oslo will turn out. Maybe we shouldn't bring her back, he'll change her," she pointed out. Jupiter rolled her eyes, "but her mother also misses her-" Aztec extending his claws, "you've guys never met her parents anyways!"

"STOP FIGHTING! OSLO IS WAKING UP!" Jupiter shouted. Everyone looked at her, quickly walking up to Oslo. Oslo was coughing, blinking her eyes slowly, "owww...what's going on?" She croaked, her voice horse. Aztec licked her head, "the ice cracked under your weight, but we found thicker ice and set you down here," he explained quietly. Oslo whined softly, her neck and lungs strung, "sorry I didn't listen," she whimpered. Aztec picked her scruff up and set her on her legs slowly, "it's okay," he mumbled.

"Now lets get going, we need to find shelter to warm you up," Aztec said, giving Milly and Zackery a glare. He didn't want them to mention at all about their argument.


Phew my fingers hurt I had to hurry this one up

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