you get your wisdom teeth taken out

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Hiro's P.O.V

(you guys are older here)"Why are chickens birds?" Y/N asks her mouth full of the white gause.

"I don't know, Y/N, you need to keep your mouth shut or you're going to hurt yourself," I stroke her hand.

"What's this ?" She oppeses my statement. Pointing to her IV bandage.

"It's where the needle was,"

"A needle!?!?!" she jumps.

"Y/N, you need to calm down," I contain my laughter.

"No, Hiro, you can't tell me what to do," she slurs. Wagging her finger in my face. "Where's my mom?" she sniffles.

"She's at home, remember ? I took you here,"

"You are a meany for taking me here, they poked me," she babbles.

"Hey, you needed to get your wisdom teeth out," I defend.

"So I don't have wisdom?" her lip trembles.

"No, no, you do, they just took your teeth out, baby it's ok," I kiss her temple.

"NO, Don't you kiss me," she sasses.

"Y/N, you are one sassy girl," I finally burst.

"You are a meany," she repeats.

"You're a meany," I retort.

"Shut up!" she growls.

"You little, I love you," I ruffel her hair and she gives me a harsh look.

........back at home

"Was I really?" she asks, her eyes curving as she smiles.

"Yeah, you were crazy,"

"Sorry," she apoligizes and sips her tea.

"It's all good, i was just happy I was there to record it," I smirk.

"You didn't," she gasps.

"Oops," I smile.

"You little bitch," she curses leaping into my lap.

"Hey, it will be good for our kids to see,"

"Hiro, I hate you," she groans.

"And I love you,"

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