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The words. Everything. It all hurt.

"You don't need to try so hard."

Barbara didn't understand. He does need to try hard. Because if he's himself, then no one would accept him.

Bruce would leave him again. Everyone would leave him. He would never be loved again. If he didn't try so hard.

He just had to make Barbara understand.

"That's not your thing."

But it had to be. He had to be ruthless like Jason sometimes. He had to do it, otherwise Damian would have died.

If Dick didn't step up, then Damian would have died. But he did, nearly costing him his own life instead.

"Quit trying to be something you're not!"

Nobody understood. Not Babs, not Jason, not even Tim.

He has to try and be Batman. If Bruce dies, Batman will be his role to fulfill. He has to try and become smarter.

Smarter like Tim.

Darker like Bruce.

Quicker like Damian.

Better, like Batbara.

And ruthless like Jason.

All those qualities sum up to be who Batman is. He can't be a happy Batman. That's who Nightwing is. Was. Not anymore.

Word around Blüdhaven is that Nightwing has become better. Quicker, smarter, more ruthless, and even broodier than usual.

They just don't understand. To be Batman takes his skill level to an area he's never ventured before.

He has to be the best. Otherwise what's the point of Batman? It's certainly not to fail.

At least, in Dick's eyes.

The sound of gunfire brought Dick back to where he was, quickly dodging all the bullets fired while running at the men firing.

He had not smiled in a while, and the Batfamily took notice of this. They were all worried, but thought it was just a phase, that it'll pass.

Oh boy, were they wrong.

Dick attacked all the men and contacted the police of the drug dealing he just stopped.

When he scanned the area, his eyes came upon a match and a cigarette that must have fallen out of a crate or something.

No! We can't do that! That's wrong, and stealing! Walk away!

Dick was having a mental debate in his head about weather or not he should take the items.

Yes! Take them! People sell them for a reason! They make you feel good.

His demon did have a point there.

Dick settled on the yes, and quickly swooped down and grabbed the two small items in his right hand.

He quickly jumped out of the building onto a rooftop not far away, and sat down. He opened his hand to reveal the two tems.

He popped the cigarette in his mouth and went to light the lighter. The yellow flame enchanted Dick for a few moments, before he set the drug on fire.

He breathed it in and took out the cigarette to see beautiful grey smoke come out of his lips, making a weird pattern in the air before it disappeared.

He went to take another breath, but the sound of a gunshot and the feel of the missing stick in his mouth made him frown.

He looked to his left to see Red Hood standing there, a gun aimed at his mouth, and white smoke coming out into the air.

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