Crossover《31》Avengers pt. 3

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"Where is he?" The man asked, getting ready to punch the smaller man again.

"I already told you, I don't know! The gun I built was specifically designed to teleport at a distance. It doesn't track where to!" The younger man yelled from.

The younger man had a dirty maroon red brown hair, and was very small for his age in general, which was very unheard of in the city.

"Well then make it." The older man growled at the other on the floor, who was currently trapped under the larger mans foot.

The smaller man had a black eye on his right, a bunch of small cuts all over his arms and a few on his cheeks, a sprained ankle and possible a broken rib or two.

"And even if I did, there's no guarantee I'll be able to find where he went, since the gun didn't have the setting before hand. It's useless. You'll never get him back."

The older man put more pressure onto the smaller mans ribs, causing him to moan in more pain, getting rid of the ugly smirk.

"I need you to find him, or else I'll find someone else to do it, and I'm putting you back in Belle Reve." Batman growled at the Professer.

"Sorry Batman, but there's nothing I can do. You're little bird is gone. He could be in Juvie in another country, or could have ended up in an explosion." Ivo smirked.

Batman, not liking to think about Robin being put in those scenarios, put even more pressure on Ivo's ribs, hearing a crack noise.

"Then Belle Reve it is." Batman said, pulling Ivo off the ground and cuffing his hands before the Professor could try to run away.

He tied up his legs and left the warehouse, calling Commisioner Gordon about Ivo's location and to bring him to Belle Reve.

After calling the cops, he called a very certain someone else.

"Barry. I'm bringing something over for you. I need your help locating Robin." Batman told the Flash in the com link, looking down at the gun in his hands.

》》》》》¤ with Robin ¤《《《《《

Dick had a nightmare again. This time it was worse than any of the other ones he had in his past.

This time his parents fell, and Bruce was the one to make him watch. Force him to watch, telling him it was his fault they were dead.

Then William Cobb showed up, and Bruce was the one to give him to Cobb, Alfred right behind him, not saying a word.

Dick was taken by Cobb, watching and screaming as Bruce laughed a maniacal laugh, and his parents dead bodies rotted.

He was taken back to the Court, where they did experiments on him, getting closer to the process of making him immortal.

Until Slade Wilson showed up, saying he could help him get revenge on anyone who had hurt him. He agreed, and passed by the crippled bodies of the Court members.

Slade trained him, though in his dream it felt like years, in reality it was probably an hour at most.

He became Renegade, and slaughtered Bruce and Alfred, and Tony Zuccco. He felt trapped as he watched himself kill the people he loved the most.

He watched as he killed the Team off one by one, had to watch as he killed Barbara, and went back to kill Jack Haley. He hated it.

But he couldn't wake up from his nightmare, and that's what scared him. If this were fear gas, he had an antidote.

But for nightmares, there's no cure. So he was stuck watching himself kill everyone who ever accepted him, brought him in and cared for him. He was trapped.

He could faintly hear people shouting out his hero alias name, but it all blurred together and all he could hear were gunshots.

The last person he watched himself kill was Slade Wilson himself, before he finally was able to wake up.

The first thing he saw was Iron Man, Black Widow, Captin America (though he really should stitch in more stars), Hawkeye, and Thor in the room, surrounding him.

His eyes were blurry from tears, he could feel the quick beating of his heart pounding against his ribs, and his breathing was labored.

"Robin? Robin what happened? Are you all right?" Captin America asked, gently grabbed his shoulders to shake him with little force.

Robin couldn't answer. It was like he was there, but his soul was still trapped inside the nightmare he had just woken up from.

Flashes of the death of Batman, the Team, the Justice Leauge, Zucco, his parents, and more plagued his memories.

He didn't know he was screaming until he fell to the floor, covering his ears and curling in on himself.

He felt like a monster. If he ever did that, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. He would kill himself if they ever died by his hand.

He was crying, screaming, curled up in a ball on the floor of the room he first woke up I'm when he arrived to this dimension.

The images of Barbara and Bruce's death kept coming back to haunt him, as did the ones of Alfred and Zucco and many more.

He had killed innocents. Men, women, children, that never should deserve to die, at his hand. He was the monster who killed them.

His voice couldn't scream anymore, so he was left to just cry, barely making out the forms of the people trying to calm him down and figure out what was wrong.

If he told them he killed people, what would they think of him? Would they kick him out? Would they reject him?

He barely remembered Bruce was still alive in another universe, all that came to his mind when he though of the billionaire Bruce Wayne was his dead body.

Robin wanted to scream again. Bruce was dead, and it was all his fault. He was the reason Bruce Wayne was dead, and he felt horrible.

He wanted to die.


Please don't kill me for this chapter. I just thought that this would actually be a better plot line than the one I had envisioned in my mind when first thinking of this story.

Please comment below if you want a part... 4 was it? I hoped you enjoyed this depressed Robin.

Next chapter will be Jaydick.

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