Batboys《65》Reversal pt. 2

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This movie better not suck. I'm already excited for it and it probably hasn't even come out yet. I'm doing every possible outcome, fight me DC.

Wahoo! Someone suggested this.
Man, I almost forgot about this chapter. Scratch that, I did forget.

2 years later...

"He's alive, Damian."

The older man looked up at Jason with tired bloodshot eyes. He was currently sitting in the chair in front of the Batcomputer, reading over a file.

"What are you talking about?"

"Dick was right when he said Tim is still alive. The Joker did blow him up, but somehow he's alive. Bruce is going to check with Ra's as we speak."

Damian stayed silent for a long time.

"I want to see him."

Jason hesitated. When he first met Tim, he was a total rage monster, and that's coming from a rage monster himself.

Tim wasn't himself, that much he knew. His eyes were glowing green and he went for the more lethal blows. Jason barely survived their fight.

"I... don't think that's such a good idea." Jason told Damian, subconsciously scratching his forearm, a habit he did when he was anxious.

"And why is that Todd?"

"He's... not exactly in any stable condition right now. I think the Lazarus Pit may have affected him in some way."

"All the more reason to get to him sooner." Damian snapped, getting up from the chair and walking over to the Batmobile.

Dick just then entered the cave, his rather scrawny frame did no good at all to help keep his clothing on very well.

The small 12 year old held a plate in his left hand, a grilled cheese sandwich in the other, and continued eating the sandwich as he walked down the steps.

"Hey Dickiebird. How's your leg feeling?" Jason asked his younger brother as he got to the final steps.

Dick placed the sandwich on the plate before holding out a finger, which meant one second so he could place down the plate on a nearby hard surface.

Jason waited patiently, and watched from the corner of his eye to see Damian restocking his utility belts, and grabbing his katanna from the wall.

My leg is feeling better, thank you for asking. Alfred tried putting me on bed rest, but I convinced him if I sit down in rooms I can move around the Manor. The youngest boy signed.

Jason gave the small boy a curt nod in approval, before turning to face the Batmobile that Damian had just hopped into.


"Save it Todd. I know what I'm doing." Damian yelled over the roar of the engine, before driving out of the cave and onto the streets of Gotham City.

Nightwing drove off one of the streets that headed directly to Crime Alley, and as doing so he pressed his finger to his com.

"Oracle, status report on Tim's location."

Barbara didn't respond right away. She was hesitant to let the brooding man run out to find his crazy lover that had just so happened to come back from the dead.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea Damia-"

"Save the lecture and give me his location. Now." Damian cut her off, before turning out of Crime Alley and onto a main road.

Damian could hear her sigh on the other end of the unit, but chose to ignore it and wait until she gave him Tim's location.

"Look, I understand that you grieved him, and that you loved him very much, but Damian, he's not himself at the moment. Back out of this while you still can."

Nightwing was growing furious. Everyone was trying to stop him from trying to help Tim. But he could handle things on his own, he's not a kid anymore.

"Just give me his dam location Oracle." Damian muttered.

Barbara sighed. "He's in the Diamond district, in warehouse 18 by the docks. And please, be careful. We don't want another death in the family.

"I'm on my way." Damian informed Oracle, before turning off his com. "Just hold on a little longer Tim." He whispered to himself, before turning the wheel into the Diamond district.

30 minutes later...

"Tim! Tim! Tim, if you can hear me, come out! I want to talk!" Damian called out, walking around the warehouse Barbara had said he'd be at.

Damian's eyes scanned the building, every shadow and every crevice, his mask helping him in the darker patches where the lights couldn't reach.

After scanning the entire building with nothing, Damian heard a cackle from above him.

A shadow jumped down in front of him, and Damian got into a battle stance on instinct, ready to fight whoever this person was.

"Aw, no hug hello? Where are my kisses? Afterall, we haven't seen each other in... quite a while." The figure spoke, slowly stepping into the light.

Damian's eyes widened in suprise. Tim didn't look the same. Everyone was right. He looked like he had been driven completely mad.

The first thing he noticed was his green eyes that gave off a soft glow. Tim didn't have green eyes, he had crystal blue ones.

Tim wore black combat boots that ended mid thigh, and wore a body suit that was completely black, minus the symbol in the middle.

It was a red bird of sorts, and matched the red leather jacket he wore on top of the suit. He wasn't wearing a mask at the moment, and Damian thought he might have done that on purpose.

But what stuck out to Damian were two things. It wasn't the glowing eyes anymore, no, it was the very prominent white streak in his midnight black hair and the guns strapped to his waist.

Tim wore sickening smirk on his face that made Damian go mad. He wanted to kiss it off his face and punch him all at once, and Damian hated feeling like that.

"Tim. What happened to you?" Damian asked, taking a step backwards when Tim stepped towards him.

The grin on his face dissapeared, and his face looked grim. "I died Damian. I died and he didn't save me."

Before Damian could say anything else, Tim turned around and started walking away. "I'm not coming back, so don't expect me to love you anymore. Tim Drake is dead."

When Tim was at the doorway, he turned his upper body to look at Damian. "My name's Alvin Draper, and I have a long road ahead of me."

Ahhhhh! *screams* I finally updated! Look at this! It took me such a long time! Ack, I'm so sorry for the wait.

Do I forgot who exactly suggested this, but I'm too lazy to check right now. I might mention them later. But hey, it's here!

If you want a part three please let me know in the comments.

Next chapter will be an OC story.

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