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The hospital doors were burst open, nurses and doctors rolling in a bed with a person on it.

Everyone was racing against the clock to see who would win. Death or life. It came down to the final minutes.

Before the hero Nightwing found the girl, she was presumed dead not too long ago from not being accounted for in the meta-teen trafficking.

Her blood pressure was too low, her heart rate slower than it should be, she hasn't eaten in three weeks, and was left without water for a week and six days.

A nurse recorded everything on a clipboard.

Name: Alesandria Keller Freith
Age: 17
Date of birth: 3/15/2003
Hair color: red
Eye color: green
Status: orphan
Condition: critical

That's all they had on the poor girl, though the nurse did record how long she went without life sustaining supplies.

They quickly set Alesandria to a heart monitor and to bag filled with nutrients, hoping they could save her in time.

The heart monitor read 24 beats, a very dangerously slow heart rate, and her vitals quickly jumped.

For the moment everyone was waiting for some sort of reaction, whether she wake up or twitch, they just wanted a sign.

A sign that life beat death, that it had won the game. Her heart rate become a little higher, up to 28, and jumped four again every five minutes.

They all tensed as they watched her vitals become slightly more normal, and her heart rate coming up to a safer speed.

They waited for exactly 20 minutes and 38 seconds before her right hand twitched.

People sighed in relief all around, a few nurses and a doctor stayed behind while the rest went back to work.

○□○》Alesandria P.O.V《○□○

The first thing I could see was darkness, and the sound of a continuous beeping sound made it difficult to concentrate.

I opened my eyes by a crack to see severe bright slightly, so I shut them closed again and mumbled in pain.

"Alesandria?" A voice asked.

I tried to respond but found my throat to be quite scratchy, so I just hummed a "yes?" instead.

"Thank goodness you're awake. We were all so worried. Do you know how long you have been out?" The polite voice asked me.

I tempted to shake my head, and it seemed like it worked.

"You've been out for 24 hours. You scared everyone, almost dying more than a few ocassions."

I didn't know how to respond to that.

"Do you know how long you have been a part of meta-human trafficking?" The lady asked.

I shook my head no.

"For five years." They replied.

Their voice sounded sad and sincere, like they were crying, or pitying me. I despise pity, it just made me realize even more how much I lost.

That was when I felt warm overcome my hands. It didn't feel hot, but it felt warmer than the rest of my body.

"Oh my goodness! Uhh... Lexrilla, get someone to see if we have a coller that dampens powers!"

I was confused for a minute, until it all clicked into place. No no no no no no! I can't have powers.

I heard the beeping starting to get faster, and the warm overtook my arms as well.

"No no no no no no no no!" I cried out through my scratchy throat.

This can't be happening to me! On top of being an orphan, now I have powers! Nobody will want me, nobody will accept me!

I hear somebody screaming, and I assume it's the nurse, until I feel my throat crack, and register I'm screaming.

I open my eyes to see my hands forming a sort of fireball through blurry eyes. I have been crying.

I stare at my hands as they shake violently, the fire becoming larger.

"MAKE IT STOP!" I cry out.

Nobody was in the room. They left me. They all left me. Because I'm a freak now. I have powers. I'm not wanted.

And that's when I hear clamoring footsteps and some people shouting.

The door burst open and I see three teenagers coming towards me.

The first one has a red jacket on with black pants and a black undershirt, with a yellow belt and black fingerless gloves. He's also wearing black combat boots.

The second one is wearing a yellow and red costume with a lightning symbol in the middle of the chest.

The third one is wearing a black long sleeved shirt with yellow stripes and a blue mini jacket with grayish pants and fingerless gloves that match his shoes.

The one with the red jacket comes up to me with some black looking collar. My heart beat spikes up to 110.

"Please go! I don't want to hurt you!" I cry out to them before they could touch me, and my balls of flame become bowling ball sized.

"Don't worry. We're not going to hurt you. I'm just going to put this around your neck, and the fire will disappear." The red jacket guy said.

Before I could reply he vanished and I hear a snap. Then my fire is gone.

My eyes widen in fear and I look behind me to see red jacket guy. He looked a little sad, but I didn't care.

I sighed in relief, and then remembered something. This wasn't good.

I quickly removed the needles from my hands and arms and rushed to get off the bed before anyone could say anything.

I run straight for the door and make it into the hallway,  where it's deserted. Nobody cares about me, and the realization hits my heart.

Tears come to my eyes but I don't bother to wipe them away. I focused on running away.

I planned on running toward the roof, but right as I was about to get to the door, something came up right in front of me.

The kid in the red and yellow looked at me, a little concerned, and stood right in front of the door, red jacket guy coming to stand next to him.

"Please go away." I told them, hoping they would ignore me, just like everyone else in my life.

Please comment if you want a part 2.

Next chapter is Robin/ Jason Todd

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