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26) "We have to be"

34) "You could have died"


Requested by DickGraysonFangirl

It was supposed to be a rather normal night for the two young adults.

They were supposed to go out to a fancy Italian restaurant for their three year anniversary, Wally had booked the place two months in advance.

But, as usual for two superheros, things didn't quite go their way. Nightwing had called in Artemis for an urgent mission.

He had assured the couple that she would only be gone for at least one hour, at the most two and a half.

But everything went wrong when Slade Wilson showed up.

Nightwing and Artemis were trying to find information on a supposed new meta human in town that could contort the way people think.

There were rumors that Nightwing had investigated about her being an ex from the Leauge of Shadows, but he couldn't get 100% solid Intel.

He had gotten a facial recognition that she was in Star City, and had recruited Artemis to help him try and convince the boy.

Unfortunately for them, the boy instantly contorted the way Nightwing thought as a self defense mechanism.

So instead of trying to help Artemis convince the boy to come to a meta center over in Central City, he started to think otherwise.

The 11 year old boy was smart, Artemis had to admit to that, for contorting the heroes thoughts into thinking Artemis was the enemy.

Even though Artemis and Nightwing had been freind for four years now, she still didn't entirely know how he fought.

Sure, they trained and did combat against each other, but he was always learning different techniques so she could never have the upper hand.

Although she had to admit, it always helped her keep on her toes and help her learn a few moves by trying to block and attack him in return.

If you thought about it, it was a win win. But the only problem was that she lost most of the time.

And this time seemed to be turning out as one of those times. She was close, it was a 60 40 chance she could win this battle.

But after the black and blue clad hero had caught her by suprise, he pulled her down the the floor before a shot filled in the air, hitting his shoulder.

He didn't flinch, just kept attacking, and Artemis was trying to block every movement while in shock and trying to figure out where the shot came from.

She looked up in the rafters and caught a flash of orange that could only belong to one mercenary in the entire clan of villians she normally fought.

She eventually managed to kick Nightwing out with a trick arrow and focuses her full attention on Deathstroke, who was still in the rafters.

She climbed up the building using old ladders and a few jumps before eventually being across the old clichèd empty warehouse from the mercenary.

And this time the battle looked to be more of a 80 20 win, every movement either tipping the scale farther of smoothing it out slightlt.

Everything seemed to be going much better 10 minutes into the fight, with the scale seeming to be at a 65 35, until Slade had enough and shot her in the stomach.

Thankfully when he shot her, they had moved their fight to the ground, so she wouldn't have fallen at least 40 feet from high up.

Deathstroke had left soon after, leaving Artemis to lay in a pool of her own blood coming from a bullet wound in her stomach.

The effects on Nightwing had seemed to wear off, and he came to his senses and alerted Wally to come as soon as possible to their location.

He bandaged the wound after taking the bullet out with a wing ding and simply waited for Wally to arrive at the scene to take her.

As soon as Wally arrived, he was in shock, standing still, green eyes wide and filled with fear, legs stiff as stone in a bent angle that looked uncomfortable.

"Artemis?" He managed to squeak out, before dropping to his knees next to her rib cage, eyes beginning to swell up with tears forming.

Artemis just smiled up at him weakly, going to place a shaking hand on his freckled cheek.

"I'll leave you two alone." Nightwing claimed, before walking out of the warehouse.

"Artemis what were you thinking? You had me worried sick! You could have died!" Wally cried out, making Artemis wince.

"Sorry." Artemis replied, her small smile returning to her face.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm going to take you to a hospital right now, okay? This is gonna hurt."

"I'm ready." Was her only response, before Wally quickly picked her up bridal style, careful of her wound, and sped her over to a hospital close by.

●● time skip brought to you by Wally●●

It had been a few weeks after the incident, and Wally was still being a worry wart about the entire ordeal and about how careful she is.

Currently the two were sitting on a couch watching the news when all of a sudden Wally decided to say something.

"I don't think we should be superheros anymore."

Artemis just looked at him like he had just claimed that he went out on a date with Jason Todd.

"Say what now?"

"It's a risky job Artemis. And I want a life with you that won't screw up our perfectly normal plans."

The statement that included Wally whining made Artemis chuckle.

"But we have to be. We can't just quit, you've seen how that turns out. Everyone eventually comes running back to the job."

Artemis had a fair point, but Wally wasn't forfeiting against one good fact.

"But we're different. Come on Artemis. Don't tell me you've never dreamed of having a family before."

Artemis sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I have Wally. And, maybe we could try it out."

To see Artemis agree to that made Wally smile and hug the woman he loved.

So, this isn't my best work, but I ran out of time last night and I might not be able to update anything unwritten today.

Don't forget to check out the announcement chapter to get an idea of the prompts and other details.

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