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One gloomy (happy) day in the city of Gotham, were 4 young boys with nothing to do.

Their TV was broken (all of them) so the boys decided to do something entertaining.

Hide and Seek was immediately objected because the last time they played it, it took two days to find the eldest.

They attempted training but that quickly got boring, moved onto sparring, which was also unamusing.

It was a little bright for Gotham's usual weather, and they could hear someone shouting in the distance.

"Jay, come look!" Tim shouted, looking out the window to see a man and a woman yelling at each other.

"You slept with my sister!?" The woman yelled.

The woman was very slender, wearing deep black high heels with a blue crop top and high waisted Jean's. Her red hair was down in waves.

"No I didn't! You know she just said that to make me look bad! You know she never approved of us since the beginning! Why are you believing her?"

The man was slightly taller than the woman, and had platinum blonde hair with a dark suit one, complete with dress shoes.

"Oh this is gonna be good. Move over replacement." Mumbeled Jason, as he walked up to the bay window and sat down, looking at the couple.

"I believe her because she's my sister! She would never lie to me!"

"So you don't believe your own fiancè?"

"Burn." Tim and Jason mumbled.

"No, I don't!"

"Ouch." Tim said.

All of a sudden, Richard walked into the room, seeing his two brothers sitting on the bay window, looking outdide.

"What are you two doing?" He asked them.

"Shhh! Come watch." Tim whispered to him, and motioned for him to sit down.

Richard agreed and walked over to sit down next to the two.

"What about that one time she stole the $100 from your bank account, AND LIED TO YOUR FACE!?" The man shouted.

"That was one time!"

"Psshz sure. I have a whole dang list of things Amelia has lied to you about." He crossed his hands over his chest.

"Oh yeah? Name 3! I dare you David."

"She ruined your prom dress, told Hanna you didn't want to be friends with her anymore, sent embarrassing photos of you to Kelly. Need I continue?"

"Yes. Because last time I checked, my dog ruined my prom dress, Hanna didn't want to be friends from the start, and my phone got a virus, that sent Kelly those photos!"

At this point Damian was sitting next to his oldest brother, watching the couple fight.

At some point Jason made popcorn as the boys continued to watch the fight, eating as silently as possible.

"That's what she wanted you to believe! She's the one who did it! And the one who convinced you those lies! Which you clearly believe!"

The couple started a staring contest, David holding his ground as he attempted to win against his fiancè, Ava.

Eventually David won, and they continued to argue.

"Are you jealous of me loving my own sister more than you!?"

"Yes, Ava. Because the whole reason I proposed to you was because I thought we both loved each other with all our hearts!"

Ava looked shocked.

"I thought you loved me, would put anything below me. But I guess I was wrong. You wouldn't. Goodbye Ava."

David stormed away, with Ava chasing after him.

Just then Bruce came into the room, asking what the boys were doing sitting on the bay window.

"The TV broke, so we're watching a couple break up across the street." Jason replied, not turning to face Bruce.

Bruce raised his eyebrow in curiosity, and walked towards the window and saw a properly dressed blonde man and a slender ginger woman.

"I see."

"It's like watching a mini romance movie. Very entertaining." Tim said.

They all watched farther into the argument, waiting to see how it would end.

"Well then if you won't listen to me, then I guess the engagements off! Goodbye David."

Ava violently ripped off her engagement ring and threw it at his feet, storming off.

David picked up the ring and ran towards Ava, shouting at her.

"Ava! Wait! We can work this out! I'm sorry for all the terrible things I said about your sister. Can you ever forgive me?"

Ava stood in front of him and crossed her arms while rolling her eyes.

"Please Ava. Give me the chance to make this right again. We can work this out, we've been through much worse."

Ava started to cry, tears slipping down her perfect face from brown eyes.

"That's the thing, David. We keep getting in fights. What happens when we can't work it out then? What if we divorce after a child?"

David looked at her, heartbroken.

"See, that's one of the things I love most about you Ava. You don't worry about yourself. You worry about others. And you're very protective."

Ava laughed at the last comment through her tears as she held back the urge to run into his arms and apologize over and over.

"And I love you because you know how to make me laugh, even in the worst situations. And at the worst of times. You're always there for me."

The 5 males watched as the couple kissed, salt tears coming into the mix, and watched David slide the ring onto Ava's ring finger.

The two hadn't noticed that the boys were watching until after they heard clapping behind one of the many windows of Wayne Manor.

The couple blushed and walked it off.

In the house, Tim and Richard were wiping off happy tears of the very beautifuly happy ending.

Damian and Bruce looked unamused, as always, and Jason just smiled.

They all walked back to their rooms and decided to do different things.

Jason buried himself in a book on his bed, Tim caught up on some much needed sleep, Damian trained, and Dick went to go find Alfred.

Next chapter is Jaytim

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