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It was hours ago when school ended, and Jason Todd was the only student left to leave the building.

Or so he thought.

As he turned down the many hallways to get to where he parked his car, he passed by the schools music room.

When he heard the sound of the complicated violin piece being played, he stopped in his tracks and looked into the room.

The music room was actually very big, especially since all the chairs were put away. Which gave the girl playing a lot more room to play.

And apparently dance. The music she played flowed into his ears as she continued, the difficult notes being played while dancing amazed him.

He had heard violin is one of the hardest instruments in the world to play, but he never knew it could play beautifully.

He watched through the tiny window to see the girl doing splits mid air, while twirling around and dancing like a professional.

To say he was awed by her talent would be an understatement. The way her graceful moves played with her very up beat song was glorious.

She did have rests every now and then, but that didn't matter. She played her part beautifully, not missing a single note.

From what he could tell the girl had a strange hair color. It was Auburn that faded into a brownish white.

He couldn't get her eye color, but she was wearing worn tennis shoes and had on old yoga pants and a jacket.

Everything looked worn out, and torn in places, but she looked stunning, especially when her tied up hair swung around.

When the song was done Jason couldn't help but make some sort of weird noise of awe.

The girl walked over to her case and set her violin in it, only to grab an old canteen and drink from it.

From where Jason could see she was sweating like crazy, but still refused to take off her jacket.

After a few sips the girl grabbed her violin again and started working on warm ups for her fingers before she played the same song again.

Just as she was in a rest, Jason decided he was going to let her know he was here, and had been watching her preform.

When he opened the doors, she turned to face him, her blue eyes reminding him of Richard, but hers were even lighter, like water.

"Can I help you?" She asked him, watching him come closer to her.

"Yeah, actually. Could you play me a different song?" He asked.

The girl looked intrigued.

"Depends. What song is it?" She asked, popping her hip out, and looking slightly bored.

"A song by Josh Veitti. Black and Yellow, to be presice." Jason stated.

The girl took this into consideration, and after a minute of thinking, decided it wouldn't do any harm.

Besides, her father was working until 5 tonight, so she had a little more time left before he would get back.

She lifted her violin to her chest, and Jason went over to grab himself a seat from one of the stacks of chairs in the corner of the room.

She started to play, and Jason would think Josh Vietti himself would be jealous of how clean she sounded.

He sat down and watched as she played, first starting to sway a little, before she did simple leg movements, and then really got into it.

She got down in a split, and came back up without a single problem. Jason was a little taken aback at how easy she made it look.

When she finished Jason was frozen for a little bit, but recovered quickly and started to clap very enthusiastically.

She blushed underneath the freckles that dotted her cheecks, and he found it quite cute how flustered she was.

"What's your name?" Jason asked her, really wanting to know how she could even do this.

"Isebella Thornts."

Then it hit Jason like a building. Isebella Thornts, first violin, first chair, skipped a grade. She was only two years younger than him.

He also remembered the rumors of her mom abandoning her as a kid, being pregnant with a baby boy, and then dying of drug overuse.

Luckily the boy was delivered before she died, but he had heart problems and breathing issues and died only a week later.

Her dad works at a flower shop for a living, and doesn't make a lot of money, but enough to buy a small house and provide dinner.

He knew her dad was a drunk too, but as far as he was concerned, there haven't been any problems.

But as to seeing that Isebella never took off her jacket, or always worse a long sleeved shirt, worried Jason a little.

And now seeing her up close, sweating, but refusing to take off her jacket, worried him further.

The bags under her eyes were very clear, even under the makeup she put on to attempt to hide them.

There was a small bruise on her cheek, and a scratch on her neck, and a cut above her forehead that Jason noticed looked a day old.

"So, since I am in the presence of the famous Jason Todd, I must ask. What are your goals in life?" She asked him.

"I don't know. What about you?"

"To graduate, so I can move away fro-" Isebella stopped herself. Before she could say "from my abusive dad".

"From here. So I can go to, heck knows where. As long as I get a degree for my violin playing, I'll be happy." She finished.

Jason was suspicious now, catching when she cut herself short.

"Playing my violin really helps me. Sometimes I like to imagine I have wings when I play, and I can just fly in the air. Run wild."

Isebella closed her eyes, imagining beautiful silver angel wings as big as an elephant's ear, attached to her back, the air pushing her hair back.

"I just want to be free."

A single tear dripped off the side of her face.

Please comment if you want a part 2.

Next chapter is Jaytim

{Future warning: loads of Jaytim}

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