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27. "You're trembling."

34. "You could have died."


Suggested by DickGraysonFangirl

Jason sighed as he dug through his coat pockets, searching for the steel red house key he usually kept on his person, patting himself down.

"Where is it?" He muttered under his breath in frustration, before digging through his jean pockets.

He felt the cool touch of metal and sighed in relief before taking the small red key with a picture of a black gun out of his jean pocket and placing it into the lock.

Turning the key, he burst into the room and ripped his jacket off before placing it on a hook, his burning anger subsiding.

Today was not one of Jason's good ones. One of his workers had decided to drag him out to a drug ring he assigned them to deal with, only to find out it was a trap.

He hat to kill a few men, and he knew Bruce would be pissed at him for it, but Jason couldn't care less at the moment, as seeing he had to cancel date night with Tim.

Jason always got grumpy when he had to cancel, because that would always show him just how hard the world was trying to pull the two apart.

But Jason felt special when he was around Tim. He felt at peace. Tim just made his life 10 times easier when he was around.

But today just seemed like the day everything was gonna fall apart for Jason, when he saw Tim completley passed out on the couch, his body shaking slightly.

There was a shattered coffee mug right by the couch Tim was on, files with drops of the cinnamon coffee on it, a small puddle of it on the floor.

Jason at first just assumed he was asleep, but Jason quickly came back to his senses. If Tim had been drinking coffee, he shouldn't be asleep. The amount of caffeine in that drink kept Tim up for at least 6 hours before he needed to drink more.

And by his calculations, either Tim had gotten off work 5 hours early, his coffee had been drugged, or something really bad had happened to Tim.

Jason quickly ran over and placed two fingers to Tim's exposed neck, right above a hickey Jason had left last night.

A faint heart beat could be felt on Jason's skin, and the man sighed in relief before gently picking up Tim and walking him out of their apartment.

Jason placed Tim in the back of his car before hopping into the driver's seat and driving over to the closest hospital.

He ran into the hospital's emergency room, Tim shaking slightly in his arms, before running up to the front desk.

Jason hadn't realized he'd been crying until he felt something wet roll off his chin, and started to realize that he was also hyperventilating.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Jason rasped out.

The lady at the front desk looked up at him with warm green eyes and a nice smile.

"What's the emergency sir?"

"My boyfriend, he passed out all of a sudden and won't stop shaking, and I don't know what's wrong with him."

"Okay. You need to take some deep breaths yourself and I'll call down a doctor for you."

"Thanks you."

Jason made a beeline for one of the waiting chairs, going to sit down, supporting Tim's head on his shoulder and sitting him down on his lap, stroking his hair.

"Everything's gonna be fine Tim. You'll be alright. You have to be alright." Jason whispered in Tim's ear, rocking him back and forth slightly.

At this point Jason didn't know if he was trying to reassure the passed out man on his lap or himself more, but as long as Jason could occupy himself into the doctor showed up.

Several minutes later an older man in a doctors coat, with bright yellow hair, freckles all over his face, and tan skin showed up to take Tim away to asses him.

The name tag read Solace and Jason was reassured that Doctor Solace would take Tim to asses the damage and help him out to the best of his abilities.

Jason waited for about an hour, but it felt like several years to him before Doctor Solace came back to tell him what happened.

"He's fine, accept the reason he passed out was a little difficult to determine, even after blood tests, but we suspect the cause was just too much caffeine in his system."

Jason sighed in relief and stopped bouncing his leg up and down. "I keep telling him the amount of coffee he consumes would get him killed one day." The man muttered under his breath.

Apparently Doctor Solace could hear what Jason had said and laughed. "Trust me, I have a husband who refuses to sleep a lot as well."

"Well, men can be stubborn. Can I check on Tim?"

"Of course. His room is on the second floor, room 22." Doctor Solace instructed, before walking away towards the front desk.

Jason got up and went up the stairs, since the elevator was too slow, and bolted to Tim's room, where he found a peacefully sleeping Tim.

The beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound in the room, besides Jason's quiet steps into the room.

Tim was breathing just fine, and his heart rate was at a normal pace, although he was still slightly shaking, just not as much, which made the older man relax slightly as he sat down in a chair provided in the room.

He was like that for about 12 minutes, his head up in his wandering thoughts of what ifs before Tim woke up, causing Jason to jump from his seat.

"I keep telling you the amount of coffee you consume is unhealthy. I told you you would end up dead someday because of it." Jason started ranting about how much coffee Tim consumed, while Tim tried to hold back a smile.

"That's the type of greeting I get?" Tim asked, his voice hoarse and scratchy.

"Yes. Because the only reason we're here, is because of you. Look at you, you're trembling. All that coffee is making your body visibly shake! You could have died!"

Tim smiled at him. "I'm going to be fine Jason."

Hahahaha I hope at least one person knows who Doctor Solace is from. And his husband. I swear you better know his husband.

I am so sorry it took me this long, I was at a friends house and she likes a lot of attention, so, no typing for me.

And sadly, I have no art to give to you, so my apologies again.

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