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So I know Skillet is a Christian band, but I promise, this doesn't directly say his name at all.

I love Skillet, and there are a few songs by them I might do in future chapters.



of or in a state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged or indefinite period, especially as a result of severe injury or illness.

Jason woke up in the uncomfortable hospital chair to bright sunlight illuminating into the hospital room. Jason looked up groggily at his boyfriend.

Tim Drake was laying in the hospital bed, his scarred and patched up face hadn't moved a centimeter since last night, or ever since he had arrived at the hospital.

Jason sighed, standing up from the blue cushioned chair, and bent over to sweep away some of Tim's raven locks that had fallen onto the bandages.

The fight between Red Hood and Red Robin vs. Deathstroke didn't end well, as seeing Tim was unconscious, and has been for almost two weeks now.

During the fight, Tim had sustained many lethal blows, stab wounds on his legs, bullets in his chest, multiple cuts across his entire body. Tim was lucky to still be breathing.

The doctors had assured they had done everything they could, and if Tim didn't wake up in two months, they would have to consider he would stay in a coma forever.

The news had hurled itself at Jason like a wrecking ball, and Jason had never felt more devastated in his entire life. Not even when he came back to life and discovered Joker was still alive.

Tim and Jason had been dating each other for almost five years, and tomorrow would be their five year anniversary since they declared they were dating to everyone.

Jason watched with a small smile as Tim heaved a large breath of air, only to release it 10 seconds later. His heart rate was slow, but it was better than nothing.

Better than nothing. Those are the words Jason keeps reminding himself in his head repeatedly, as seeing there was still a chance for Tim to wake.

Jason could hear a new song blast onto the speakers out in the hallway. That's what Jason liked about this hospital. It had really upbeat music playing in the hallways.

"I hate feelin' like this
I'm so tired of tryin' to fight this
I'm asleep and all I dream of is waking to you
Tell me that you will listen
Your touch is what I'm missin'
And the more I hide I realize I'm slowly losin' you
I'll never wake up without an overdose of you
I don't wanna live
I don't wanna breathe
'less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
(Wakin' up to you never felt so real)
I don't wanna sleep
I don't wanna dream
Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
(Wakin' up to you never felt so real)
I hate livin' without you
Dead wrong to ever doubt you
But my demons lay in waitin'
Tempting me away
Oh how I adore you
Oh how I thirst for you
Oh how I need you
I'll never wake up without an overdose of you
I don't wanna live
I don't wanna breathe
'less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
(Wakin' up to you never felt so real)
I don't wanna sleep
I don't wanna dream
Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
(Wakin' up to you never felt so real)
Breathing life
Waking up
My eyes
Open up
I'll never wake without an overdose of you
I don't wanna live
I don't wanna breathe
'less I feel you next to me
You take the pain I feel
(Wakin' up to you never felt so real)
I don't wanna sleep
I don't wanna dream
Cause my dreams don't comfort me
The way you make me feel
(Wakin' up to you never felt so real)
Oh how I adore you
Wakin' up to you never felt so real
Oh how I thirst for you
Wakin' up to you never felt so real
Oh how I adore you
The way you make me feel
Wakin' up to you never felt so real."

Jason connected to the song. If he lost Tim, he didn't know what he would do. He didn't want to know. Tim was important to him, he couldn't lose Tim to Slade Wilson.

Jason sighed in defeat as another song played, still feeling somewhat drowsy, and he could feel the bags hang under his eyes without touching them.

Jason walked over to the door, until something stopped him in his tracks. Jason wanted to believe what he heard was true, and not just an illusion.

But Jason also felt that if he turned around only to see Tim in the same state, Jason assumed he might just break down at this point.


There it was again. Jason, crossing his fingers and praying to whatever god or gods or goddesses were up there to answer him for ones. He hoped he wasn't hallucinating.

Jason slowly turned around to see the god/s have answered his prayers, because what he was seeing was real. Tim was awake.

Jason felt tears well up in his eyes as he rushed toward the bed that Tim lay in, going in to wrap his large arms around Tim's small frame.

"Tim." Jason muttered under his breath that was lost into his boyfriend's hair.

"Hi Jason." Tim simply said, returning the hug that Jason had given him, letting Jason cry into his shoulder,

"I can't believe it." Jason cried into Tim's shoulder, gripping his hold even harder, careful of the wounds that were bandaged. Tim rubbed his back.

"Well believe it." Tim laughed, which caused Jason to chuckle along with him.

The two stayed like that for a while, Jason holding his death grip into the hug while Tim just rubbed his back in slow circles. It was nice, and the two really enjoyed the peace and quiet.

That is until a doctor walked in and asked if he could run a few tests on Tim.

Next chapter will be Jaydick.

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