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^ Alvin Draper / Tim Drake / Red Robin

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Alvin Draper / Tim Drake / Red Robin

And now for one that doesn't look like complete garbage.

And now for one that doesn't look like complete garbage

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*looks at it again*

I changed my mind, that also looks like garbage, but Liza would yell at me if I threw it away. *pouts*

This was my first picture where I actually tried shading, so don't mind the horrible mess.

This was my first picture where I actually tried shading, so don't mind the horrible mess

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Person A: Jason
Person B: Tim

It was quite a lazy day for the two vigilantes.

Tim didn't have any more homework, as seeing he already did all of it, and Jason didn't have any trades going on or work to check up on back in the Mob ring.

Tim was reading a newspaper article about yet another sighting of Red Robin and Red Hood holding hands. For the fifth time in the past three days.

Jason always asked Tim why he reads that garbage, and Tim always responds with "I'm just checking to make sure they haven't gotten close to figuring out our secret identities."

To which Jason always rolls his eyes at. If people were going to figure out their secret identities, they would have already exposed them by now.

The older man was bored. Last night there wasn't much crime going on, so he didn't have anyone to shoot, sadly enough, or anyone to punch.

Which is kind of good because the less work for him meant the less trouble people were getting into, but doesn't mean he didn't hate it any less.

"What the f\_/ck?" Tim screams all of a sudden, causing Jason to jump up and run over to Tim.

"What's wrong?"

"People are saying that Dick and Bruce might be dating! Well, Nightwing and Batman, which is still absurd!" Tim explains to Jason, who tries to control his laughter.

"Seriously? That- that" Jason broke, letting the laughter consume him to the point where he was crying and rolling over the carpeted floor.

"It doesn't make any sense. The people know Nightwing was the first Robin, how could they assume such things? Bruce is double, maybe even triple Dick's age!"

This only caused Jason to laugh harder if possible, thinking about Robin and Batman ever dating. It was really far fetched, but Jason couldn't help but laugh at the thought of that actually happening.

The two fell into a comfortable silence when Jason stopped laughing. Tim continued to read the newspaper as Jason lay sprawled out on the floor of their living room.

Inside his head, Jason was trying to come up with conversation starters. If he talked about last night, it would probably just give Tim more anxiety, as seeing he's always worried when crime has dropped.

He couldn't talk about the weather, that was just boring. But he also couldn't talk about his work, because Tim is still kind of wary about his job.

Tim is always worried they could be tracked down and killed, as seeing Red Hood had a bounty on his head at the moment, courtesy of Black Mask.

Jason was tempted to go and kill the guy himself, but Tim had refused and put him under lockdown. Literally.

The kid was smart enough to know where Jason was going at all times by tracking literally any piece of his clothing he had on.

It was kind of irritating, although Jason backed off when Tim had claimed he couldn't stand it if Jason died for good this time. Tears and all.

"Hey Timmers?" Jason asked, really bored of laying on the carpet with nothing to do.

"Yeah Jay?" Tim responded, only before he turned to another page of the newspaper he was reading.

"I just wanted to inform you that I just ate an m&m I found on the carpet and I might die." Jason said suddenly, remembering what he had done not only 20 minutes prior.

"What? Why would you do that?" Tim snapped, quickly shutting the newspaper closed only to cross his arms.

"It was just sitting there mocking me. Like 'ha, you can't eat me, I'm on the floor'!" Jason responded, shifting his body so he could see Tim's reaction.

Tim's eyes in response grew wide, a frustrated frown already tugging at his soft pink lips. "Do you have any idea how old that was?"

Jason felt himself frown. "It was challenging me Tim! I couldn't just let it sit there!"

"We haven't had m&ms in months!" Tim replied, throwing his hands up in the air as if he was giving up.

"It tasted like laundry." Was the only comment Jason could think of to defend himself at the moment.

Way to go Jason. That's just perfect. Now he's definently going to get upset.

"Why are you like this!?" Tim yelled, gesturing his hands towards Jason, who looked very offended.

"Excuse me but you're dating me, you should have known what you signed up for before you agreed to it."

Tim just sighed and buried his head in his hands before screaming into them. Jason just rolled his eyes and turned back to face the ceiling.

Drama queen.

"What did you say?" Tim screamed. Jason's eyes got wide. He didn't think he said that out loud.

"Nothing!" Jason replied, hoping Tim would just brush it off like usual.

Awww da fluff. So adorable.

And guess what? Three updates in one day. Wow, I was not expecting that. And I bet you weren't either.

Please leave any suggestions for the prompts if you have any! And remember to have a great day!

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