Jaytim《58》Broken Abuse

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Warnings: mentions of underage sexual assault, a broken Tim Drake, and sweet Jason Todd. And um... you TimKon shippers might hate me after this...

And @DickGraysonFangirl you might want to get your psychotic side out, stuffs about to get real up in this chapter.

Person A: Tim
Person B: Jason

It was around lunch time for the two vigilantes, or in some cases vigilante and anti-hero, but that's beside the point. The point is that it's lunch time.

Jason had made home made pasta for lunch, the sauce being made from his own grown tomatoes from his small plant obsession.

It was rather quiet in the house, a good quite, one that didn't leave Tim to feel like someone, a specific someone, wasn't going to barge in and hurt him.

Jason had been worried at first for his boyfriend, as seeing how Tim would act around him didn't feel human.

The first day they had officially become a couple, Tim always did everything for Jason, and it really bugged the older man.

Jason decided to keep his mouth shut on the topic, but after the fourth date, Tim went too far and Jason had to tell him he also wanted to do things.

Tim was taken aback, though Jason didn't know why. Tim acted new to the whole dating thing while at the same time he acted like a slave.

And Jason hated it with ever cell in his body.

It took a while, and a whole lotta patience of Jason's end, before Tim started to understand what he was saying.

Still, Tim did forget sometimes and went on old habits. But Jason's main concern was why Tim was acting this way.

He didn't want to ask Tim what happened to make him like that, he thought it would just be cruel, so he decided to go ask Bruce instead. Even though he and Bruce were on shakey terms.

"Do you know why Tim acts so..." Jason started to ask, staring at the man sitting in the chair in front of four large screens.

"Odd?" Bruce finishes for Jason, not bothering to turn around and look at him.

There was a small amount of quiet before Jason could register that Bruce had finished his sentence and reply.

"Yeah." Jason replied, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck sheepishly. He knew he was easy to read to Bruce, but he didn't feel comfortable that it was as easy as finishing sentances.

Then again he decided he was gonna want to be raised by the worlds greatest detective himself. Kind of was his fault.

Bruce sighs, looking down at the key board under the large screens of the Batcomputer, rubbing a hand against his forehead.

Whoever Bruce did that, Jason always thought he was gonna collapse of exhaustion someday, as seeing how much stress Bruce was always putting himself through.

Though, admittedly, not as much as his oldest brother, Dick Grayson, who always took on the weight of the world on his shoulders and tried to impress everyone, always pushing himself.

"Do you know why I never approved of Conner?" Bruce asked Jason, knocking him out of his own thoughts, looking up to meet his eyes. His uncovered eyes.

"Not really." Jason honestly answered, shrugging slightly and shifting his feet so that all his weight was now on his left foot instead of his right.

"Conner never had a father to really look up to. Clark only acted cold, distant, and cruel to him. Another reason I don't trust him." Bruce explained. Jason nodded, storing away the information in his brain.

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