Jaytim《63》Happy Birthday

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Happy birthday Tim Drake!

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Happy birthday Tim Drake!

Jason no. 🤣

The older man opened the door to his shared apartment with his boyfriend, only to find the living room a huge mess.

Eyes wide from shock, he scanned the room. Empty and used coffee mugs were scattered across the floor, a few drops of coffee creating tiny puddles on the solid flooring.

Pizza boxes were scattered across the table, he counted six in total. The kitchen sink had many used plates jumbled up in the bin.

Papers, stapled or not, were scattered across the living room couch and coffee table, the TV that sat across from it still on, playing a cartoon.

Still not finding the younger person, he made his way to their shared bedroom, only to find a similar mess in the bedroom as in the living room.

Surrounding a sleeping Tim Drake were scattered papers, what looked like case files and reports - Jason rolled his eyes at that- in folders.

There were a few coffee mugs on the nightstand, and one looked like it was brewed not too long ago, as seeing there was still steam rising from the cup and Jason could smell it.

The older man smiled down upon the sleeping figure, silently laughing at how Tim forgot yet another one of his birthday's.

It was kind of sad, in all honesty, that Tim saw his birthday as just another regular work day, but Jason didn't mind too much, because it meant he could suprise the younger man.

Jason closed the laptop that laid open on Tim's lap, and set it on top of a few papers, and picked up all of the coffee mugs off the night stand, besides the one with fresh coffee, and left the room.

The red haired man placed the cups in the sink before going to collect all the others scattered across the flooring and in the living room.

We're making Jason a red head because why the heck not?

He placed all the scattered papers in the living room into one big stack, not bothering to care about the possible lecture he will get later on for shuffling them all up.

He silently removed the laptop from Tim's lap when he got into their shared room, and placed it on a nightstand before collecting the papers to place them in the stack of all the others.

Before leaving the room he turned off the light and silently shut the door. He then returned to the sink and hand washed all of the coffee mugs.

By the time he had finished with everything, it had become 1 in the afternoon, and Jason was trying to think up of something he could do for Tim's birthday.

For the past two weeks he hadn't seen Tim, being too busy with an undercover mission the Outlaws were in, so he wanted their reunion to be special.

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