Jaytim《79》The Cat and the Plant pt.2

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Laughter echoed the streets in the Diamond District, filling the dark alleyways filled with filth and the occasional thug.

The rushing wind blew a chill breeze in the night, but that couldn't bother the two teenagers running across the rooftops.

"C'mon Jay, catch up!" Tim yelled, before going to do a simple handstand and using his momentum to swing himself into a running position before dashing off across the rooftops.

Not far behind him, Jason was standing on a solid leaf of a giant red rose, the thorny stem continuously growing under Jason's power.

Both teens had large grins on their faces as Tim leaped over a huge gap between two buildings, doing a somersault after he hit the roof before pushing himself back up and continuing to run again.

Jason gained speed, but still Tim was farther ahead of him, even if by a few feet by now.

Ever since that night on the rooftop three years ago, when they were both introduced to each other by their former mentors, they had become the best of friends.

Both Jason and Tim secretley wished their relationship could be more than friends, but in fear of ruining what they had, they kept their secrets buried in their minds.

Tim has always felt so alone when he was a boy. His parents were always at business meetings or attending galas while he was forced to stay inside his home doing school work or tutoring sessions on how he would have to manage the family business one day.

And Jason was a whole other story.

When his mom passed when he was young, his father turned to drinking. Which left Jason to fend for himself most of the time.

But both boys desired the same thing. To have a partner in their life that would help them through everything that life could possibly throw at them.

When Tim's parents died he scoffed at his wants, learning quickly that no one was going to help him like that, not even Selina. However, no matter how hard he tells himself it would never happen, he can't push away the feeling of wanting it.

Jason was always so full of hate towards the world, but he also saw so much potential in it to be better. When he joined Ivy he thought he was helping show the world that they could change. His feelings got in the way, he felt, but they kept resurfacing, not matter how hard he tried to bury them.

If Selina was right about anything, it was that life will throw everything it feels necessary in your face, and you have to be the one to stand up, not have someone do it for you.

Tim lived by that code ever since she told him that. He never let himself depend on anyone but himself, never let anything get in the way of his own victory.

But Jason was different.

Ever since Tim had met Jason, he learned so many things. And he wanted to know more. His need for knowladge about the man behind the mask of rage had burned deep inside him ever since that night on the rooftop.

Jason was calm and focused when he wanted to be, but usually his anger is an uncontrollable force to be reckoned with, especially if you're on the receiving end of said force.

He had things against drugs and drinking, and liked herbal tea. He loved books, even though people had to cut down trees for them. And he loved to be a nerd when he felt completley comfortable.

Tim didn't know everyone Jason was comfortable with, but when he learned that fact, he was filled with joy to know that he himself had made it onto the list of people Jason was comfortable with.

But Tim wasn't the only one who learned a thing or two about the other. Over the years, Jason had slowly learned how truly smart Tim could be.

And how extremely dangerous he could possible become.

While Jason was never much for letting fear control him, Tim scared him more than anything in the world. And he loved him for it.

Tim was fierce and witty. He knew everything two steps ahead of time, his reaction timing was almost unbelievable, and his skills at basically everything amazed him to the point where he was breathless.

And that was one of the reasons Jason could never convince himself to admit his feelings to Tim. He felt like he wouldn't deserve it. In fact, he didn't even believe he deserved his friendship. Yet somehow Tim was still with him, after all these years.

Tim even stayed in Gotham after getting many job offers out of state. Jason always wondered the real reason why, because Tim would always say the offers weren't enough for him.

However Jason wasn't as much as an idiot as Tim ought to believe, because Jason knew that even if that was a reason, it wasn't the main reason he stayed.

No one in their right minds would WANT to stay in Gotham. Gotham was the city that destroyed peoples sanity and left rotting corpses of hopeless fools that tried to live by stealing.

Tim's reasoning didn't make sense. He could get them to offer double, he was smart enough for that.

Jason shrugged off his train of thought, and focused his attention back onto the man in the black jumpsuit, who was mid leap in the air over an alleyway.

The smile spread onto his face one again when Tim landed with just as much grace as every other time he had done the move.

Another thing to love was the way Tim could make a violent move look like something out of a ballet performance.

Jason watched as Tim started running again, the moonlight reflecting off of his goggles and making him somehow even more angelic than before.

Suddenly, Tim stopped and looked back at Jason, a wide grin spread across his face.

"You still coming?" He called out.

Jason nodded and took off after Tim.

I know this is kinda crappy (as always) but this was the best I could manage. This week is rather busy for me and today was the only day I could find time to update.

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