Jaytim+Damitim《61》Alternate Dimension

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The first thing Tim woke up to was a small amount of pain in the back of his head, but he ignored it for the time being, just wanting to snug closer to the sheets and Damian.

So Tim just nuzzled into Damian, burying his face into his back and wrapping an arm around his waist.

That is, until he noticed something. This isn't what Damian feels like. Or smells like.

The body he was cuddling into was rather more broad than what Tim was used to, the muscles felt more defined and the waist felt thicker.

And that stomach clenching smell. It was of smoke, muck, cigarettes, and blood. Damian usually smelled of vanilla and cinnamon, not like this.

Tim slowly opened an eye and had a heart attack when he say who he was laying next to.

It wasn't Damian, but Jason of all people.

Tim silently started to freak out internally while trying to calm himself down on the outside, such as control his breathing, so everything would seem okay and until he figured out what was happening.

He opened both eyes and scanned everything in his peripheral vision, from Jason's sleeping and even breathing to one of his socks on the floor.

Oh this wasn't good. Maybe he was drunk and accidentally came into Jason's room? Or maybe he's still dreaming? Or maybe it was a joke.

Tim really hoped it was the second option, so he wouldn't have to face a furious Damian, or be stuck in a bloody cross fire of brothers fighting.

Tim debated moving from his position so he could try and sneak out of the room, or staying put and wait for Jason to wake up all on his own.

Tim chose the first option, but right then, when he decided, off course fate had different plans and Jason woke up, sleepy teal eyes staring into his.

Jason took half a second to look at him before giving him a small smile.

"Morning babe."

That sentence alone short circuited Tim's brain. Babe? BABE? What the actual H€ll?

While Tim was having a mental conflict, apparently he was staring at Jason for too long because Jason started to look worried.

"Babe? You okay? Did you get enough sleep last night?" Jason asked Tim again, causing Tim's brain to mentally shut down again.

After another moment of silence Jason positioned himself to sit up on the bed, blankets falling off his chest to show his many scars from the line of duty.

"Tim? Are you okay?" Jason tried again, putting his hands to cup Tim's face, rubbing his thumbs on Tim's now red cheeks.

"I... what happened last night? Where's Damian?"

°Dimension jump thanks to Red Hood°

Tim woke up to find himself in an empty bed, in an unfamiliar room, with no Jason next to him, nude, and the smell of eggs and bacon wafting through the air.

With the company of a small little headache that barley seemed to be there at all, but was still quite painful if he thought about it for too long.

The ceiling was a white instead of the usual black, the bed he was on had silky sheets instead of the blankets he usually woke up to.

He sat up in the bed and scanned the room, only to find that it was actually pretty neat compared to the usually somewhat messy room he and Jason shared.

He tried scanning the room for clues from where he sat but, only found a picture on the other side of the very large room that was hard to make out.

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