Jaytim《54》The Cat and the Plant

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Tim is Catlad, protege to Catwoman, and Jason is unnamed, protege to Poison Ivy.

"Okay kitten, it's time to leave." Selina called out from her bedroom, where Tim presumed she was probably changing.

"Be right there!" Tim replied, before hopping off the couch, empty coffee mug and computer in hands.

He set the slim, black computer on the wooden coffee table in the middle of the small living room, shutting it off before closing it.

He walked towards the kitchen and placed the red and black coffee mug in the sink, on top of three others that had been placed there earlier that day.

He heard light footsteps on the carpeted stairs as he walked towards the doorway, placing his goggles over his blue eyes.

Selina looked him over, a gave him a small smile and nod of approval. "Okay, let's go."

Selina placed her own goggles over her eyes as they walked towards one of the back windows, cat suits on and everything.

Tim being the nimble and thin person he was fit in the small gap of the window, although Selina did have to squeeze her body out a little.

He jumped onto the metal stairs for the fire safety precautions and jumped onto the roof over, and waited on it for Selina.

He let Catwoman lead the way this time, as seeing she didn't tell him exactly where they were going. She told him it was a suprise.

He followed her out a little more North, where more of the poorer people lived. More streetrats they would have to slip by.

As they jumped rooftops in the night, Tim felt the sensational feeling overwhelm his body, his hair whipping behind him underneath hit hat.

He always loved jumping rooftops. The adrenaline of almost dying if you make one wrong move filled him with even more adrenaline.

Same goes with stealing. The adrenaline of almost being caught was addictive, and he loved the feeling of it pumping in his veins.

When he saw Catwoman stop on the next rooftop, he slowed his running a little bit before jumping the roof, landing somewhat next the the female.

Both Tim and Selina were out of breath and had to stop for a moment, taking a break from rooftop jumping, hands on bent knees.

"So... who are... we meeting?" Tim gasped out between uneven breaths.

Tim wasn't an idiot, he knew they weren't gonna pull a heist if they jumped that many rooftops on the Northern side of Gotham.

"Ivy. She has someone we both think you'll want to meet." Selina replied, her breathing somewhat normal now, despite Tim still gasping for air.

"Oh?" He managed, slowing his breathing down to his almost normal speed.

"Yes. He has been training with her for almost six months now." Catwoman told the young boy, turning to face her surroundings.

"So a boy huh?" Tim smirked, popping his hip out when he stood up completely, causing Selina to snort.

"I'm not an idiot Tim. I know you flirt way better with the boys than the girls. And you seem way more in to seducing men than women." Selina replied, turning to face him.

Before Tim could say anything back, however, two figures slowly approached the top of the roof in a messy tangle of vines.

And hot dang.

Ivy was just as beautiful as he remembered her from a few months ago, but he was used to her seductive ways from being with Selina for three years now.

But that wasn't the person he was staring at.

The person Tim was staring at was a slightly older boy, who looked about 16, he was pulling on a lot more muscle than Tim was, that was for sure.

His pants were a shade of green that matched Ivy's jumpsuit, covered in leaves, and had a few tattoos of flowers on his arms.

His black hair could have fooled someone for mistaking him as bald, except for the white streak he had in his hair.

To say the man before him was breathtaking, would be a horrible underestimation. He was beauty beyond words in Tim's eyes.

The man had what looked like forest meets water, blue at the top of his eyes fading into a green, and that just pulled Tim even further.

The man was standing behind Ivy, or at least his left side was covered by Ivy and her fiery red hair.

"Hi Selina. It's been a while." Ivy stepped up to walk towards Selina, and Tim watched the man panic slightly before following Ivy.

At first Tim pushed away the thought of the man being scared, but the more he looked over the mans tense features, he literally screamed panic and anxiety.

Tim didn't know what had him in such a fearful state like that, shoulders tense and squared in a not so bold way, feet slightly wavering.

If he focused he could see the slight tremor of his hands, as if they were itching to grab ahold of something, or someone.

Tim wanted to feel bad for the boy, for the man, but he didn't know what was scaring him so he just decided to be polite and not so seductive tonight.

Although he wouldn't be able to help himself if he said a dirty joke here or there, honestly. It was a subconscious act after living with Selina for a year.

It was like second nature to him now, and he did it without meaning to sometimes. It was a blessing and a curse to him.

"You too Ivy. And who are you?" Selina asked, making eye contact with the man after shaking hands with Ivy.

The man gulped, probably in fear, before answering the woman dressed in a cast suit. "I'm Jason." He answered, not invinting his hand to be shaken.

Selina just nodded before turning to Tim, gesturing that she wanted him to come closer. So he did.

"And this is my protegè."

"My name's Tim."

Selina just nodded and smiled, before focusing her attention on Jason again.

"How about you two go get to know one another while Ivy and I talk for a second?"

Weeeeeee another chapter!

Comment if you want a part 2.

I'm sorry for answering to comments late, I've been publishing chapters at 8:50 ish and wait to answer them in the morning.

It's more about being scared of criticism than anything, but I guess I should stop doing it, because now I keep worrying about something going wrong and I can't correct it.

Yeah. Fun times. Overthinking does that to you, sadly.

I hope you liked this chapter. Next one is Jaydick.

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