Batfamily《47》Infinity War

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Major character death with a side of feels and a drink of depression.

You have been warned.

It was supposed to be an ordinary day.

They were just supposed to go to a charity gala, as a family for the first time. No one ever expected it to happen.

There were many people that attended the gala, all dressed up for the occasion.

Men wore black and navy blue suits, the occasional white suit here and there, with ties and dress shoes.

Women were wearing dressed of all colors, from reds to blacks, some having a slit, some long, others on the shorter side.

Everything was going fine for the first two hours. Perfectly normal.

People were dancing, there was laughing, different conversations, wine glasses and water being passed around by waiters.

No one saw it coming.

Jason and Tim walked around the room with each other, refusing to let the other go unless it was to use the restroom.

It's been four years since they admitted their feelings for the other, and since then their relationship was on the healthier side.

Damian and his guest Jon usually stayed in one place, conversing with themselves for the most part, although sometimes a guest would come speak to them.

Zatanna had attended that night as Dick's guest to the event, and wore a simple long black dress with long white gloves and matching white heels.

Bruce walked around the room conversing with the members, and tried to avoid the rather shady people that had attended.

Cassandra was being dragged around the place by Stephanie, being forced into small conversations with her just nodding her head or shaking it.

Commissioner Gordon had attended the event as well, but Barbara had rejected the invitation offered to her and instead stayed behind to help guide Batwing and Huntress patrol the city.

Recently the Joker had escaped Arkham, again, but Bruxe insisted they all attend this one gala as a family. Even Jason.

Of course Jason refused to Bruce's objection at first, claiming he needed to spend his every waking moment tracking down the villian.

The only two people who were able to convince Jason otherwise were Alfred and Tim, of course.

Alfred was rather very scary, and the only person Batman never questioned out of the entire family.

And if Batman was scared of the butler, then so help him Jason was terrified of the man if he didn't listen.

And in all honesty, everyone who knew him never questioned him.

Alfred had attended the gala as well, helping keep track of all the waiters and cooks to keep on task of what they were doing.

Everything seemed to go actually decent, no one complained about one of their wallets or purses being stolen, and no one was being shot at.

Yet, this was only the second hour, so obviously anything could go wrong in the next three hours, but in Gotham galas, this is rather successful.

The gala that had lasted long enough without someone being kidnapped, shot at, or stolen from lasted three hours, 22 minutes and 15 seconds.

Everyone was rather enjoying their time, until a scream could be heard from in the middle of the room, created by a woman.

The woman was Jacey Nort and she had raven hair that complimented her deep purple dress and black shoes she wore.

When the attention was turned to her, she was slowly fading into what looked like dust, or rather ashes.

In a matter of seconds, Jacey was no more, and her ashes were left in a small pile in the center of the room.

Everyone stared in horror, until another yell was heard from one of the corners of the room, this time coming from a man.

Alexander Hirsh was wearing a white tux that went well with his rather very blonde hair and black dress shoes.

He also turned to dust before everyone's eyes, and soon the room turned into commotion.

People were running and screaming, not knowing what was causing people to turn to ashes, and lovers could only watch as their own turned as well.

Bruce was horrified, and could only watch as his son screamed out to Jon, who was hugging Damian before he too turned to ashes.

So many people were screaming and turning to dust it hurt his head, until he heard a very familiar scream, and Bruce felt a wave of panic course through his body.

In one of the corners of the room, he saw Tim crying into Jason's shoulder, that quickly disintegrated and Tim was left to cry, huddled in a ball.

He scanned the room with his eyes for his oldest, only to find him looking Bruce dead in the eyes, a small smile on his face, saying something Bruce couldn't make out.

And in the blink of an eye his ashes were in a small pile on the ground as well, and Bruce felt broken inside.

He just watched his two oldest sons turn to dust in front of his very own eyes, with no explanation as to how.

He turned his attention back to Tim, who was still crying, huddled up in a ball of himself, grappling onto some of the ashes Jason turned into.

Then he looked over to Damian, who was also crying, kneeling over the ashes Jon left behind when he too dissappeard.

By that time everyone else had left in fear, and Bruce went over to turn on one of the TVs to turn on the news.

"And for some unknown reason there have been over 200,000 disappearances of people from around the world, and more."

Vicki Vale spoke into her microphone in front of one of the banks, where people were running around screaming and crying.

And that was enough to push Bruce to go down to the Batcave to report to Oracle, and see if anyone else was missing.

"Oracle." Bruce simply spoke into the com he placed in his ear.


"Oracle." Bruce tried again, but still getting no response.

Meaning Barbara was gone too. Along with Jon, Dick, and Jason. And this was only what he knew so far.

Hahahahaha *evil laugh*

If you can just imagine the look on Bruce's face when Jason dies (again) and he watches Dick just smile at him before dying.

*dies* I cried so much when I thought of that, and I needed to share my pain with you.

Call me evil all you want, I will who heartedly admit to it. No hesitation.

Comment if you want a part 2, which will take place during Endgame, obviously.

Next chapter will be Jaytim.

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