Jaytim+Damitim《83》Alternate Dimension pt.2

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Bruce took the news surprisingly well.

After Tim and Damian had finished explaining what had happened that morning and after Tim had to convince him that his mind wasn't messed with, the three started to get to work on possible solutions to send Tim home and get the other Tim back to where he needed to be.

To eliminate confusion, Tim had named the other one Timothy, and Dmaina and Bruce had went along with it just in case they needed to separate the two.

There were many possible solutions as to how they would be able to send Tim back.

The first option was asking Zatanna or Dr. Fate to send him back, and then he would tell HIS Dr. Fate or Zatanna to do the same to Timothy.

Another possible solution was to build a machine that would be able to send him back. However, that would take much longer to do. It was their backup plan in case the magic didn't work.

But Tim was faithful in the magic more than the machine, which he found slightly strange. Sure, he's worked with magicians in the past, but he also works with machinery a lot more and finds himself more comforted by it.

However he was itching to see HIS Jason again, and not the one in this universe where he would always hang around Dick's side like his life depended on being around him.

It made him jealous when he saw the two like that. He hadn't realized how distant Jason and him have been the past few weeks, ever since he came back from a mission off world.

So he was determined to go back to his own world as soon as possible and fix up his relationship with Jason, even if it kills him (which he doubts it will).

As Damian and Bruce discussed many different outcomes and the dangers of asking to use magic versus the side effects a machine might leave, Tim zoned out to think about his Jason, and how deeply he missed him.

It's only been a few hours since they've been seperated, but Tim thinks it's the fact that he knows they're Earths away from each other hurts him.

He missed Jason's warm hugs that made him felt protected from the cruel world that he lived in, that they lived in. He missed feeling safe in those arms, even though he'd never admit it out loud.

He missed Jason's passionate kisses, and his deep soothing voice that could spew a thousand curse words in so many languages only he would know.

And he missed Jason's smile. Before Tim and Jason had become a thing Jason would NEVER smile at him. And he still rarely smiles. But when he does, Tim feels content on keeping the smile there as long as possible, as if it were his duty to make Jason happy.

And even if it wasn't his duty, he would still do it anyways. Because that's how much Tim loves Jason.

"Tim? What do you think?" Damian asked, turning to face Tim, who was staring at his left hand.

Tim snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to see both Bruce and Damian staring at him with waiting eyes, Damian's full of worry, and Bruce's full of contentment.

°Dimension jump thanks to Nightwing°

"I need to see Bruce." Tim said, making Jason glare at him, a hidden wince not going unnoticed by the young detective.

"Well good luck with that." Jason snarled before going out of the bedroom and entering a small kitchen.

"And what exactly do you mean by that, Jason?" Timothy asked, crossing his arms once again, trying to push away his anger for the rather snarky man.

He didn't see why his other self would want to marry Jason. He had no self control and went on impulse. He never listened to Timothy, and still wasn't doing that in this universe either.

"I mean ever since our engagement, which Bruce objected highly to, you haven't spoken to him since."

This made Timothy stop in his tracks. He hasn't talked to Bruce since their engagement? How long ago was that?

"How long ago?" Timothy whispered, trying to focus on the tiled floor again, which made him miss the tear that rolled down Jason's cheek.

"A few years. Two, maybe three. I lost track."

"You mean you lost track of our- your engagement anniversary?" Timothy almost yelled, anger for the older man rolling deep in his chest, and continously building.

"Of course not!" Jason screamed, now facing Timothy, making the younger man try to curl in on himself, making Jason go into another self doubtful moment.

Jason's heavy breathing was slowing down, but now guilt was crawling into his thoughts, and he still didn't understand to this day why Tim had chosen to marry him of all people.

"Time flies by when you're trying to make the love of your life happy." Jason whispers into the silence, before turning around to focus on the stove instead, leaving Timothy in a shocked state.

It was now at this moment that Timothy felt horrible. He didn't realise his previous statement would hurt Jason that much.

Before anything could be said, a flashing light of yellow emitted from the living room, causing Jason to quickly grab a gun he kept in one of the smaller kitchen drawers and dash to the living room, leaving Timothy with no knowladge about what to do.

As Timothy went to venture his way to the living room, the first thing he heard was a voice.

His voice.


Timothy peeked from the corner to see Dr. Fate and another him in living room, Tim giving Jason a kiss while he embraced the older man.

When the two broke apart, Tim's eyes fluttered over to Timothy, his eyes widening slightly before slipping into a small smile.

Timothy walked into the room, feeling out of place as he got closer to the other him.

Tim nodded to him. "Damian's waiting for you to return."

Timothy simply nodded before walking over to Dr. Fate, who developed them in a bright light.

And then he saw Damian, and everything felt right in the world again.

No more headaches.

No more heartaches.

I almost went on a rant about everything Tim loves about Jason.



Anyway, that top picture just makes my heart swell because JUST LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY ARE TOGETHERRRRRR ❤❤❤

Makes me wanna cry. They're so cute. *blows nose*

Anyways, sorry if this was trash, but I can't think properly right now, so I hope it is at least decent.

I will be posting the last chapter on Halloween!

Guys the ending is coming too quickly I wanna cry. I'll miss all your wonderful comments.

Ugh. Now I'm getting emotional.

Okay okay.

I'll see you later guys.

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