Crossover《39》Avengers pt. 5

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Dick groaned in pain, feeling slightly numb in his arm, his head fogged over slightly, and all together, he felt sick.

Dick sat up, bringing his not numb hand to rest of his head, feeling like he was in a haze.


Before the Boy Wonder get Express how confused he was into words, memories of the previous night crashed upon him.

Dick started to hyperventilate, tugging at his hair with both hands now, the numbness of his arm the least of his problems.

He killed them. He killed everyone he ever loved. Worse. He tourterd them.

He skinned Wally alive and hung him.

He shot Barbara in her legs and arms, stabbed her in the same places, and watched her breathe her last breaths.

Alfred was stabbed in the stomach left to die of blood loss.

And he didn't even want to think about what he did to Bruce. It hurt him too much to think about.

Before Dick could do anything else, all of a sudden the door was hurled open and in ran the woman with red hair.

Before Dick could question what was going on, the woman ran up to the boy and placed both her hands on either side of her head.

"Robin. You need to breathe. In," Natasha demonstrated breathing in, Robin following her actions, "and out." Both the heroes breathed out together.

Nat did it a few more times with the vigilante, before he started to breathe normally again at a much more steady place.

When Robin had calmed down, he closed his eyes in remorse, trying his hardest to not cry, or focus on the very vivid mental images.

"Robin? Are you alright?" The woman asked, going to rub one of her hands over his hand and through his hair, messing it up.

Natasha couldn't sleep, so instead she used her time to train and learn ways to comfort traumatized or frightened children. Running your fingers in their hair was one of the teqniches.

"... no." He whispered softly, barely loud enough for even Natasha to pick up.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked worriedly, bringing him in for a hug, continuing to run her fingers through his short black hair.

"I... are all cameras and sound devices off?" Robin asked the woman, shifting his head to look up at her.

"I don't know." She answered honestly.

"Give me a sec." He told her, before leaving the womans comforting embrace and reached out to his hologlove that sat on one of the chairs.

Robin slipped on the glove, and pulled up the mainframe before hacking into its system, hijacking the frequencies of any recorder within 10 miles.

When Robin did a double check he got every device, and then a triple check to check the double check, he was finally comfortable.

"If I tell you... do you promise not to tell anyone else?" He asked the woman, who sat patiently on the mattress watching him hack.

"You have my word." Natasha nodded, holding out a hand for him to shake, to which he did.

Robin sighed. "My nightmare started out like any other. It was a dream. An illusion to what was to come back and haunt me."

Natasha scooted closer to the boy, sitting face to face with him.

"It was just a simple sunny day. I was at the beach with my friends, Wally, Artemis, Conner, M'gann, and Kaldur. It seemed so normal."

Robin clenched his fists, gathering a bundle of the sheets along with it.

"And then I started walking deeper into the water, until everything was black. I wasn't drowning, and I felt empty inside."

Robin looked down at his lap.

"And then they were there. My parents were standing next to me, practically glowing and dressed in their performance costumes."

If possible, Dick had clenched the sheets and his fist so tight his knuckles started to turn white and purple.

"My dad leaped first, into the darkness. I thought he was going to fall, but all of a sudden a trapeze appeared, and he started flipping farther away to the other pole."

Dick was crying underneath his mask, but obviously the woman couldn't tell, because the mask prevented tears from falling and he was really good at hiding emotions in his voice.

"My mom looked down at me, with the warmest smile, before rubbing my head, called me Robin and jumped after my father, who was there to catch her."

Nat wanted to pull the boy on her lap, another tactic she read about, but she could get the sense he wanted to be left alone at the moment.

"And then the ropes snapped. And they fell down down down until all of a sudden there was a floor, and they... they died."

Robin cried harder, trying to push away the images of his parents twisted and bloodied bodies.

"And that's when he came. Batman came up to me, and placed a hand on my shoulder. At first I thought it was to comfort me, but I was so wrong."

There was an extent of tears his mask could hold, and clearly he had passed the limit, feeling small trickles on his cheeks.

"'Look at your parents' he told me, shoving me down onto my knees, and forced my head to look down at their sickening bodies."

Natasha didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do. No amount of information could have prepared her for this.

"He told me that they hated me. That it's my fault they died. If only I had jumped first, then I would have gotten what I had coming."

Natasha decided now was the time she pull the crying boy into her lap, running her fingers through his hair again, as seeing it had soothed him down before.

"He told me that if I died, they would have rejoiced my death. They were going to celebrate their monster of a child was gone."

Nat thought that was where the nightmare ended, but oh boy was she wrong. That was only the beginning.


Screw what I said earlier. I only said that because I could barely make out the letters on each key.

So please excuse me if I made grammar mistakes somewhere.

Please comment if you want a part 6.

Next chapter will be Jaytim.

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