Jaydick《70》Happy Birthday

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Okay, I know I said I'd take a break.


But this is Jason's BIRTHDAY. You know, the Robin that everybody hates just because? Yeah, that one.

Btw, if anyone hates my precious child, I will hunt you down, and beat you with a crowbar myself.

So give this child the hugs and love he deserves because gosh darn it he deserves all the hugs in the world.

*gives Jason a hug*

August 16th. Jason grumbled in frustration. He was already starting to hate the day and he just got up.

Jason could already predict the suprise party that Roy and Dick had already roped Kori into help planning for him, even though he specifically told all three of them separately and together that he didn't want a party.

He did however know that those three were probably some of the most stubborn people he had ever met in his life, and were probably setting up the decorations right now.

The raven haired man ran a hand down his face, thoroughly annoyed with his boyfriends antics. He hated his birthday, and Dick knew that.

However Dick Grayson just wasn't the type of guy to let things go easily. Sadly enough, none of his friends were. Then again, it's probably what made them all amazing superheroes.

Jason rubbed at his eyes tiredly as he got himself out of the very comfy confines of his blankets that kept out the upcoming cold weather of fall.

Changing into a red shirt that read "Get away from me" and a pair of broken in jeans, Jason felt ready enough to start his day.

Even if Jason wanted so desperately to ignore the day and just sleep in so that everybody would just get the memo and go away for once, he couldn't.

Even though he's an anti-hero doesn't mean he doesn't have to go to work, even if it is his birthday. Thankfully he worked at a library, so the only people that knew were him and his boss, who works on different hours of the day.

Getting to the library and setting himself up for a nice long six hours of doing nothing but reading one of his own books and helping people check out and check in their books was probably going to be the most relaxing part of his day. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

When he first got the job he was suprised with how well he could keep his anger under control. He will admit, he had a few anger issues from time to time.

But being in a library, surrounded by the tall shelves full of books and by the smell of fresh books along with a hint of pine that came from a small air freshener plug in the corner of the library, it was soothing to Jason. He didn't feel angry at a place like this. He felt at peace.

And trust him when Jason claims it's been a long time since he's had peace. A library is an escape to Jason, and working at one is no different. He actually enjoyed talking to some of the people that have the same interests in books and need help picking out a good read.

Another thing jason absolutely loved about working in a library is that he himself gets to read too, as long as he isn't being noisy or disturbing in any way.

There were bean bags and chairs people usually sat on, and sometimes high school or college kids would come by with a blanket and Starbucks to get some nice studying done.

Sadly, as the saying goes, time flying by when you're having fun, was true, and six hours always felt like an hour to Jason at the most. Sometimes he'd be too engrossed in a book to notice his shift ended 10 minutes ago.

Unfortunately for Jason, five minutes after his shift officially ended, his boyfriend, the one and only Dick Grayson called him, claiming he had a suprise back in Wayne Manor.

Jason sighed, knowing that Dick still hadn't given up on trying to plan a suprise birthday party for him, and agreed to come over as soon as possible.

After collecting his things, which was just his brown motorcycle jacket and his book, Of Mice and Men, Jason walked back to his apartment which was thankfully just down the street from the library.

Jason was hesitant to leave his book at his apartment, but decided to do so just in case it may get ruined by the Demon Spawn or accidentally spilled on by something.

Quickly grabbing his car keys, Jason dashed out the door to his apartment after locking it, and ran up to his red Chevorlet Corvette, only to start it up and start his way out of Crime Ally and on his way to Wayne Manor.

The drive was silent, Jason didn't really play music often in his car, which Dick often nagged him about, saying that's why he's so behind on the "latest hit songs."

Jason would always just roll his eyes at that comment and chose to ignore it. He liked silence, proffered it actually, and found it comforting when it was just himself.

When Jason arrived at Wayne Manor, he saw only a bunch of dark windows, which could only mean that either Alfred finally decided to give up on opening the curtains against Bruce's wishes, or they were going to turn on the lights and yell surprise as soon as he entered the Manor.

Jason decided upon the second option, as seeing the first one didn't make quite a lot of sense. Alfred would never give up on something so easily.

And truth be told, as soon as Jason entered the large doors leading into Wayne Manor, the lights were turned on and he could hear a bunch of screaming "Suprise!"

The ebony rolled his eyes about the very obvious tactics pulled to make this come together. His scowl was very prominent on his face as he scanned the crowd, who all looked way too overjoyed to be there.

However, when Dick came walking up to him, a sweet heart warming smile on his face, Jason couldn't help but let the scowl break slightly.

And besides, he couldn't snarl at his boyfriend when they were kissing each other either.

That video is probably the most Jason thing I've ever seen. *wheeze*

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