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I know this is YET another Jaytim chapter, but I'm just feeling in the Jaytim mood, you know?

AU where Jason is a celebrity (famous for being lead singer of The Outlaws band) and Tim is just trying to take pictures.


52. "You're a wonderful person. Never forget that."

55. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

Ever since Tim was a child, the first time he caught sight of a photograph, he knew that's what he wanted to do for a living.

Obviously, his parents disagreed heavily, but they can't say anything now that they're six feet underground.

The sound of the small clicks of the camera shutter always made Tim feel a small burst of energy, and the look of natural lighting against people or objects was the best art of all to him.

But when Tim became an official photographer, the first song that played was a new song being performed by a rather new band called The Outlaws.

And if the lead singer didn't have the most electrifying voice in the world, Tim wouldn't know what to do with himself.

With a professional job of taking pictures of people, Tim's main interest became the band The Outlaws. Or more specifically, the lead singer.

Jason Todd.

Jason was really muscled and toned, and wore leather jackets and skinny jeans just because why not? It made every girl and Tim fall at his feet and swoon over him.

One of the things that really popped out to Tim was the white streak at the front of his hair. A five minute Google research later and Tim came up with the fact Jason had it done after he almost died in a car crash when he was 15.

According to Google, Jason Todd is a little hot headed, and very VERY much bi. Tim would be darned if he wasn't shocked when reading that.

Now, when Tim actually MET Jason Todd, that's a whole other level of crazy. He was simply doing a photoshoot for Cissie King-Jones, a famous actor known for playing Arrowette in the movie The Archers, in a park when Jason had bumped into him, apparently trying to run away from his bodyguards.

During the run in Jason had broken Tim's camera, which led Tim to yell at the man for a good 10 minutes, not knowing who the man was thanks to a very well done disguise.

The man offered to buy Tim a new camera, which somehow led them to grabbing coffee together afterwards, rendering Tim to have Jason Todd's actual phone number on a sticky note in his pocket.

Ever since then Tim had been trying to avoid too much connection, as seeing he still had his job to do and didn't want to create a friendship with someone who could easily make Tim's life a living h€ll if he pissed the man off.

But everything came together when Tim was offered a job to go to a red carpet event and photograph the man himself for his hit song "I Will Overcome Death" being featured in a movie called "The Sound Of Speed".

When the event was done, the last thing Tim expected was to be pulled over to the side by Jason and recieve a devious smirk from the man.

"I've been thinking about you a lot lately." The older man said, looking down at Tim who just reached his nose.

Tim's eyes grew wide. "Me?"

This earned a chuckle from the other. "Yes you. I can't get you our of my head."

All Tim could hear was the loud pumping of his heart that sounded just about ready to blow up like a bomb and take both him and Jason down.

"Why?" Was all Tim could ask as he tried to focus on evening his breathing so he wouldn't have a panic attack right in front of his favorite celebrity.

Jason shrugged. "Maybe I must have been slightly anxious to get a call from you. Or even a text. You know, I don't know if you know this, but when celebrities give people their numbers, it's because they feel comfortable enough to be around that person and trust them."

Tim was shocked. Tim was terrified, no, horrified. Was he supposed to call him? Send him texts? Why did Jason feel he could trust him? Why him of all people?

"Why me?" Tim asked, his voice sounding a little broken and distant.

"Well for one who drinks five cups of coffee in one sitting unless you absolutely work yourself to the bone every day, and who let's some random stranger buy them a camera when you could have easily fixed your other one?"

Jason wasn't wrong. The camera wasn't damaged too badly, and it was certainly cheaper to fix it than buy a new one altogether.

"A two, you're friends with my adopted sister, Cassandra Cain. Who also is currently dating Stephanie Brown, one of your exes. I have my resources to know enough about you, Tim Drake."

Now this was just getting creepy. Tim didn't know what to say. He never knew Cass had any relatives, even if they were adopted. And he didn't know Steph knew the man either.

He was so going to call them later.

"But, I feel like I barely know you. Probably because all the information I have is based off two teenage girls who like to gossip about people at home all the time, but also because I've only met you a few weeks ago. So how about I meet the real you?"

Tim gulped, and tried to say something, but he couldn't think what.

"Tomorrow at Jitters, 2 pm. Don't be late." Jason deduced, turning around and already walking away, that sh!t eating grin still plastered on his face, making Tim's nerves bounce around even more than usual.

Tim watched as Jason walked away, dumbfounded by all that just went down in less than 20 minutes. He saw Jason just about ready to enter a waiting limo, before he turned around to face Tim again.

"And remember Tim. You're a wonderful person. Never forget that, okay?"

Before Tim could respond the limo door closed and the sleek black vehicle was retreating into the dark ess of the night.

The only thing Tim could say was "What the actual fudge." Before walking back home and taking a long nap.

Look at Jason, being the creepy creeper he sometimes is.

The Archers is not a movie (that I'm aware of) and it is made up. It's obviously about Green Arrow, Red Arrow, Artemis, Speedy, Arrowette and all them.

"I Will Overcome Death" is a made up song name, and I think it just fit for Jason to sing, especially since he was in a coma for so long the doctors planned on pulling the plug hours after Jason suprisingly awoke.

"The Sound Of Speed" is obviously a made up movie about speedsters, and "I Overcame Death" is the song played when Wally comes back in time after being presumed dead.

And last but not least, Jitters is in Central City, but I figured we just have it so Tim traveled there for the red carpet gala.

I hope you enjoyed. I will be gone for five days, and I have no idea if I will have any time to update during vacation, I'll just have to wait and see.

But for now, I'll see you later.

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