Talon《34》Gray son of Gotham

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"Please. Please, I beg of you." The woman cried, silver tears streaming down her warm and flushed out cheeks, holding her skinny arms up to protect her pretty face from the wretched creature that slowly walked forward, closer and closer with each step it took, the clanging of their metal boots against wet dirt and concrete.

With every step the man took, was another step closer until Julie Annson's own life would be taken from her, and the only thing she could hear was the steps the man took in the wet mud. The mud squished under the metal boots and splashed onto the alleway with every step the man took.

The man was wearing some sort of armor that Julie couldn't describe. The armor was thick and bulletproof, yet the man could perform the most amazing and skilled flips, and he could bend at unhuman angles if needed.

There was a sash that crossed off his sharp right shoulder down to his hip, and up again in the back, littered neatly with golden handled daggers so sharp and strong it could cut through concrete, bone, and glass. Julie cowered as he got closer, her breathing increased and her heart was pounding in her ears, fearing the words he was going to say.

The man opened his mouth, and spoke the words with such passion, Julie assumed that he adored his job. "Julie Annson. The Court of Owls has sentenced you to die."

With such speed and agility only a Talon could have, he grabbed one of the many daggers from his sash and threw it right into her heart, the last sound the woman making was her choking on her own blood as it curdled in her mouth and in her throat.

Her body fell to the ground, and the blood of her own pooled out of her chest, and some made it to the floor of the grimy and filthy alleyway. The red liquid oozed out of her heart, and pooled out of her open green eyes, staining them red, as if she had pink eye.

The Talon gracefully kneeled down and ripped the bloody dagger out of her chest, making the dead body bounce, a slight squishy sound was formed as it was ripped out of her own heart, filling the open air for a few brief seconds.

The Talon brought the knife to his nose to smell it, and smiled devilishly at how good it smelled, before bringing his tongue to the flat side of the blade, and licking off the blood of Julie Annson from his knife, his taste buds buzzing with metallic taste.

He licked the knife clean, loving the taste of the blood of his enemies, and slid the knife back into its respective pocket, before bringing out a different one with a much wider and sharper blade that had also been licked clean before.

He brought the knife down onto the dead woman's chest, drawing a small amount of blood, before using the knife to cut through her chest all the way down to her hips in such strength it cut through bone, blood pooling out of the open gash and staining her white blouse.

He licked clean the knife as well, careful not to cut his tongue, and slid the knife back into the pocket he retrieved it from. He used his gloved hands and tore open the woman's chest completely, revealing her bones and muscles covered in blood.

The Talon wished he could have done this part when she was alive, to be able to hear the screams escape the woman's red lips, but the Court told him not to, and he always listened to the Court, no matter if he wanted to do it or not, trusted them or not.

Talon dug through the bloody muscles and bones of what used to be a model's body, taking out one of her lungs, and her heart before grabbing two containers and placing the ligaments in each jar, before taking out a large syringe. He placed the syringe in her left leg, and drew a pint of her blood.

The Talon attached the syringe to his belt, and left the rest of Julie Annson's body to rot in one of the many alleyways in Gotham City.

The Talon used the shadows of the night to creep behind buildings and around people, being careful not to be spotted by anyone. He ran at speeds that only very few people could run at, besides the Talons themselves, and jumped onto pipelines and used acrobatics to get around.

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