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Warning: suicidal thoughts, mentions of homicide

So I'm feeling very depressed today and I feel like just writing a depressing chapter, and let me explain why I chose to do it through Dick Grayson.

I came across a Pinterest post that said everyone writes Dick Grayson wrong, and they're upset about it. And I couldn't agree more.

Dick Grayson is very happy a lot, I'll give authors credit for that.

But people don't understand the real reason behind why he acts like this.

One of the ways people use to cope with things that happen in their life is through happiness. This is how Dick went about getting over his emotional trauma from his parents death.

Bruce on the other hand, went into a drive to do everything in his power to stop what happened to him from happening to others. But he put himself in a dark place in the process.

One of the reasons I love Dick Grayson so much as a character is because I understand him. He pretends everything is fine to heal.

And that's what separates him the most from Bruce. Is how they get over their traumas, even though they're almost the same thing.

But everybody views Grayson as JUST the really comedic character all the time, and that's not true. He's so much more than just comic relief.

He's a hard worker, and feels the weight of the world on his shoulders all the time. He chooses to enjoy things in life as they are, which is something not a lot of people actually do.

He's also the glue to many families. The Batfamily, the Teen Titans, heck everyone in the superhero community.

Without him, Bruce would be lost. In fact, Bruce even claims out loud Dick is his rock. Even with their weird relationship, the point still stands.

Jason is very hard headed, but part of the reason he's back in n the Batfamily is because of Dick's contstant nagging.

Tim is very smart, but Bruce tends to just use that to his advantage, but Dick sees Tim as an equal, and treats him like he should.

And Damian. Don't let me get started on that topic. Dick is basically like Damian's second father.

Point being, he's the only reason the Batfamily is still thriving. He also started the Teen Titans. Because he knew the hardships of being a teenage superhero.

But he also feels like everything is his fault, although he wouldn't admit that out loud unless completely nesscesarry.

Everything was a mess.

Bruce disowned him. He actually did it for real this time. And it was all his fault.

Jason left town and hasn't spoken to any of them in months.

Damian won't speak to him either.

Barbara won't even look at him.

Cass only looks at him with pity.

And Tim... the thought alone was hard enough.

Dick sat on his couch in his apartment in Blüdhaven, staring at the blank white wall across from it. Thinking over the events of the past week.

He killed a man. He killed a person. And nobody would listen to him. Nobody bothered to hear his side of the story. They just went along with whatever Bruce said.

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