21. Rescue Plan

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Chapter twenty one - Rescue plan

Keira hurriedly slipped on sweat pants and combat boots. She put her hoodie on her head and searched for the necklace Talieyes had given her as she tried to put the first arm in.
"Oh where is it," Keira exhaled loudly.
Her heart skipped a beat as she put her fingers underneath the bed and underneath the bright yellow rug she had been given as a room warming gift by the head guardians.

A sudden thought struck Keira. Something had dropped when she had left in the morning. She rushed to her bedside table and moved it with the push of her hip. She sighed as something shiny caught her eye. Keira picked the necklace up and stuffed it in her hoodie pocket. She checked her watch, 5:30. Only half an hour to find her way to the spot Kriagdor spent time thinking. Keira switched off her light and rushed out of the house. She tried to recall the path she had taken that afternoon with Xander. Keira jogged past the sport compound and past the Ferliobog compound in such a rush, that she missed the whaling and shouting noises that were coming from it. Keira squinted her eyes as the sun set. It was getting dark and she wasn't sure where she was going. When she was sure that she was close to the shed, she walked past the weird shaped log that looked like it had been snapped by some weird creature. There was a loud rustling noise in the trees and a low hiss that made the hair on Keira's neck stand up. Keira wrapped her arms around herself and pursed her lips, trying to imitate the noise Xander had made to notify Kriagdor of his arrival.

Keira heard the hiss again. As she turned around to investigate, a snake half-glided and half-jumped towards her, eyes blaring and fangs ready to pierce her delicate skin. In panic Keira screamed and jumped back.

Before she knew it, the cobra had collapsed in a heap at her feet. Keira screamed and jumped back, afraid that it would jump out at her again. The man with silver streaked hair stood above the snake and almost knelt to pick up.

"Snake hunting, you should try it sometime," his voice was low, but not so low that Keira wouldn't hear.

"Why did it jump out at me like that?" Keira asked as she tried to regulate her breathing.

Kriagdor pulled out a blade from his rucksack and started to skin the snake. Keira tried hard not to gag as he explained.

"It was the devenomiser, it fights with the snakes venom and causes violent reactions inside the snake's body, so it becomes momentarily insane. The devenomiser makes it jump and writhe around in pain."

"Oh." Keira said thoughtfully.

Kriagdor broke the silence
"I suppose you are here for something else? To ask about something perhaps?"
"Oh, yes. I found your brother, the ferliobog with the silver coat of fur? And his daughter. I'm just not sure where she is exactly. He needs your help, he wants you to rescue them."
"Now?" Kriagdor seemed a little shocked.
He hadn't expected them to be alive for so long.

"Yes. There was a man who came in when I was still talking to Taurma. He ran out as soon as he saw that Taurma was healed." Keira suddenly felt this sense of urgency, as if talking was wasting time and that Kriagdor needed to take action. She realised that the man would have told the guardian biologists and testers by now.

That would mean that they may be testing him at the very moment.

Keira gasped, "We need to hurry. I think something is about to happen."
"Where is Xander? He should have done this. We chose him to help us!" Kriagdor exclaimed, he didn't even know wether to trust this girl, it could be a trap.

"He crossed over," Keira said.

Kriagdor immediately knew what she meant. He was gone and now she was about to take his place.

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