33. Plan B

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Chapter thirty three - Plan B

A large maflakof lunged at Keira, snapping its jaws and clawing at her. She dodged it's bite and then turned around and stabbed it in the back. The maflakof thrashed around, and tried hard to remove the sword from its back. Keira kicked the creature, and then stood on top of it and twisted the sword. For a split second, she felt ecstatic, but then she remembered that she was doing the very thing she had been told not to. Skydor was fighting his own maflakof, and in a few minutes he had the thing twitching and gasping for air as it bled through the wound where its tail had once been. Keira got off the maflakof's back and sunk into the ground. Her thoughts were attacking  her now, swirling in  different directions and trying hard to make sense of everything. Was it bad to kill the maflakoves? Was it wrong that she had felt so triumphant in that moment?

"Don't kill anyone, unless you have to. We're trying to stop a war, remember that."

Meliyah's words rang in Keira's mind. She was confused, were these creatures part of the anyone? They were dangerous, but violence is what had started it all. If there was a way of stopping them, speaking to them and pleading with them, maybe there was a chance they could be stopped.

"What are we doing? Do we even have to kill them? What if-"
"We're trying to survive Keira." Skydor interrupted Keira.

"Isn't there another way to do this? A way to just make time freeze and make everyone understand what the real problem is? It's stupid for goodness sake, everyone's fighting over one person's need for vengeance."

"Who's going to believe you?"

"Taurma, I'm sure even Kriagdor. They're leaders, surely their people would listen to them."

"I told you, the people are angry, sick and tired of all the mistreatment."

"It's worth a try. It's what I was going to do anyway, we need to find a way to stay alive and keep Maflakof's out of here so I can find the announcement room in this compound."

"It's not going to be easy,"

"Of course not. But we have to try," Keira half mumbled.

Skydor nodded.

"I have an idea," Keira said, her face lighting up.

"The last time you had an idea, we almost died," Skydor remarked.

"I don't see you coming up with anything. Just listen okay?" Keira made Skydor sit down on the ashy floor of the council room.

"We have to separate. Moving together won't help us find the intercom room fast enough. Right now, we're in the centre. So I'm going to go eastwards and you westwards. When one of us finds it, we should immediately start speaking. If it happens to be you, I will try to find you so I can continue. The humans won't recognize your voice."

"I'm not going to let you go off on your own," Skydor refused.

"I can take care of myself," Keira narrowed here eyes at Skydor.

"Ever since I've known you, you're always in some kind of trouble. It's like you're a trouble magnet. So I have to take care of you."

"I don't need your protection Skydor," Keira got up and dusted her knees,"I'm not weak."

"I didn't say you're weak, I just don't want to lose you," Skydor whined and then cleared his throat to hide his concern.

"Better me than your whole family. What have I got? Nothing, you have your father, your mother, a whole community of people who love and adore you, if anyone shouldn't be lost, it should be you and your family."

"Keira," Skydor moved towards Keira.

Keira stopped him in his tracks and looked up at him," I'm willing to sacrifice my life so that those after me will not have to deal with what I have had to deal with. Now, you're going to turn around and do what I told you to."

"I can't," Skydor pulled Keira closer to him and their foreheads met.

"You can and you will. This is not goodbye. In a few hours, we'll be sitting around a fire and celebrating our victory," Keira wanted to believe it and she was trying to convince herself that it would be alright. She pulled Skydor down and embraced him.

"I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to do this again-" Skydor replied. He lifted Keira's face to his and placed his lips on hers. He kissed her softly and then let go abruptly. Keira pulled Skydor in for another hug and then pushed him gently towards the door; it was time to get to work.

They walked out of the central room together and darted in opposite directions.

Author's note:

Insurrection is no longer on hold.. The end is nigh and I couldn't hold off writing anymore. The next update will be sometime next weekend, because i still have exams and a whole lot of other stuff to deal with. I just thought I should get back to it. I apologize for the long wait, after writing The One that Got away I had to go straight into studying. dai-dai this is for you, thank you for being patient :px

Once Insurrection is done, it will be going under edit. If you want to stick around for that, you're welcome to :* thank you for reading!

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