23. Fire

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Chapter twenty three - Fire

The maflakofs, enraged, started to claw viciously at the Warriors. They fought to get closer to the leader and tore apart the bodies of the men who stood in their way. A maflakof squeezed the life out of a pair of nearby men, causing blood to sputter out of their mouths and noses. The men thrashed helplessly as their spines were crunched by the force of the tail. Keira watched as the maflakofs skipped the Ferliobogs and went straight for the men, who in their minority were trying to flee.
When the Ferliobogs noticed that the maflakofs were only focused on the humans, they stopped trying to attack the maflakofs and headed towards the women and children. The Ferliobogs banged on the doors of the cottages and started to evacuate the families. A few continued to fight off the maflakofs until they were sure that most of the women and their children had fled into the forest. Random Ferliobogs in the crowd of people began to morph into men until only half were Ferliobogs.

The massacre continued until there was an eery stillness. The humongous forms started to destroy and search the houses, and when they found nothing they disappeared into the forest.


"I swear she spent the night at Jason's, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened."

"She's not the type to just do that you know."

"You could be right, but all that vulnerability could've made him take advantage of her."

Keira held her breath as she listened to the conversation Melanie and Raymond were having. It was weird, but she felt relieved. It was better for them to think it was something a little more ordinary than helping half-human half-ferliobogs escape. Keira suddenly remembered her tag. In the lounge, Melanie's bag stood open. Relieved, Keira zipped down the pocket she had put her tag in and she slipped it on as she took it out of the bag. She got up quickly, her heart skipping a few beats and then she went and stood by the kitchen door. Keira waited, until she was sure they had stopped , then she walked in and greeted them.

"Good morning stranger," Raymond said.

He hugged her and took another glass from the cupboard. Raymond poured orange juice in the glass and handed it to Keira. She smiled in thanks and drank it quietly as her friends stared her down.

"Feel any different this morning?" Melanie questioned.

"Yes," Keira smiled in realization, she felt a little happy. She was tired but happy that she had done something that had felt right.

"I wonder why," Raymond winked at her.

Keira smiled and turned her head, pretending to blush. She was glad she did not have to cover for herself.

"You have to tell us everything," Melanie said and she spun Keira around and made her sit on one of the rotatable plastic kitchen chairs.

"All I can say is that I'm glad I have friends like you."

"Oh come on don't be boring. We know what you were up to last night," Melanie smirked and folded her arms.

"Okay, I'll only say that it was scary, emotional, amazing and odd," Keira described what her night had felt like, hoping it wouldn't sound too much out of context,

"That must have been some mind blowing-"

"I think it's time we go for breakfast," Melanie quickly interrupted Raymond,

"I agree, let me just get my bag."

Keira held the stone on her necklace in her fingers. She was glad she had an object as well as memories of what she had been through the past week. She slung her baby blue backpack onto her back and opened the curtains. The morning light felt amazing on Keira's now slightly tanned skin. She gulped down the rest of the refreshing orange juice and placed the glass on her bedside table.

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