you have got to be kidding me!

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The boys stood mere inches from each other not knowing what to say or do.
This did not seem real to either one of them.
Type never thought he would see him again.
Minutes ticked by and intouch started to speak louder.
"Type! Type! Should i come in there?"
Coming back Type shook his head to bring up the phone to his ear still had his eyes locked on tharns.
"I....i umm."
He shook his head.
"Be Right there."
Then he shut the phone off to put it in his pocket.
Shock turned to anger, types eyes narrowed.
"You have some nerve to be standing in front of me right now. Move!"
Tharns lips parted.
Type rolled his eyes then looked down.
He tried to move around tharn but he brought up his hand to the stall stopping him.
Type looked up to him.
Tharn brought up his other hand to place it on types cheek.
He didn't believe it was him.
Type gritted his teeth in anger.
Tharns eyes darted back and forth.
"I can't believe your here."
"Take your god damn hand away from my face tharn!"
Tharn smiled.
Without hesitating tharn closed his eyes to lean his head down to try and kiss Type.
Type was taken a back with that action.
Has hard has type could he kneed tharn in the stomach.
Tharn went down to his knees on the floor gripping his stomach in pain.
Type shook his head.
"You have lost your mind if you think i will ever let you kiss me again. I hate you tharn Nagasaki! Never ever come near me again!"
Then he pushed him to the floor to go quickly around him.
Type paced himself to his friends quickly grabbing frames wrist.
Frame looked to him confused.
"Llets go! Everyone let's go!"
They all looked to each other then to type who grab his bag letting frame go.
He put his bag over his shoulder rushing out the door.
They all looked back to the bathroom questionally.
Tharn made his way out clutching his stomach looking to where type had been
Fluke narrowed his eyes. He knew who that was.
Fluke grabbed frame and intouch wrists pulling them along.
"Ill explain once we get out. I need to talk to type."
Tharn watched his friends go and he went back to sit near mia shaking his head. Mia looked to tharn with concern.
"Tharn are you okay?"
He nodded. .
"Um im not feeling well. Can we reschedule this for a different time?"
She nodded.
Tharn then got up to go outside looking for type.
He saw no one.
Breathing in he went to his car.
Getting inside he hit the steering wheel with his hands.
Then he leaned his head on it.
"Fucking moron! Why did you do that!"
Tharn was mad at himself.
However, he couldn't stop himself. Seeing type it brought back color to his world.
Shaking his head he was not going to let him go again.
He knew it was pure selfishness but he picked up his phone to his hacker  friend.
Hacker: yes?
Tharn: i need you to find everything you can about a type panaryari.
Type with his friends were at the bar after a silent dinner watching type consume shot after shot.
"Mmm type maybe you've had enough." Fluke signed.
Type wouldn't talk to him about it. Type had told fluke about his relationship with tharn in high school. He also told him about the break up. Fluke helped him get back on his feet back then and now he was worried.
Type took another drink.
Intouch and frame looked to each other then to type.
"I think his right. That's what your?"
"10th. If i can count I'm fine."
"And your stomach?" Intouch questioned.
Type shrugged.
"Whatever. You guys...need to keeeeeep up with me."
Fluke hearing him slur he leaned his head to frames ear.
"Go take your boyfriend home. I got him."
"You told me you would tell me who that guy was."
"Later. Type is going to end up in the hospital."
Frame nodded then he grabbed intouches hand.
He gave him a look then he got up to pat types back.
They both left.
Type turned around tipsy to then look at fluke.
"Wwwhere they going!"
Fluke grabbed types bag.
Then he paid the bill.
"To another bar lets go."
Type Nodded Then downed his drink.
Getting up he stumbled but fluke grabbed him putting his arm over his shoulder.
Taking type to the car they drove In silence. Type looked out the window sullenly. He then played with the button rolling the window up and down.
Then he stopped putting it slightly down.
"Was...was that tharn?"
Types eye widen.
"hat yai toooo damn fucking small."
Fluke made a face.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
Type scoffed.
"Kicked that bastard...mmmm.... In the stomach!"
"Still mad at him i see."
Type sputtered.
"I dont...give...a shit about."
Then he winced in pain.
Fluke looked to type Getting sweaty.
He gritted his teeth. Type was in pain but he wanted to go home. Composing himself to a point he rolled the window further down.
"Im fine. Please get me.....home"
"Maybe a hospital..."
Type shooked his head.
"Fine...I'm fine..."
Fluke grimaced. He knew type was in pain but he took him home.
Getting him inside type laid to the floor fluke bend back up to look down at him
"Mmm maybe i should spend the night."
Type shook his head.
Type was losing the battle. His stomach was in a great amount of pain. Type hid it well.
"I know i know no one can sleep over at your house. Well your bag is on your couch and your phone in your pocket please call me if anything happens. I really dont.."
Type couldn't stop himself he got up to run to the bathroom locking the door to put his head in the toliet.
Fluke ran to the door trying to open it.
"Type! Type! Open the door!"
"Mmm im fine! Too much alcohol. Go go!"
Damn it type!
"Fine! I want you to call me tomorrow got it! Ill show up at 10 if you dont!"
"Mmmm go!"
Fluke in a huff left.
Type finished then got painfully up.
"Pills! Need my pills!"
Stumbling he got up to the door to open it just to fall down.
Twitching he crawled to his bag in sweat.
Pulling it down he emptied the contents to get his medication.
Getting a hold of them he took 2 has the doctor told him to do.
Then he laid on his side to the floor in pain.
"Gaaaaaaah mmmm"
Slowly the pain subsided and type looked dazed to the wall.
"Why did i have to see him again!"
Then tears rolled down his face.
"Why! Why did he have to..."
Type squeezed his eyes shut.
"What did i do to deserve this!"
Then type cried himself to sleep.

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