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Type and tharn were sitted on the beach at 930 at night watching the waves roll. Tharn sat next to type with his arms behind and his legs straight one ankle over the other.
Type had his knees bent to his chest with his head on his arms lost in thought.
Since tharn picked up type they didn't share one word with another. Tharn honestly didn't know what to say however, he was in utter bliss that type allowed him to take him to this place.
Past - pa tong
Around noon the boys went to the beach needing to get away from hiding.
They had been dating for 4 months and tharn was keeping a watchful eye at school. People were starting to talk.
Tharn didn't know what to do, it could not get to his dad but, what would be the worst he could do?
Shaking his head, tharn and type walked down the beach hand in hand while type looked to the waves.
He liked it when they could act like a real couple.
Tharn kept his head hung lost in thought on what he should do. He was so in love with type however, what could he do to stop the rumors from spreading.
Has they walked type eventually looked to tharn who seemed to not be there mentally only physically.
Type stopped then tharn stopped too, he raise his head looking back.
Types eyes narrowed, he got a childish idea.
His eyes darted from tharn to the water.
Tharns eyes followed his gaze then shook his head.
Then type pulled tharn into the water.
They both laughed, splashed, dunked each other under the waves and had fun.
Tharn sat on his butt in the calm water looking up at type who sat on him with his arms around his neck smiling bright.
They both breathed heavily.
"Are you here with me now?"
Tharn smiled.
"Yes." He laughed.
He brought his hand from the water to move types wet hair from his face.
"Mmm i love you type."
Type leaned his head down giving tharn a passionate kiss.
They swirled there tongues around each other.
Type then leaned back to place his head to the side of tharns face.
"My heart will always be yours. I love you so much."
Then he gave tharn a tight hug.
Tharn then placed his hands under types wet shirt rubbing his back.
I need to do something about these rumors. I don't ever want to let this boy go. Type, my heart is yours has well.
Tharn took a deep inhale.
"So....what are you going to do now?"
Type shrugged.
"Guess....find another job."
"That's not fair. He cheated on you. Kon needs to leave."
Type half chuckled.
"Its his gallery tharn. I can't ask him to leave. Ill just find another."
Tharns eyes darted back and forth. He was trying not to say the wrong things.
"Maybe....i could finance a gallery for you."
Types heart skipped a beat, a past memory flew past his mind. He shook his head.
"Um..thank you for the thought but no. Ill find another gallery."
Tharn took a deep breathe in.
"Im sorry he did that to you. Type. You don't deserve that."
Type closed his eyes.
Not like i haven't been through worse.
"Mmm its...getting late. We should go back. I have to get up early tomorrow too look for another gallery."
Tharn nodded.
Walking back to the car type saw tharn yawn. He placed his hand to his back pocket retrieving his keys.
Type walked around tharn to stop in front of the driver door turning slightly to tharn who had his eyes open wide.
"Your tired, let me drive."
Tharn looked down to smile.
Has they drove tharn had fallen asleep.
Type gripped the steering wheel, he knew where this was going.
Driving the 2 hours back he parked the car gritting his teeth.
Wake him up, make him go home then sleep type.
Types heart thumped loudly in his chest.
He knew tharns home was an hour away but type didn't allow sleep overs.
After tonight type placed tharn in the friend zone but could he let him sleep in his house.
Type un buckled himself to shake tharns shoulder.
"Tharn, tharn were here."
Tharn took a deep breathe then shifted himself about looking around a bit dazed.
Seeing type he smiled then he brought up his one hand motioning with his fingers for the keys. Type looked at his hand confused.
Tharn smiled.
"Mmm i need the keys too go home." He half chuckled.
Type bit his inner cheek.
Dont do it type! No sleep overs. But, could he make his way home at 1130 at night? What would happen if he got into a car accident? That would be your fault.
"Type? I need the keys." He laughed.
Type wrapped the keys in one hand.
Then he hung his head.
"Umm how about you come up to....sleep on My couch?"
Tharns eyes widen.
"I thought you don't let people who are not your friends...."
Type gulped.
"You... Being there for me tonight.. I put you in the friend zone so...."
Tharns lips parted.
" sure?"
Type nodded.
They then awkwardly walked to types door.
Type was mentally kicking himself.
You are a fucking moron! Tell him
Never mind.
Type hesitated with the key in the lock for a moment. Taking a deep calming breathe He went against his better judgment.
Inside tharn looked around types studio apartment. It was small, barly anything other then paintings.
Tharn took off his shoes to walked over to the couch sitting down taking off his jacket still eyeing the place.
Type had his back leaned to the door watching tharn.
For the last 10 year's type has never had a sleepover his Last was with tharn.
Taking a deep breathe he took off his shoes to stand next to tharn.
" there anything i can get you?"
Tharn shook his head looking happily at type.
"No I'm fine. Thank you."
Type gulped then nodded Walking around tharn he went to his bathroom locking the door.
For 15 minutes straight he had his arms to the bathroom sink hanging his head.
What are you doing type? Why are you allowing this? This is a huge mistake. What about tharns girlfriend? If he doesent go home to her...
Type gritted his teeth. This was the first time type thought about her.
You need to get him to leave type.
Breathing in his stomach started to hurt.
You need to make him leave.
Sighing type relaxed his position to leave the bathroom.
Walking towards tharn he hung his head.
"Um tharn maybe..."
Raising his head he looked down to smile.
Tharn was fast sleep.
His pants were folded to the floor.
He had his arm across his stomach, has he laid on his back, his one hand was over his forehead.
Tharn looked so peaceful.
Type winced, placing a hand across his stomach he turned around to find his bag to get his medication.
Once consumed, he laid his back to the bed looking up at the ceiling hearing tharn breathing.
"Mmm guess can't be helped."
Once his stomach stopped hurting he laid to his side to look at tharn only seeing his arm that now land limply to the side.
Type couldn't stop but feel warmth in his heart.
Getting off the bed for a moment he took off his pants and shirt to place his body under the covers with a huge grin on his face has he drifted off to sleep.

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