without my heart

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Types body was bent over his bag placing his clothes inside one by one, we brows furrowed. Tharn had his arms wrapped tightly around, head on his shoulder with a sullen expression, watching.
Placing the last, type turned too wrap his arms around tharns neck. They eyed one another.
"Your....making me feel bad tharn. She's my mother i have too go."
Tharn nodded.
"Why can't your father?"
"Mmm in China for two weeks on business. I barly found out. She still has me under emergency contact."
Types mother, had gotten a bad cold Making her faint and be admitted too the hospital.
Tharn nodded, looking down with sad eyes.
"Tharn....she's my mother i have to go."
"You have a heart of gold type. I understand....ill....just miss you so much."
Type slightly smiled.
"Hopfully it'll be 2 weeks tops. We will call every day and you can come and visit me. I love you tharn."
Tharn smiled. He gave type a huge and tight hug.
Parting, tharn grabbed the bag.
Walking him out, tharn bought type his own car with the 300,000. He bought one used. Type would not allow tharn too buy a new one. Tharn now was in the middle of destroying his fathers company too start his own with a few investors. He planned too have a small company. Has a hobby and once he received his degree in architecture tharn would do that full time. He had a promise too keep to his love.
Inside, type had the window down getting his lip swollen by tharn. Starting too chuckle they parted.
"I love you tharn. Ill be back. Visit me.don't forget too call."
Tharn nodded.
"I will. I love you type. Be safe. Please for me."
He nodded.
Tharn stepped back to watch type go with sadness.
At the hospital, type become expressionless has he picked up his mother.
He drove her home, helped her inside, placing her under the covers in her room.
Turning, she grabbed him by the wrist coughing a bit.
Type shook.his head, looking forward, eyes darted.
"Mother...we don't have too discuss anything right now. Please let me go"
Hot tears streamed down her face.
"Type....I'm....so....sorry. I'm the most horrible....mother....i."
Type took.in a deep inhale.
Turning he patted his mother's hand taking it gently off.
"Shhh mom. Please. You are sick. You need rest. Please."
She sniffed and turned her head too the side.
Type placed her hand over the cover.
He stepped back wards eyes still on her.
"Do...you need anything?"
She shook her head.
"You've.... already done so much for me. Please eat and sleep type."
He nodded.
Turning he left. Downstairs, he made a small meal. After he cleaned all the dishes. Upon completion, he went back upstairs missing tharn like mad.
Standing before he's old room, he hesitated with his hand on the door nod. Bad memories started to strobe through his mind.
Taking a deep breathe, he opened it to grit his teeth. His mother didn't change anything about it.
Walking in he stood in the middle, looking about.
His eyes stopped on a wall, with photos of tharn with type in there youth.
Type placed a hand over his stomach. The good and bad of there past were swirling on his mind.
Taking a deep breathe, he took them one by one down.
Going to his desk he pulled out a piece of paper and his stencils.
Quickly he drew a picture of him and tharn now.
Walking too.the wall, he pinned it with a smile.
Stepping back he flopped on his bed, on his back staring at the ceiling. So much has changed but have stayed the same.
"Mmm least I'm with tharn....for now."
Type was trying.very hard to believe he would be with tharn forever but something could always happen.
He took in a deep shaky breathe, letting tears fall.
In his back pocket, he felt his phone go off. Retrieving it he saw it was tharn.
He wipped his face then answered.
"Mmm tharn?"
"Yes. How is she? Did you two get in okay? Its 7....have You've eaten?"
"Yes we're in. She's sick and yes I've eaten. Have you?"
"Yes. Just something small. Being without you i.don't feel hungry."
Type smiled.
"We've only been away from each other for 5 hours." He chuckled.
"Mmm still too long without my heart."
"You should come visit in 2 days."
"Ill try... you know I'm trying too destroy my father's company from the inside out."
Type rolled his eyes.
"You really shouldn't. Don't let revenge consume you tharn."
Tharn smiled.
"Heart of gold."
"I love you tharn. Wish in was with you."
Tharn looked too the side patting where type slept.
"So do i. I love you type. I hope she gets well soon. I....don't want too sleep without you."
"Do....you want too stay on the phone til we fall asleep?"
Tharn smiled deviously.
"Well, we could do something else on the phone."
Types ears turned red.
"Tharn...you are such a pervert. I'm in my old room, in my mother's house."
Tharn chuckled under his breathe.
"Ive...done worse too you in that room type."
Type bit his lip in embarrassment.
"Why are you so......"
Type shakily chuckled under his breathe.
"Its because i love you. Also i love that moan..."
Type shook his head.
"Night tharn."
Tharn.chuckled laying down.
"No. Stay on the phone with me til we fall asleep."
Type smiled.
Placing his phone to the side he took off his pants and shirt, he picked up the phone too get under the covers. He propt the phone up with his pillow eyeing it, type placed it on speaker.
"I...love you so much tharn. I hope too see you in two days."
Tharn smiled, while he laid to his side phone to his ear, closing his eyes.
"I love you type. I will try my.very best. You know i will."
Type smiled wide.
"Can't wait too be home to be with you again tharn. Even though it's been 5 hours i miss you so much"
"I miss you has well type..."
Tharn started too breathe heavily. He fell asleep.
Type closed his eyes hearing tharns breathing in the phone.
He grabbed the phone giving it a kiss before he propt it back up.
"I love you my soon too be husband. I.....want too believe that will be our future."
A tear rolled down types face has he fell asleep.

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