your turn too be spoiled

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The whole week the two were on edge. Type didn't know what was going too happen once kon got those papers. Tharn was convinced type was mad at him, for pushing the restraining order onto kon. So for the week, They barely spoke two words to each other, also they got busy with work. At his gallery type on a Friday afternoon, stood next too someone.who bought his work for 150,000 baht.
Waving good bye too the man, type wore a huge smile has he placed his phone to his ear calling in for reservations.
That day type had taken tharns car too work so he could give him a  surprise.
After tharn left that morning, type packed there suitcases, it was time he spoiled tharn and took him too his favorite place.
Once work was over, type left the gallery, always with a watchful eye, to walk too his car. Driving he went too pick up tharn.
By 5 tharn had finished with work, walking out he had his phone too his ear, looking forward. He was about too call a taxi. Coming to a complete stop, he smiled wide.
Type was parked on the other side of the street, arms over his chest, looking at tharn with a smile.
He placed his phone to his back pocket to walk with speed too type.
They wrapped there arms around tightly.
Type chuckled.
"Miss me already? Only been 9 hours."
Tharn hummed.
"Too long."
Type shook his head.
Parting tharn went too the other side getting in, type looked down taking out his phone. He shuttered has he unlocked the phone. The process server handed kon.the papers.
Type saw a picture of kon with them flipping him off.
Under there was a caption: if you can id advice you too Leave for a bit Type.
Type nodded placing his phone in his back pocket.
Taking a deep breathe, type turned around getting in, buckling.
Tharns brows furrowed confused.
"Are you okay?"
Type looked too tharn with a slight smile.
He reached his arm too place his hand to tharns neck to pull him onto his chest. Type ran his fingers through his black hair, looking forward he started the car and drove them too tharns favorite place.
"Mmm i will be."
Tharn smiled.
Parked, type pushed gently tharns limp asleep body too the seat too get quietly out not too wake him.
Getting out, type went too.the back too grab the suitcases.
Inside it was a small cabin in the middle of no where. Type and tharn only came there once for a few hours in there youth. It was a month before they broke up and tharn.wanted alone time with type.
Tharns parents had been there a few times in tharns very early years and he loved it.
The peace and the quiet, tharn fell in love.
Going upstairs, type placed the suitcases on the bed. Taking a deep breathe, he turned to go see if tharn had woken up.
Has he walked thoughts swirled.
What will kon do now? Will he go after tharn? Will he come after me? Does he know where we live? Type wished they.didn't have too go back but he knew they would by late Sunday.
Shaking his head, type got too the car opening the passenger side door, he smiled.
Tharn was still sleeping breathing shallowly.
Type bent his body in to stroke tharns nose trying too wake him.
Tharn shuffled about and he opened his eyes slowly, too smile widly.
"Mmmm are we home yet?"
Type smiled.
"Even better....I'm spoiling you now."
Tharn made a face, then looked forward, his eyes widen.
"Mmm we....needed too get away."
Tharn smiled wide again.
Type stepped away has tharn got out. They both eyed the cabin.
"Hasent changed a bit."
Type smiled.
Tharn peered his eyes to the side too type.
This man is beyond incredible. Even though we are dealing with that asshole kon, he does this for me. How did i ever get this lucky? day i.will make you say you love me and i will make you my wife and build our house at our beach.
A wide smile set itself on tharns face.
I love you type....more then you will ever know. You are such an over beyond incredible person with a heart of gold. I will never ever let you go.
Type took in a deep breathe, his eyes darted then stayed on tharn to widen them.
"What?" He chuckled.
"Mmm i love you type."
Type smiled.
He nodded.
Bending his body, tharn picked up type bridal style. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around tharns neck. They leaned there mouths to one another for a breathe taking kiss.
Parting, tharn walked with type to the cabin, type placed his forehead on tharns cheek, he was over joyed too be there with tharn.
"I like you......Tharn....i really do..."
Tharn smiled.
Inside, tharn kicked the door closed too take type to the bed too make passionate sensual love to him.

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