his beach

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After an incredible lunch and a passionate, sensual round. They drove too the beach. Has they walked hand in hand, it didn't change. No one was around and they could be themselves without Any one watching.
This time tharn was on the side with the water looking at the waves with a smile. Type was on the other side near the rocks, with his head on tharns shoulder, with a giant grin.
To type, this was his heaven.
Remembering, last time, tharn had an idea.
Stopping, he bent sideways too pick up type bridal style. He wrapped his arms around tharns neck, eye brows going up in surprise.
Tharn wore a huge grin.
It clicked.
"Oh....oh don't you dare!' Laughing they turned running to the water.
Tharn flopped down after spinning them, they both laughed.
Sitting in the water, type pushed himself off too take his and tharns shirts off and pants, throwing them to the beach.
Looking at tharn, he smiled wide splashing.
"Come swim with me."
Tharn nodded splashing back.
In there boxers, they stood up running too deeper waters.
A bit in depth, they swam around, goofing off, splashing and playing games. The two were in there own world.
Swimming back, they sat on one another, hands intertwined, looking forward to the sun setting.
"So...which time is better?" Type chuckled breathing heavily.
Tharn wrapped his other arm across Types chest, type brought up his hand to tharns, has he placed it on types heart.
"Both....why... because both times were with you."
Type smiled wide.
"Mmmm....could...we move here...one day? I have a gallery in town....you go back too school get your architecture degree...you build our house on this beach."
Tharn gripped type tighter.
"Now that is a beautiful future we should go forth too."
Type took a deep breathe.
"Mmm the dream."
Tharn placed his head on types shoulder.
"No type.. That can be our reality once this....is all over with."
Type leaned his head too the side, tharn leaned his head back. They gazed at each other.
"Mmm tharn?"
Type started to laugh.
"I'm sorry...um...can we go...i have some sand in my uuum..."
Tharn chuckled nodding.
Both got up, grabbing there wet clothes.
Type being playful, threw his shirt at tharn.
Tharn looked up with.a smile.
"Oh....you better start running."
Type smiled walking quick backwards.
Running, they kept throwing there clothes too each other.
Driving, they held there hands intertwined with giant smiles.
In the hotel, they both took a relaxing shower.
Tharn wanted to touch type all over, but he had a plan.
Once out, he dried and got dressed.
Type watched with a smile.
Tharn being.gone, type started to think.
Should i really be thinking of the future? Anything could happen. He could break my heart again.
Type brought up his hand too his heart taking deep breathes, squeezing his eyes tightly shut.
Don't invest yourself fully into this type. Just don't.
Finishing, type got out, drying himself.
Dressed in a shirt and boxers type opened the door too freeze. A giant smile spread across his face, tears fell, chin quivered.
Type looked at saw a table with 2 large candles lit, his favorite meal, while he's favorite song played. Tharn stood before him with a giant smile holding out his hand for type.
Type instantly took it.
Tharn and type held each other close, dancing, swaying a bit back and forth.
"Can't believe you did this."
"I know....should have done more."
Type rolled his eyes.
Leaning a bit back they gazed to each other, eyes darted.
"This is more then enough tharn."
Type looked to the side raising his hand giving tharn an "i love you" sign with a tearful chuckle.
Tharn looked too it,nodding.
" i know you love me type. I love you too so much. After this....unpleasantness...we will start our lives together...if Yourll have me."
Type placed his hand back to behind his head.
They swayed a bit.
"Remember, we need too be dating a year before anything else but....i don't plan too go anywhere. When we get back, ill sell my apartment moving in with you."
Tharn made a weird expression.
Type looked too him confused.
"What's that look?"
"Type...since i....shared that place with....mia....when we get back. I've moved. Its your surprise. Right now the movers are moving me to another location in bangkok. If...you give me the go ahead...ill tell them too pack you up has well."
Type smiled, letting more Tears fall.
Leaning his lips to tharns they shared in a sensual kiss.
Parting they put there foreheads on one another.
"Yes tharn. Give them the go ahead."
Tharn smiled.
"I love you type....i love you so much."
"Mmmmm....let's eat."
Tharn chuckled.
"Mmm i heard your stomach."
They both laughed.
Parting, they went to.there romantic dinner feeling pure bliss and love for one another.

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