feeling nervous

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Tharn placed his phone face down on his desk to look at one of types paintings that he had in his office to smile.
Taking a breathe he closed his lap top to retrieve his jacket from the back of his chair placing it on.
In his car he looked up sea food restaurants near him to pick up dinner for type.
Finding something with 5 stars he went for that one. Tharn was a bit on edge. Mia kept texting him and tharn ignored her stating he was consumed with work.
Tharn stayed up late the last few weeks trying to find a way out. So far his late father was no fool. He was going to press forward though. Even if type would only stay friends with tharn, he needed to stop this marriage.
Though he didn't feel anything for mia romantically or sexually, he felt bad for leading her on.
Shaking his head, tonight was about him and type.
Retrieving the food he parked his car in front of types apartment to look up at it.
Tharn was feeling nervous. Maybe something could happen.
He took a deep breathe.
Don't think that way Tharn. He needs a friend right now. No complicating it.
Nodding, he gathered the food to walk to types.
Inside type was in his bathroom, One arm on the edge of the sink, eyes squeezed shut, his hand was on his stomach clutching hard.
He just took his medication. Waiting for it too work he was beyond himself with nerves.
Type was regretting his decision telling Tharn he could sleep over.
Tharn has a girlfriend type. You just. Started being friends again.
This is the guy who broke your heart type.
Type then crotched down to breathe heavily. He didn't want too think of the past. Opening his eyes he heard the door bell.
Type hit his forehead against the edge of the sink.
Get it together type.
Don't think about it.
The medication started to take effect and he was able to calmly breathe.
Straightened up he walked to the door.
Hand to the nob he took a deep breathe.
Opening the door he couldn't help but smile when he saw tharn holding up the bag with food.
Awhile later tharn ate slowly to watch type consume the food. He brought up his tea that type made to take food from his plate to put on his.
Type looked up.
"You don't need too..eat tharn."
Tharn shook his head.
"Mmm i see your hungry and I'm not that much."
He spooned more and put it on his plate.
Type playfully rolled his eyes.
Finishing tharn washed the dishes and type went to the couch bending one leg to his chest to put his head on the knee.
Type turned on the TV watching a painting channel.
Finishing, tharn went around the kitchen counter to sit on the floor placing one ankle over the other with his back to the couch side.
Type gulped.
"Uum we don't have to watch this if..."
Tharn shook his head.
"It's fine."
He placed the remote down next to him. Type felt awkward. They had been hanging out for awhile now but never in his house. He barely let anyone in there,also tharn was going to spend the night.
Type gulped hard.
His heart thumped loudly in his chest.
"So.. What ended up happening with kon?"
Type signed.
"He told me it was a mistake and asked for a second chance."
Tharn gritted his teeth.
He quickly composed himself.
Type needs a friend tharn, knock it off.
"Well, if i was you i wouldn't but its your life."
Type looked surprisly at tharn.
"Should i...give him another chance?"
Type wasn't fully asking about kon.
Tharn took a deep breathe.
"Once a cheater always a cheater."
Type looked to the side.
"Hmm your right. Maybe....the way he hurt me...He shouldn't get another chance...ever."
Types eyes narrowed.
They sat in awkward silence for the rest of the evening.
Eventually it was 1030 at night and they both needed too go to sleep.
Type took a frustrating shower. Your an idiot for letting him sleep over.
Finishing he got out getting into his shirt, boxers and sweat pants.
Brushing his teeth he kept shaking his head.
Once done he opened the door to look at tharn who was flapping the blanket.
Types lips parted. Tharn was in his boxers with a polo shirt on. Types heart skipped beats.
He hung his head, eyes darted.
Type had not seen tharn in his boxers since.
Cracking his neck he walked to the bed getting under the blankets.
Sitting up type felt bad. He knew his couch was not comfortable.
Watching tharn bend down. Type coughed.
Tharn straightened up to look wide eyed at type.
"Do you need anything?"
Type chewed his inner cheek.
"Um...i know my couch is not that comfortable...uum.."
He hung his head feeling extremely nervous. Type patted the space next to him. His bed was a king so they wouldn't have to sleep on top of each other.
Tharns lips parted.
"Type. Are you sure?"
"No.....and yes. Friends can share the same bed." He gulped.
Then he shifted his body to lay on his side looking to the wall.
Tharn stared down at the floor unsure what to do.
Minutes passed and type didn't know if tharn would take his invite. On one side he was relieved the other he felt stupid for offering.
His body stiffened when he felt the mattress go down.
Tharn crawled on the bed, shifting to his side going under the blankets, his back was too types.
"Night type. Thank you. You also might need to think of getting a new couch." He nervously chuckled.
Type took in a shakily breathe.
"Yyyour probably right."
Type stuttered.
His eyes opened wide. Then he squeezed them in embarrassment.
Type was fully erect.
Unknown to him so was tharn.

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